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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Banned for not using Phantom Teehee, Sanctus Teehee, Wheel of Teehee or Teehee Wave
  2. Ikr xD I don't really play non-smash fighting games, so totally understand. Still, fire OST though umu umu Another one
  3. Never played it myself, but it's a fighting game. Yup. Youtube has been rec'ing me music from it lately Here's another one: I do love my 'Water' music, like this one. Or Mystic Core. Or Blue Destination.
  4. Banned for not casting Unlimited Teehee Works, the Teehee Marble
  5. Waking up early with nothing to do is Teehee
  6. I definetly see the similiarties, but CQ had that mid map twist that changes everything. It's one of the things that make it so great. Can you make such map wide terrain changes with SRPG studio? I know you can change 1 tile (There's even a 1 chapter game that has a character with Terrain change ability) but dunno if big terrain changes in maps are possible. Thanks! and i was wrong, as expected. I think i know of Wingless Seraph though. I think those are good resources other SRPG studio game makers should use as well!
  7. The problem with that that is stretches the screen to 16:9... which makes it look weird...and wide xD i used that once by changing the ini file. Reminds me of one of RD defence maps. I am one of those whole like 'Skill' Emblem, so i am probably biased a bit there tbf xD Who are they btw? I feel like i know them for some reason, but i am probably wrong Oh that's why i feel like they appear to early xD Here are some of the top of my head: in Ch.9 the Pegasi who appear with the Falcon Knight you get have Lances (cavalary exclusive kind) with them in Ch.8 one of the Axe users from the bottom lane come with a Lance
  8. And here i was about to sign up for FEU to give my feedback xD I played up until chapter 10 on hard mode, and i've been mostly having fun with it so far. I notice you uploaded a new version, so my feedback might be slightly outdated. First of all, and this is a problem i share with almost all other SRPG games: Window size. It's a too small and actually hampers the experience quite a bit. Is there a way to change it? The Maps have been mostly fine, with my fav. being Chapter 8, the defence map. Multipe paths, rewards, challlenging, it's got everything ones wants from a FE map really. I like how you give the characters combat art like abilities with cooldown. I think some however might need a bit more. I like the Music quite a lot. Unit wise, the Mercenary and the Dragon Rider you get are dead weight imo, they need big buffs. Especially the mercenary. In general i think everyone need a slight buff in their STR/MAG growth rates. Most useful units for me are Princess and the Archer girl (Dual ftw). Speaking about Growth rates: I don't think them decreasing after promotion is a good idea, especially since promotion gains are not that big to begin with. If we had FE4/Thracia like promotion gains, i would understand why you would want to nerf Growth rates, but atm it doesn't really work. Enemy light mages. Giving enemy mages (or even player mages) Res ignoring weapons while giving them high speed is... bad, to say it politely. Such strong weapons should come with heavy speed penalties (the -10 speed kind), and they shouldn't be that numerous to begin with. They should be that rare strong enemy. You also need to cool it down with the reinforcements a bit. Especially in chapter 9, and from what little i played of it, chapter 10 as well. The amount needs to be reduced quite a bit, especially since enemies are pretty high quality. Edit: Some enemies who appear in ch.8 and ch.9 have weapons that doesn't match their class. All in all, i like it, and would like to see more!
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