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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Can they port this game to PC please? It follows modern gameplay, right? 2nd track of the final dungeon, aka when Adol starts his murder spree through the enemies. After all, his Red head comes from the blood of all the enemies he killed. Or so the demons believe. nah, the embarrassment are the CS3/4 and Ys 8 ops.
  2. reminder that this is first dungeon theme. Yes, first dungeon. any modern Falcom opening really. Even non-Trails. Ever since they switched to that cheap animation style it's been pretty bleh. Ys 9 even has no op lol Same! Ys origin Demo on steam, my Falcom beginning.
  3. Ah i know that Track! Youtube rec'd it to me like 7 years ago xD I love it 😄 Can Falcom please make an opening like this again. It's like better than the last 10 years of openings, combined
  4. My first Falcom final dungeon Track Which is also the opening of the game, btw
  5. Make Sanaki a few years older and i am in Teehee. Their interactions were gold tbh xD.
  6. I am more into Ike x Elincia but Cat is fine, too Teehee Well, that, and RD completely murdering the Ike x Elincia ship xd
  7. https://i.imgur.com/WAY4wPP.gifv I freaking miss that game. Please next Tales be as good.
  8. I have the moment before the final Battle screenshotted as well ayy
  9. And the music! I love that track so so so so so so so so so so so so so much not to mention where the dungeon is located Infact, i still have that moment before you head into the final dungeon screenshotted to use as a Wallpaper
  10. I've seen it alot, that complaint. People complaining about Berseria's final dungeon, or Trails', as an example. And other known final dungeons that are long. I remember my brother also expecting more from the Castle in BOTW. He thought he would've to all ''ways'', not just one way which will send him to the end straight. Yikes, that track
  11. So, here's a Hot take: I think it's fine that final dungeons of games are super long. After all, it's the final dungeon, the last hurrah, the big oomph, the home stretch. The game should go out with a bang and show everything it offers, and test the player of everything possible. It is the culimnation of the player's journey, after all. Seeing people complain about long final dungeon makes me go ????
  12. Is that a devil axe? I had to start shaving while 17 and yeah, beards are annoying
  13. In humanity, both strong and weak In humanity, both fearsome and kind Until then, i will kindle a flame within me burning strong and bright and I WILL LIVE! sorry had to do it xD
  14. Better than boomers who believe everything they see on facebook Atleast my parents are sane enough to know that they should ask me before they believe anything on the net.
  15. Man I had like worst like in Orange Juice today. Everything that could go wrong went wrong. *reads missed posts* Moral of the Story: We are all boomers except twilit xD ayy True university experience right there. Professors know no one wants to wake up before and go to uni before 10 and no one wants to stay after 2 pm xD
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