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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Other hated Characters: She's a big bully, and her Hyper is hidden Bombs that reduce your HP to 1. Downside is that she has to gain Victories. Stars mean nothing to her Imagine a Myrmidon on Echoes Terrain, and you will get Suguri. Her hyper allows her to roll 2 dices and then get a 3 like me. OJ's Armor Knight
  2. The 2nd one absolutely xD the first one depends. Some games are peaceful. It completely depends on what characters players choose. If all 4 players choose Tanks or something like that, it's gonna be zzz xD
  3. Didn't Atelier's Artist work on Echoes as well? other names for the game: Weeb Mario Party Waifu Party 100% Peace Juice 400% Suguri Juice 100% Fair & Fun 100% Lose your friends
  4. The only reason i got a console is because of Fire Emblem xD Otherwise i am mainly a PC guy.
  5. Even later on it would be too expensive, if release price will be 650€ (or maybe even 700€) Protecc Thunder Girl!
  6. I suffered through her mother a few days ago to unlock her... Worth it though, since Mio has a game winning hyper lol KOs anyone in the same Row or coulumn as her and gets half their stars. Single handedly won me a game yesterday lmao. Also i chose those images for the sig
  7. and salt. Aloot of Salt. Like yesterday i lost the game because my character rolled a 3... with 2 freaking dices... <.< Had i rolled 1 point higher, i would've won the game. Thanks, Suguri. Miccy, Titlyu and Silvia, right? I will see what i can do, even if fitting Silvie with the 2 Mages might be hard^^ I understand. On the other hand, i never bothered with OJ singleplayer, so... xD
  8. and salt. Aloot of Salt. Like yesterday i lost the game because my character rolled a 3... with 2 freaking dices... <.< Had i rolled 1 point higher, i would've won the game. Thanks, Suguri. Micaiah, Tailtiu, and Silvia, right? Hmm, will be hard to fit Silvie with these 2, but i will see what i can do. Not as quite as final bossy as expected, ngl.
  9. You want it today? OOF. Well, unlocking stuff is much easier nowdays. You don't need to play the campaign anymore. Multiplayer is enough The best games are when everyone is a bully. It get so freaking excited and fun then. Because everyone will have to interect (battle) with each other to get each other stars (or to get Victories) To win the game you need be Lvl 5 and have 200+Stars or 14+Victories and then land on home. Makes sense. Too calming for final final track Kinda reminds me of Blue Destination
  10. If only you knew how hated poppo is xD She's really annoying to face xD She's a tanky character (7HP, even if she has negative defence), and her hyper (Ultimate ability) allows her to teleport to a character and steal stars from them (10 x level of character) Which means endgame she teleports and bam she steals 50 stars from you xD. I don't play much with her myself as i prefer to play with what the community calls bully characters (High ATK = kill peeps) xD
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