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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. well played haha Glad you liked it 😄 https://mangadex.org/title/42822/the-holy-grail-of-eris read this, Shrimpy's seal of besties. Next chapter should be sometimes this week or next week as well! Atelier Draggy xD
  2. So that's what drunk chan is into huh interesting
  3. Try maybe something like these i know it's bad but it's how i would start an army vs. army scene, as an example xD
  4. I have an oath to stay with a Nep character xD yeah writing battles/fights are hard. Especially in 3rd person. It's why i write them in first person when i do them but i still try to not write fight scenes lel
  5. I think Tio is fine for now However next Round is against Trails' Mortal enemy in the competition, Xenoblade xD
  6. I really should do a Tellius PMU one day Ironman PMU with carry over deaths i think so yes
  7. Wow Never thought i would see that in my life haha
  8. um no? Dunno about others, but i was eagerly awaiting Ike & co. after Elincia's part
  9. Kinda funny how the only remaining Trails girls are the blue haired ones makes sense considering it's a FE forum xD
  10. And who appears at the end of Part 2? Ike & Co. Leaving them out after that would be just ehh.. It would've been a completely different game at this point Tbh, Tellius could've used a 3rd game while splitting RD in 2 and developing DB and some Laguz a bit more But considering how much Tellius sold... meanwhile my Miccy xD
  11. She landed in one hell of a hard battle xD @Yexin Xenoblade and FE girls too strong, it seems haha
  12. yes. I said it before, but i don't want any other Solo lead/party FE again. I have no problems with one route, but give us multipe PoVs like RD or Echoes. It's one Reason why i love RD so much, showing the war from multipe sides and not just ''haha other side bad have bad dragon Good party goo brrrrr''. It's why i dislike the majority of FE stories. Even FE4 falls into that trap once Gen 2 rolls around Even if i have my problems with Miccy, i never want her gone. She represents her theme 'Order' very well and i wouldn't have it any other way. I really should've written that planned essay that goes against both Anti-Ike and Anti-Miccy peeps This. And more new characters = more characters to develop. Dawn Brigade is already underdeveloped as is. Imagine if they tried to add even another group to develop. Not to mention maps would've been FE4 like then Y I K E S
  13. And Nia continues her Trails Massacre to the Xeno rumble next round! Ryza, Emma, Elly and Musse out! For the 2nd day of the 2nd round we start with Fate's Minamoto no Raikou going up against Trails' Tio Plato! For the 2nd battle we have a hot Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Rumble! Mythra vs. Pyra! For the 3rd battles we have Magical one, Folks! Blue Reflections Hinako Shirai vs. Kaga's last rep. Tailtiu! And for the last match of round 2 we have 3 way fight after the Tie from last Round! Kloe vs. Neptune vs. Samus!
  14. No? Or does any story with multipe PoVs sidleline characters for you? Each Part in the Story has it's own purpose, and the characters they follow. I wouldn't have liked RD even half as much if we only followed 1 party all way through. Because of game scope, i guess. Trying to develop another character from the scratch. And he would've replaced Ike, which means heavily sidelining Protags from former game Former Protag Laguz Ally and race relations and most importantly: A foil to Miccy's embodiment of 'Order'. I said it before, and i say it again, but Chaos vs. Order is RD's main theme. Skirmir wouldn't have been able to embody Chaos like Ike did. Laguz get most of the animated stuff as well iirc
  15. I can kinda understand Benice as he didn't play FE9 first, but the whole Beorg/Laguz thing was very big in FE9 and we had to see them working together in FE10. basically, this.
  16. I don't see how ''anyone else could've done it'' is a valid reason tbh. Don't forget, FE10 is a sequel to FE9, sidelining the protags of the previous game like that isn't something that goes over well. Let's do something super complicated just to force Ike to help Daein. Would feel super forced.
  17. Also one of RD's main themes, and why it works so well (in my opinion of course), is the whole Chaos vs. Order thing. Removing Ike (Or Miccy, for that matter) would void the game's main theme I seriously should've written that essay i wanted to write long ago. Beorc/Laguz coming together is one of the main themes of FE9. They had to continue on that in FE10, especially with Micaiah going ''Kill Laguz'' after they helped her in her rebillion and nothing is wrong with that
  18. Except Ike only accepts certain contracts, those that he agrees with. Do you see Ike working for Daein? Or being there? Or anyone from Daein asking for help from the person who destroyed their country (in their point of view)? The Laguz champion was Skirmir, not Ike. And the game followed on that promise well, imo. And Ike being Laguz ally after all that happened in FE9 only makes sense. And they wanted a tactician who understands Beorc tactics. Hence Greil Mercs (And Soren)
  19. Because Part 1 is about her and her group? What would Ike do in Daein anyway. It's explained in game why that isn't the case. Guy is brawns only. They don't understand Beorc tactics. Also one of the main themes in FE9 was Crimea and Laguz coming together and understanding their difference. Would only make sense for Ike to be Laguz's ally
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