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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. https://gematsu.com/2019/05/astral-chain-key-artwork
  2. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/bovt8v/three_houses_spoiler_thread/enmpm0i/ I'd be pretty ok with this
  4. Here's the thing, to gameplay types like me, Gameplay is much much much more important then everything else (combined). I'd take good gameplay + shitty story over shitty gameplay + good story anyday
  5. https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/bovt8v/three_houses_spoiler_thread/enmlpea/ apparently the mods got something
  6. apparently, it should be better/more varied then Awakening and Gaiden (or so he said in the thread) because r/fe is mostly ''Fates BAD because STORY BAD'' What about the Gameplay? Gameplay types like me prefer Conquest over Echoes, for example.
  7. Play with friends That brings back alot of memories. I used to play the original back then on the PS1
  8. i don't know where to post this, but there've been leaks going on on r/fireemblem SPOILERS (if they are true) https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/bovt8v/three_houses_spoiler_thread/
  9. I grew up with NES/SNES/N64, so.... Other then the obvious Mario & jump'n'run games, the Party, Kart and Smash games were pretty lit.. the latter 2 are still pretty damn lit.
  10. Well Any genres you like? Any games you like you want something similiar to? Nonetheless, here are some recs: Ys Series: Action RPG from Falcom. Good old challenging high speed Action. You can start from any game except the 2nd one, as it's a direct sequel to the first one. Trails Series: Story JRPG from Falcom. Now this is a time sink, since they are 9 connected games. But worth it, imo (even if i am not that fond of the current Arc). First Game is Trails in The Sky. Bayonetta: High Speed Action Gameplay made by Platinum. Fun, sweet, and short. Grandia 2: Good old Fantasy RPG. Just classic Adventure with a dude and his party. Evoland 2: a Genre mix between every game people in my Age played growing up, put in a neat Fantasy Story. From ARPG to JRPG to Jump'n'Run to even puzzle games. It has everything really. Tales of Berseria: The result of a Hero sacrificing someone for the World, and the Girl whose Brother was sacrificed. May be a bit edgy, but understandable considering the backstory. I found it pretty enjoable tbh Valkyria Chronicles: While not really a fantasy adventure, it's a strategy RPG about Fantasy WW2. if you are in the mood for some thinking and like strategy, take a look at it (or VC4) Witcher 3: While i didn't finish yet, so i can't say much about it, alooooooot of people love it. Grim dawn: Diablo like, play with friends Neptunia Series: If you are really into gaming, animanga & nerd stuff and love References/Parodies, take a look at this. It's basically one giant Parody of everything nerd-ish, especially jp/otaku stuff (but not only those) Portal + Portal 2: very well designed Puzzle game Counter Strike: If you are into shooters. Play with friends, as alone it isn't that much fun, imo 100% Orange Juice: Lose your friends, PC Edition Trine 2: jump'n'run fun with friends Rocket League: Football (ie. Soccer for Muricans) but with Cars. Multiplayer.
  11. https://gematsu.com/2019/05/pc-gaming-show-2019-announces-first-participants And Fuck. PC hype levels down to -inf
  12. Speaking about E3 https://gematsu.com/2019/05/e3-coliseum-2019-adds-netflix-games-panel lol otherwise, i am hyped about Nintendo's one, while hoping we don't get Epic store cringe in PC gaming one. Idc about the rest honestly.
  13. They should, but they don't. They didn't grow up in an age full of technology like us. That's why we should help them see stuff for what it is. And yes, it needs M for Mature because Kids shouldn'T gamble.
  14. Tell that to a parent who doesn't know better. Parenty aren't exactly internet-savy. That's why a big red GAMBLING sign will help those Parents alot
  15. only if they fail their supervisory duty (And i am pretty sure that doesn't mean they've to follow kids 24/7). Casino should control IDs as well when in doubt, for example. Same thing should apply for games with gambling elements. Laws also differ from country to country. Most reviews on gacha games: ''This is good''. Fifa reviewes: ''Best Football simulator ever'' etc etc.
  16. I don't think Parents should follow their kids 24/7 until they are 18 <.< Yes, because gambling can lead to addiction. Also, a M rating will make Parents think twice before they get the stuff to their Kids.
  17. except most of those games aren't bought. Alot of them are ''Free'' And mosto f the gacha for example aren't M rated. Gacha games and lootboxes should be handled the same as gambling and should be controlled. You don't just let a kid walk into a Casino and then say it's their Parent's fault he went there. you don't have a kid yet so you don't know.
  18. very hard to do since Whales exist, and as long as they do.... Me voting with my wallet and not buying anything changes nothing :/ I don't play any Gacha atm and uninstalled them all. Even if some of them had gameplay i liked, the grind just get's to me and once i feel forced to log in everyday i just uninstall.
  19. Good. Gaacha, Lootbooxes and MTX are a Mistake. We need every country in the world to do that. Or better yet, ban them alltogether, for everyone.
  20. Above Everything else, Great Gameplay & Bossfights. Everything else is a bonus
  21. Their styles were the anime Style of that time says it all, i guess and you're saying FE16 is ''more anime'' then those 2?
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