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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Bad End 1: Shadow of the Canyon of Death I sneak out of the group and head back to the canyon. It's an empty place. Void of life and void of color. It's a risk trying to search this place unprepared, but maybe i can find some information there. I decide to head to deeper in the ruins and explore the remains of buildings. I see remains of pictures. Not paintings, but pictures. Pictures of people who have similiar hair color to mine. So technology used to exist in this place. I continue to search further. I head to another destroyed building. There i find remains of a mural. I can't make up what it used to entail. Except for what looks to be a dragon tail and the green hair of a woman. I head further into the canyon. There're ruins that look different than the rest. Not grander or majestic, but different. Maybe they belonged to outsiders? I search these ruins. And what i find there surprises me. The remains of a destroyed orbal device. That means... ''Follower of Time detected!'' Before i collect my thoughts, i hear a voice. I turn to where the voice was. I see no one. I take my sword out and take the remains of a book i found before i prepare to leave. ''Activating exterminaton mode!'' I hear that voice again. It's a familiar voice, but kinda disorted. I head outside and to the exit of the canyon. ''Transform!'' I block an Attack from above me. But i can't spot the attacker. Whoever she is, she's fast. And she's someone i met before. I wish i had my rifle with me. Even if i am better with the sword now, it's not my primary weapon. I block another attack. I spot strands of white hair before the enemy leaves my sight. I can't cast arts against such an enemy while alone. Not against an enemy that is fast and has air superiority. ''Raaaaaaaaaaawwwwwrr'' Before i think of other What is that? I look to the exit of the canyon. What i see there... are beasts standing on my way. And behind me... I spot the enemy that's been after my life. A familiar face. A familiar gear. ''How... How are you here?'' I ask her, ''And why are you after my life?'' ''Tell me,'' She ignores my question, ''Where's Rean?'' What? What does instructor Rean has to do with it? ''I don't know what you are talking about, A..'' She attacks. I hold her back. But i won't be able to hold on for long. I can't run away. Behind me are numerous beasts. But i can't win. Not alone, and not with my weaker weapons. I try to to attack her. But it's futile. She's faster and stronger than me. It's to be expected. I was never a frontline fighter, while the girl infront of me participated in more battles than i can count. I'm sorry, everyone. It seems i won't be able to make it back. The information i got won't be of use to me, or to any of us. I will never fulfill my objective. I will definetly lose the fight here. If not to the enemy infront of me, then to the beasts behind me. But i'd rather die with my dignity intact, and not as beast food. As what i thought was suppossed to be a classmate disarms me... the last thing i see before she slashes my eyes are her cold eyes. Eyes that will never show mercy to her enemies. Before i breath my last, i hear her words as she prepares to end my life. ''I will find, you, Rean, no matter how long it takes me, no matter where you are.'' Bad End 1, Fin. I hope you all enjoyed this....
  2. Time to eat then write Teehee Bad End 1: Shadow of the Canyon of Death
  3. Not just. I am probably one of the biggest around xD
  4. that isn't Deirdre is it? That reminds me, there was a certain 👌 Sigurd X Titlyu fic and Sigurd getting over Deirdre's 'death' and surviving bbq
  5. Ya know, all that Touhou talk reminds me of that Touhou platformer fangame i used to play. And Touhou maps in OSU
  6. http://imgur.com/r/fatestaynight/GkhcF Caster route teehee
  7. Yup. Some series one should never lewd. Never ever.
  8. Atleast you got to stage 4 I game over on stage 2 Tbf i only play touhou at specific times, like during cons xD
  10. I know xD I wanted to start with something basic first xD Marisa's theme is one of my fav. I also am more into vocal/eurobeat stuff xD
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