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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. NGL i ship xD The way she says ''Shero!!!!'' haha She's one of the MCs of F/HA btw
  2. I think a problem with FE classes in general is how they are mostly limited by weapons. 3H tried to ammend that by trying to add class exclusive skills. But even then, other than personal skills (and very rarely, prf weapons) not much differentiates charactters. It's why i think Characters should learn more personal skills as they level up, instead of class ones, and limit class skills to one or two per class. Will make characters more unique. Also, more prfs.
  3. We need more Luvia in main Fate tbh tbh btw, since you finished 2wei, here's a certain character theme Illya pulling a nep xD
  4. *is looking forward to reactions* hehe. Kuro is the 'real'/'FSN' Illya, just with perviness cranked up to 11 xD Did you read that one side chapter where even that side girl (Sister of Illya's friend) wanted a piece of him? xD
  5. *Purge intensifies* Happy birthday! Sadly, no wins for birthdays atm 😛 Nice! Imo, 2wei is the weakest part of the ''Trilogy''. Now prepare for the wild ride that is 3rei. The wildest and bestest of rides! Help was different than expected, right? xD
  6. hehe reminds me of Teehee, which reminds me of Teehee quest, which reminds me that the last chapter i wrote was about Musse in hell...
  7. Haha I mean, Histoire is the size of a Shrimp, so...
  8. yeah, but thankfully how alot of the Otome Isekai manga handle them it doesn't go that way except for Bakarina, but Bakarina is just hilarious. nyaruhodo
  9. Kirby the chadest of MCs Kirby is also a FE lord Otome gams are those where the girl is the MC and the boys are the capture targets reverse Galge, so to say. It does happen from time to time as well. Like Kaguya. yeah. You said a few hours ago i am the Rin to your Illya, right? xD
  10. *Osu Intensifies* btw, do you have any of those ''Rin-sensei'' panels?
  11. They dropped the ball with everyone and everything. Not just him Like, i used to be a pretty big NaruHina shipper back then (oh the memories xD) but even i admit they was it was done was bleh just as an example Hehe. As i said earlier, i love Otome isekai. They are generally much more enjoyable than normal ones, imo. Alot of the isekai i picked up also are like ''junk food''. Something to read when nothing else is to be done xD yeah. It's also why i don'T watch that much anime anymore. I rather play games XD. Manga i usually read on bed when i can't sleep haha. they should've just made it paper Zelda then xD
  12. that guy as well When Snake dude became a good guy i was like ''nopppppppe, not doing this anymore''
  13. I know Just like Shinji'a va was Ararararagi's as well :sip: There's a reason why i dropped it
  14. SAME That was cool.... Until the ending The whole revival thing was bs For me it peaked at tournament arc/Leaf-san war
  15. Digimon ayy Used to watch it alot as a kid, back in the RTL2/Pokito days xD The war at the end. I always hate the "let's forgive mass murder traitors" thing, and Naruto takes it to the max. Naruto went downhill for me since the timeskip, when it was all about "let's bring Sasuke back". And the more i read after time skip, the more i hated it War was the last straw
  16. Oh man the memories Naruto is the first one i read... and dropped
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