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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Brawl is waaaay too slow for my tastes tbh. It all feels so sluggish imo. @Falcom Knight Which one? There're are multipe ones out there. One which is a pokemon hack, and one which is it's own game (Puppet Dance Perofrmance, was it?) On the topic of touhou, youtube is getting me into Touhou Eurobeats again. Have been listening to No Life Queen constantly for the last few days lol
  2. ''several'' what an understatement. He has been doing so constantly, that fucking asshole. Absolute shithead that deserver no pity nor forgiveness, and should always die. Him surviving in ubw will always leave a bad taste in my mouth
  3. Every sane person hates pokemon after that shitshow of an 8th gen
  4. Imagine everything a shitty person would do. He did it. Imagine all the entilement in the world. He is like that.
  5. not even. That guy deserves no pity. He deserves to die the most horrible death possible
  6. Sakura Matou. Heroine of the 3rd route (The one Dragon is currently watching)
  7. from a Tool to be used to a Sister he cheriches above else teehee
  8. in another universe, Shirou's sister. And the girl intended to be sacrificed to save the world. But Shirou had none of that. For his sister, he will sacrifice the world. Taking the word siscon to another level. Also my fav. Arc in all of Fate Teehee.
  9. My brother played BOTW and loved it. I wanna play it someday. But not now xd
  10. in FGO merging a unit makes you upgrade their NP.
  11. Without getting into lore details and stuff, Noble Phantasms are basically the Servants ultimate attacks/weapons. Detailed explanation would require a wall of text xD
  12. Ya know, with all this fate stuff, we could totally do an RP but I'm lazy. CYOA is enough for now
  13. I see i see. Should've picked a bulkier one then (like the one you posted later) I chose Owain to go along Severa and Inigo As for the letters, they indicate the power in a certain stat, with E being weakest and EX strongest And too young to know is just me taking a jab at your age 😛 No problem^^
  14. Too many Sabers over here, as expected of a FE forum xD ...since i don't know anything about SRW yet, i hope this isn't too far off xD
  15. Gehaburn is your NP xD after i finish my orange juice session i will cook something up for you^^
  16. It's a RTS (real time strategy) game set in WW2. Used to play em alot back in the day. Especially Command and Conquer. Nowdays the genre is almost dead, with only Company of Heroes 2 and Starcraft 2 being alive (and i am not getting into the 2nd one lol) Thanks 😄 Gotta use that Gehaburn for something Conquest? Conquest b*tch i will shank you.png xD
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