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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. wait what? It's not an FPS at all! It's a VN/RPG hybrid. Ninja loli is good, too! Probably my fav. to use alongside Nep.
  2. ah yes, the final dungeon theme is lovely as well. Kinda reminds me of Death end Re;Quest Interesting. My experience with her is exactly the other way around xD
  3. se we got a new character in OJ yesterday Her eyes in the 2nd hyper. Like she fired a nuke. And a theme that could fit right in FE, too. hence further proving OJ is a FE game.
  4. let's take a break. And Jenny Jenny, hmm. she is giving me a teehee impression
  5. If i won lottery i would give ~70% to my family, donate 5% of it or something and enjoy my life with the rest 25% xD
  6. For me they became less accepting of worse grades later on xD Same. Cut all contacts, everything. School life was blegh. I would say Uni before Illness was peak life for me xD Illness ruined everything... except games haha. Astronomy is super interesting... But my god, is it hard xD Then again, the most interesting stuff is usually the hardest *Theory of relativity intensifies*
  7. S - Math B - Physics C - Chemistry D - Allmost everything else F - Biology, French xD
  8. I find history very interesting myself, and i like to read about it... but it's one of these things i don'T want to be forced to study and have exams on, ya know? We should not forget Humanity's history lest we repeat the same mistakes (as everyone seems to be doing atm) but at the same time i think it should be thought in a different way. YES! So much xD I grew up with languages where what you write is what your pronounce, so english was already hard enough for me with all the silent alphabets and stuff... And then french came and i was like pronounce what you write, damn it xD 11 years here... Ngl i don't miss school times much. Life became alot better once i got into uni until Illness
  9. a 3 = My mom grilling me. She always expected perfection. Even a 2 she would be kinda unhappy about xD For me Biology was the bane of my existence. Everything else i was good enough. And Math was unironically my hobby xD Hated that stuff as well. Especially when you have to do it in more than one language. Then again I had 4 freaking languages to study for, since i was living outside Germany for a while, and attended a german school, so i had to do German + Language of the country i was staying in + English + French... Naturally i forgot everything about french when i didn't have to do it anymore xD
  10. ....am i the only one over here who had good grades in math xD everything else on the other hand...
  11. Tfw people hsting on best girl math User interface
  12. umu umu and she's an annoying rate to face xD and SRPG, too!
  13. So i am part of a community playthrough of FE7... And Hector lvl'd up Speed 3 times in 3 levels
  14. Tamamo is preparing castration palm everyone has an inner nep
  15. biggest problem with RPs: Time. I used to patciapte in one a few years ago, but it took so much time. Not to mention timezones and stuff (we were doing it over Skype, and we were people from all over the world, so sometimes i had to do it from 12am to 3 am my time lol)
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