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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. 8 hard. there are 2 cavs that spawn every turn from the top right, then on the bottom big wave of flying reinforcements spawn. The from the right waves of Cavalary and wyvern reinforcements. And then there are the brigands. It was too much and made me stuck on my place quite a bit. I don''t mind reinforcements that much on a defend or escape map, but not normal ones. It wasn't hard, it was just annoying, dealing with blob after blob all the units you start with. I split my forces apart to get both villages. yeah np. how about making it insta consumed then?
  2. So i played up to and finished Chapter 8. Thoughts so far: -I like what you did with the weapons and weapon ranges alot. However, Effective weaponry neeed some kinda drawback against units they shouldn't be effective against. 16-18 MT weapons is hilariously strong. It's ok when they are strong against units they are suppossed to be strong against, but not againt 'normal' units, where they are now waaaaaaaaay too strong. Maybe make it so effective weapons have 1/4 Mt against their non intended target? (excluding bows and Magic ofc.) -You need to calm down with the reinforcements a bit in almost every chapter, especially chapter 8 (that one alone needs reinforcements reduced by atleast 70%. Enemy positions might need some changes as well there). The current amount just stalls the progress of chapters to a crawl. -Adding some text to weapons to clarify their roles wouldn't be so bad^^ Spoiler stuff: I will post more thoughts when i play some more^^
  3. >goes shopping >returns sweating it's 10 pm i hate this weather
  4. Oh boy Maybe let Lys collapse due to crest cancer or something?
  5. 👍 Only thing i am kinda so so on is Tio collapsing.
  6. it's 👌 especially for Marianne, and how she used to be like. And on Madenning XD And on the right side DK suicided into Lys :lul:
  7. Don't you remember from the old LPW thread where my Marianne had 20 Mag at lvl 15 or something or was it 12 let me check and see if my post is still there xD
  8. My Marianne wasn't fast either, iirc. But she one shot everything. On Maddening.
  9. Borderlands 2 Well, dislike might be a bit much, but the only reason i enjoyed it was the company i had and friends i played with while playing it. The game itself is kinda eh? Tries to be wacky and memey while being basically a loot hunting game. Elibe Fire Emblem games FE6/7 are probably my least fav. game in the whole series (especially 6), yet when i entered the fanbase at first everyone seems to be loving them. Having played 3DS, Jugdral and Tellius games before them, the GBA games were basic and boring in comparison. Going from FE5 to FE6 was especially bad, es FE6 removed everything i loved from FE5 while made everything i hated even worse. Map design in those 2 games aren't any good, either. Dragon Quest Too traditional. Might be why people like it though. Tales of Vesperia The Combat was ugh, bad. This whole 2D fightung with 3D mode thing i couldn't get into, at all. Not to mention it was quite clunky and unsmooth as well. Trails of Cold Steel saga Some of you might know that i am one of the Trails fans around here. Trails in the Sky Trilogy are basically my fav. games in existence. Cold Steel is pushing me into dropping the series, sadly. Newcomers seem to like it alot and it's popular among them and what sold the most, yet for me how i think about it is how old FE gamers think about Awakening and Fates (And Cold Steel generally is very divisive amongst older fans). I don't even recognize the series i used to love anymore. Only reason i am holding into it is that i loved Sky trilogy and the small shimmer of hope that next Saga will return to it's roots again.
  10. still, Con = STR/5 in 3H, unlike Tellius where weapon weight was migitated by STR
  11. Mortal Savant is.... interesting on one hand, bad growths and stats on the other hand 6 Mov Magic user. I did turn my Annette into Mortal Savant iirc, she was pretty good^^
  12. Reclassing her into a class with good base speed wouldn't be a bad idea then. Sages have very low base speed of 14 iirc. So if you have something else you can reclass her into midway through just for speed, wouldn't be a bad idea^^
  13. Atleast in 3H you can do something with that like turning Annette into a Wyvern or something (and then into a Dark Flier if you still want access to magic) Well, i say atleast, while in RD 27 STR allowed Soren to double with Siege tomes XD
  14. hmmmmm why not just say unit die, since Perma death and all
  15. ...she's an enemy xD And so are most FE units that appear except for memes like Ronan
  16. And completed Mang's hack ngl pretty cool actually
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