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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Language development arc xD Also, bi-lingual people do that very very very often xD
  2. way too often in japanese media xD https://mangadex.org/title/48045/sousou-no-frieren this manga for example, MCs name is Frieren. The Hero is called ''Held'', the Warrior ''Eisen'' and the Priest ''Heiter'', and every city is called after something german xD A strong person they just got is called ''Stark'' xD
  3. exactly my reaction when i saw this Thanks... and yeah, if only people had some patience...
  4. So we had 20k morons from all over the country demonstrating against Lockdown (which has super eased up) and Masks in Berlin today... Fucking morons, they will send us all back to max lockdown again
  5. Sky3rd final boss fight is actually the only one i loved, now that i think about it. Generally thougj, trails fights peak at the penultimate boss
  6. I hate pretty much every Trails final boss Except for Zero, they were either too tanky (Sky) or too easy (Cold Steel) Cold Steel bosses don't even desereve to be called Bosses As for music, nothing beats the Azure Arbitrator
  7. FC is all about arts Aerial, Chaos Brand and Tear line
  8. I would like to have a Dragon mc once Corrin doesn't count
  9. Then it's ok. That's the most important thing Aslong as it isn't like gacha where after early game it becomes super grindy and stuff
  10. Also it brings joy to me to see so many Estelle Lovers ❤️ And you guys didn't even SC yet. Just you wait!
  11. Tired.png Lmao This would also fit if we were talking about fire emblem haha
  12. So my curiousity got the better of me and i decided to take small a look at the beginning of XB2. Just a pretaste, so to say -World seems more...diverse? Alive? -Fast Auto Attacks Yes! -British gang at it again haha maybe i will get it sooner than expected
  13. It was like last year or something i was visiting there to check for news and i found some peeps praising the music lul xD
  14. I see you saw that one RegretEra thread as well xD Something like ''Woolly world music actually good''. I was like wtf
  15. I want to finally 100% it... 100% is Very very very hard to do though. All red coins, all Flowers and Full health every freaking level. I don't even know how to do no damage against majority of the bosses lol Last time i played a bit i got a 98 on a lvl. Wanted to throw my switch away xD When i played it as a kid i didn't care about the scores at all haha
  16. ....................... how did we go to that from Which is the ''Yoshi introduction'' Track hey. That track could fit right in with FE4. Yoshi's Island did Mario Galaxy first
  17. Umu umu With one of the most unique mechanics and most kick ass soundtracks in any platformer. Modern Yoshi games are just... ugh. Especially in the soundtrack department
  18. I know i know ;_; I just want a worthy sequel to one of my all time favs ;_;
  19. when will we get a worthy sequel to Yoshi's Island, ninty?
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