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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. yup There's an Inferno difficulty btw, but i am not gonna touch that xD
  2. iirc Star world had 1 yeah and there was another one that allows you to take an early sneak peak at world 8 iirc
  3. And the 3rd day is over. The Xenoblade domination continues! Camilla, Sylvis and Shanoa out! Now, for the last day of Round 1 First we got Shantae trying to kick out Kaga's last rep. and everyone's fav. Thunder Mage, Tailtiu! For the 2nd match we got FF4's Rydia against the last standing member of Estelle's gang, Kloe from Trails in the Sky! As for the last battle of the first round of this great waifu war we got the Protag of Protagonists, Neptune against every 90s kid first video game crush, Samus Aran!
  4. i skipped that boss fight by taking a key from somewhere else xD
  5. ok internet what the fuck why is this #1 in trending xD (tl: fish sticks pizza)
  6. ...was on a Berseria Nostalgia trip, and rewatched some parts, including the ending... ;_; As sad as it is... I don't think i would've accepted any other ending
  7. oh that haha That was a galaxy brain move from ninty alright Especially when some people find her hotter after ''censoring''
  8. Finish Lulua (put on hold when Zero TL got released) DMC5 Astral Chain Finish Witcher 3 (...i probably should restart this one lol) XB2 Yeah i have enough backlog for a while
  9. I see you used to be on the Xeno sub or any jrpg fanbase of that matter
  10. Gotta milk Extra remake for me will all depend on the gameplay
  11. lmao Will she even be a dad? Doesn't her being a Caster imply she never became King Arthur? Hence no Mordred in that Timeline? If only FGO wasn't a gacha
  12. >Castoria Finally an Artoria i may grow to like?
  13. Haha i hope i can do it I had an idea for a level, but trying to create it... i didn't like playing it, so that was a bad sign already xD
  14. I didn't yet, becaue i don't think i can create a good one xD Maybe soon ™️ ...that isn't unpopular though the only Extraverse thing that is really not liked is the Anime
  15. Just scroll over them. Ezpz. It's how i feel about Dragon Quest and Finaö Fantasy for example. I don't think i will ever play them, but if people are talking about them, i don't go and tell them to stop. You know what else? I dropped Trails, and it really hurts sometimes to talk about it, as i used to really love the series (it was my uncontested #1!), but i enjoy seeing people enjoy stuff i enjoyed more than making them stop because of some stuff i hate. It's why i also avoid Cold Steel groups in Falcom chats, because i don't want to bring more toxicity into the mix. Basically Instert Shulk Image here You can also start a Fate discussion, but it's only me, you and Draggy (who needs to vn)
  16. prologue + 4 iirc try to ignore stuff you aren't interested in, that's what i do anyway.
  17. Granted, but it's a million dollar dlc outfit Rip me xD I wish IS revamps the magic system
  18. Hmmm I remember some one else i know complaining about the same thing a while ago But you still have ways to go ;)
  19. And there are jokes based on jp va as well Also english dub for iffy games tend to be incomplete
  20. I usually prefer english dubs as well Except for Nep
  21. Falcom was warning us all along xD English dub can be expensive That and alot of peeps tend to dislike em
  22. Yeah, i like to jump around and stuff. While Kaizos definitely require high precision, the breathing room makes it easier for me. It's all a matter of preference though (that i can only beat "lite" Kaizo levels, 1-5% clear rate xD). Huh It's usually loved though. This is the first time i ever hear it's divisive For some reason i imagine her having Velvet's VA
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