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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Banned because yes, in Neptunia the main characters, who are the rulers of their own nations, have their own transformation that changes them in some way. MC herself goes from a happy go lucky pudding loving Tomboy to a badass Warrior princess when she transforms, as an example
  2. Banned because violent is an understatement
  3. Banned becaue original games > Remakes
  4. Has been thrown out of the airship for being sus
  5. I will see if i can do the next chapter without both armor knights lol
  6. ....i fucked up didn't notice an armor slayer in the midst F
  7. didn't happen xD I was able to kill her though! than an 80 hit sleep missed and Magician-chan died xD But i think i got it now i think
  8. Pls 4% clutch crit happen so i can rescue you out of there and just focus on minions pls
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