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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. you can do the same with Sigurd in Gen 1. sweet! What FE isn't an unbalanced mess?
  2. Except they are easy though. Even Thracia is easy except for the surprises. FE4 is very easy. Even easier than SS imo.
  3. What i expected: Extra detailed bath scene that will make most bath CGs look normal What i got: super fast shower Time to go with Onee-chan!
  4. QP awarded: 3 (+4 Bonus). Rank up: D -> C. C Support with Claude get! (Other choices woul've given no Bonus QP and no Claude support. No Bad End choice this time 😛) Well, a small chapter today. I split the planned chapter in two because the aftermath of Interlude 5 needs to be a big chapter on it's own. That, and that Interlude was really exhausting to write, even if fun. Chapter 9: Outsiders I go after Claude. I know i shouldn't leave my post, but it doesn't seem like much is happening tonight. And i want to know what he is up to, what his secret is. Going forward, i hear the sound of fighting. I see our dear class leader and a giant of a man fighting of a trio of swordsmen. I take out my sword and head to help them. Even if it looks like they don't need it, helping someone goes a long way in building trust. And we make short work of the enemy. ''Well,'' starts Claude, ''thanks for the help, Musse.'' ''Teehee, no problem, Claude.'' I respond, ''I wonder though, you all were speaking a foreign language, weren't you?'' ''I don't know what you are talking about.'' Answers Claude. It seems he is not willing to open up yet. It's not a problem, i undersntad. ''Oh, well.'' I tell him, ''And here i thought i wouldn't be the only outsider in the Class.'' I turn to leave. ''She got you good, lad.'' Is what i hear from that old friend of his before i leave the area. *Time skip* We are now preparing to go back to the academy. I wonder... who should i hang out with on the way back? Choice 1: Lorenz. Choice 2: Marianne. Choice 3: Leonie. Choice 4: Raphael.
  5. And your units don't die when you lose Arena and you can try indefinetly in a turn aslong as you can repair your weapons.
  6. @Benice @twilitfalchion https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/3vnqgy/newcomers_companion_to_fe4_genealogy_of_the_holy/ https://www.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/4zurm2/ultimate_fe4_pairing_guide/ you might need to check this out
  7. Nice work, as usual! I honestly don't think they are similiar. The scale of their duties is waay different.
  8. I am trying to search for any resources, but i can't find any, sorry 😕
  9. I see You found Aron Headbutt's Channel i take it?
  10. I am afraid i am introducing too many plot points however xD We got snek boys, slither buddies, Sothis, Rean's bod, etc..
  11. i just looked it up to make sure if it's from the anime i am thinking about... and it is. it's borderline hentai iirc teehee
  12. ...if that is the anime i have in mind... it's far from wholesome teehee
  13. https://feuniverse.us/t/fe8u-jp-hack-11-chapters-done/8368 ... i think i might've just found my new fav. hack
  14. Does even Falcom know what their true objective in the series is? Glad you enjoyed the fight, though! I was honestly hesistant about writing it, especially since i planned to introduce the Society a bit later, but i didn't know what to do with Empire's/Olivier's Interlude, and so while outside walking yesterday and listening to Unfathomed Force on my mobile i got that Idea to introduce Snek boys now and write the chapter from their viewpoint. Also if you don't know what Fake Salt Pale is, since he doesn't use it in Cold steel to my knowledge, it's his S-craft in Ao no kiseki. Campy is by far one of the most intriguing society members... but CS doesn't show that.
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