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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. To explain my problem with Alisa: she reaches her peak at ch3 CS1, and then it's a nosedive from there. Everything i like about her is forgotten, while they keep only showing her as romance target #1. One of things i really hate in fiction (any media) is main romance interest being disconnected from the Story. Kinda like Ran in detective conan. I hate romances like that, and Alisa isn't heavily connected to Rean's part of the story, and instead of pushing her stronger qualities, they keep pushing here tsundereness, even if she is more dere from CS2 on. And Elliot is MUSICCCCC
  2. Well, Jusis my buffer back then Noble_command.Mp3 that and >using Elliot >using Alisa They aren't bad gameplay wise, but characterwise....
  3. xD Nah, it's mostly because i don't have anythin good to put in his sub space, and heals are still pretty good, so i use it against bosses. On non-Bosses i usually have Kaleido there to make it rain Sepith I had it on Jusis in CS2 OP stuff. But what wasn't op in CS2 lmao. Everything was.
  4. lol hahha wouldn't she be 2.0 though since she happened before Lys? Canon is meh. I do use it on Rean though in boss battles, but that's it Thing is, the Water MQs don't give any good water arts (except heals). Atleast so far. Another idea for Dragon girl is go Sophia + Titania with her, As i can then stack Sophia + Holy Bell for some meme delay arts lol. And then put Heal + Athelas SR on Water Slot. If i use Deva on Atlina (her main MQ), i will combine it with Oberon for Magic Evasion and Status immunity. But Sophia is like, most op thing in existence double revive lol haha.
  5. Arts are pretty strong. They got buffed even (deal 50% extra break damage) I am honestly thinking about what to do with Altina and Memusse now hmm Probably higher Elements Altina (Titania + Sophia + Time arts) and critMusse (Deva + that water MQ) or Magic Evasion Altina (Deva + Oberon) and Time/Water Musse (2 water slots is ugh, especially with the current systen.)
  6. XD I mean, it's still good, and beautiful to look at, but it's horribly outclassed
  7. Yeah, i can imagine, but in every Trails game there was always someone with double guard at 200 CP, and battles weren't that easy XD Now 200 CP without any additional effect + Enemies getting massive buffs = 1 guard at 200 CP might as well be useless, better use Altina's ''i am invinvible as long as i don'T get a turn or cast super long art'' order lol
  8. yeah, it's one of the changes i am not happy with tbh. Most i am fine with, but some changes make go 🤔 still, much better than zzz Vanilla gameplay xD
  9. That, and Difficulty mod nerfed Emma. No more double reflect at 200 CP lol It also nerfed Altina's order, but it's still better haha
  10. Hehe It's an old trick. Lloyd's burning heart works the same way Yeah. I prefer Altina's order though
  11. It stuns him for a turn yes, however if you keep refreshing, it will never run out 😉 You just need enough CP, which gladiator belt provides
  12. Actually, that's quite a physical build you are seeing, to make use of his perma 50% STR/SPD buff. If i went with an arts build he would've atleast 100 more ATS I have heal on almost everyone haha. Tear line spells 2gud. Nah, difficulty mod nerfed evasion to the ground I will go full physical with him thanks to his buff. Most of the arts on him now are remnants of former balanced build, or because R/SR quartz give stats i need Gladiator belt = buff up 24/7
  13. he's not just any bird! He's Sky player's lord and savior with his debuff, as fast as a Ferrari, accompanies best Princess, and is probably the Grandmaster
  14. This is Sieg. The True Trails Sieg. CS3 one is just a disgusting faker
  15. Lolivier = Alfin The one you are talking about is Trollivier 😉
  16. thirsty dragon girl CS is a fe spin off all along
  17. https://i.imgur.com/CPv18l6.png first and only game i ever 'platinum'd
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