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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. i wouldn't call 3:1 almost xD gotta do something good in life every once in a while xD
  2. Get well soon @DragonFlames Also you guys evaded Bad End 2
  3. This Ike really needed his friends to fight for him for a while
  4. as i already said in LPW, well done^^ A Knight and a Knight hater, i wonder how this will go...
  5. yeah i try to do that^^ I think it also has to do with the weird way i write, mainly i imagine the 'character's voice' in my head and see if it fits the character or not, and with Musse i am usually like ''it could fit, not sure though'' xD yeah i am weird xD Thanks for the tips, still^^
  6. Hehe thanks. Honestly though, i still think my writing of Musse is pretty weak. I do feel more comfortable writing Interludes than main chapters, for example
  7. Sorry for the delay, was a bit tired the last few days^^ (Marianne C-support unlocked! C-support limit reached! Marianne chapter unlocked (later on.)) Let's get this show started! Chapter 10: The Snake's Aftermath ''Leave me alone.'' The Blue haired girl tells me. I've been trying to aproach her, to no success. The girl wants to be left alone. Even trying to let her teach me light magic is rejected, with the reason being ''Lysithea can do that.'' That's not good. Not just for my information gethering. But for Marianne as well. If she's left alone for much longer it will not end well for her. I hope we can all help her before it's too late. *Time skip* The monastery is in uproar. There are knights and medics everywhere. The Professor approaches one of the knights to ask them what's going on. ''The Black Eagles students came back earlier today,'' he responds, ''And they all need medical attention. Something big happened in the imperial capital.'' ''Do you know what exactly happened?'' The professor asks. ''The details are not yet known, but it's already being called the Salt Catastrophe of Enbarr.'' Salt Catastrophe? That doesn't sound good. It also sounds familiar. Did something like the salt pale accident of North Ambria happen? I need to find Tita and Olivier soon, and if possible, Agate as well. As i head to the Infirmary to seach for his highness, i find him talking with Tita. ''Ah, Musse, it's good that you are here!'' He greets me, ''let's go find some place where we can talk.'' And we head to the garden behind the mess hall. ''So, Olivier, what happened?'' I ask him while drinking some Tea. And so he tells his Story. A Three way fight in the imperial capital. A Fight between the Students, Beasts and the Society's Enforcer. It's only thanks to him casting Seraphic Ring at the right time that they were able to survive. Casualities were kept to a minimum, and the city should be habitable again soon. The scale of this catastrophe can't be compared with what happened in North Ambria. ''From the way you talk, Olivier,'' continues Tita,'' The Society wasn't responsible for the beast attack?'' ''No,'' he responds, ''The beasts were clearly going after him.'' ''Is there anything else of note?'' I ask him. ''Yes, two things. First of all, he asked if 'all these years made me forget'.'' Years...? The implications of this is not good. ''And the other, and more important piece of news is that the Empire is refusing any and all help from the Church.'' He finishes. ''Doesn't that mean that the Empire has something to hide?'' Tita asks. ''Not only that,'' I respond, ''It probably also means that the Empire has a hand in what happened.'' ''The Church wanted to use that chance to repair it's relationship with the Empire,'' his highness adds in, ''but instead it's deteriorating further.'' And so our discussion on that matter ends. ''Ah, Tita,'' I call out to her before we each return to our classmates, ''I have more information on why the Time Quartz could've shattered.'' She looks at me with a curious face. ''It has to do with our new professor.'' I continue. ''The professor? That's... interesting. Why would a Quartz react like that to a human?'' She asks herself more than anyone else. ''Maybe he isn't completely human?'' Ask Olivier, ''Wasn't the legend you were pursuing tell something about Dragons and green hair, Musse?'' ''Dragons...'' mutters Tita to herself, probably thinking about every connection possible, and how they could affect orbments like that. ''Anyway, i gotta go back to my class.'' says Olivier, ''Rest well everyone, and be careful.'' We say our farewells and return each to our classmates. *Time skip* The Holy Mausoleum. That's where they are gonna attack. With most of the knights out investigating all across the northern half of Fodlan after the incident four weeks ago, the monastery's security detail is left to the students and their teachers. I've figured out where they are going to attack during the Rite of Rebirth. Now to decide on what to do.... Choice 1: Head to the Mausoleum with Tita and Olivier. Choice 2: Head there with the Golden Deer.
  8. Magical elevators huh. Interesting. RPG rule #1: Tavern Time
  9. Teehee quest update hopefully tomorrow Teehee
  10. Thanks! And wow! Congratz, man. I don't think i will be ever able to do something like that :0
  11. Lewyn x Erin OTP and Canon And gives OPCed and a pretty good Fee thanks^^
  12. NO NONONOO Don'T IT'S A TRAP. Also headaches are a bitch ugh <.<
  13. Command and Conquer is the series i played my whole gaming life up until early uni years before the series went up and died with Fail & Fail 4. However yesterday, remastered editions of first 2 games were released to glowing reviews and fan reception. Command and Conquer is back, baby! KANE LIVES!
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