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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Finally an epic theme from this game Honestly, ch2 field study was amazing. But >Rean worshipping >power levels being super extra whack >"Siegfried" LMAOOOOO >Juna's existence being one massive retcon >the conclusion not making sense Nonetheless, it was ๐Ÿ‘Œ Also seems ch3 will mostly consist of oldies i like quite a bit (except mr. Wind) But first... School....
  2. Fuck every boss with Howl/Roar/ whatever the fuck skill that gives 50% buff and heals at the same time. That shit is just annoying.
  3. what about the body and sould scene though
  4. Your favourite monthly manga get's updated Now you have to wait another month for next chapter
  5. You regularly trade in Sepith mass? ???????????????? The bank only gave 5% more
  6. Money is plenty though. Like, Money is the least of my problems, i have 100k+ Mira, even after i upgraded everything what is a problem is time Sepith ๐Ÿ˜„ But that's the norm in trails, as everyone needs time quartz. Septium Vein + Kaleido = it's raining sepith
  7. Iirc i got it from a drop somewhere or the Exchange shop
  8. Yeah The reason why i rant so much is because i am a fan of the series from the very beginning, and i am not happy with it's current state. Just like FE oldies during fatesawakening era. It's exactly the other way around with me haha. New Class 7 have so much better stats, and when i get old class 7 i have to sit for like 30 minutes to get them up to speed. Like >Emma has 100 less ATS than Altina and 35(!) less Speed >Alisa, a clear magical unit, comes with a useless Physical set, also like 25 less speed than new class 7 >Machias comes with a defensive set. Defense is useless in Trails Proxy puppet
  9. Tfw you outheal boss damage and he outheals yours
  10. Honestly don'T remember. Must be lower than D or something
  11. this happens if your Bracer Rank is low xD
  12. ''They have grown'' is what the game tells us. What i see is the same peeps i saw in CS1/2. The series has a problem with show don't tell yes, but it's extra bad in CS (especially CS2). except almost every Major battle is hjacked by Mecha at the end. Yes. I agree with this. Introducing a new cast in the middle of an arc that already has a character bloat problem is not a good idea. No matter how much i like them. It was either leave old Class 7 to the background and concentrate on new cast, or don't bring a new cast if old Class 7 is gonna do everything anyway Ikr! I have followed them for 100+ (or 200+) hours across 2 games. At the end of Sky & Crossbell i was able to see the growth of the cast, because i could defeat the antagonist (even if they had strong peeps in the party). Even in the first game of each Arc you defeat them (except if you are a scrub in FC and your rank was low than Cassius finishes off the final boss for you haha) CS1 in the end we lose. Ok, acceptable, cliffhanger and all. CS2 enemy is always holding back, to the very end. Gives the impression that the Party didn't grow at all. ''but society is too strong!'' Dunno, give us strong peeps in the party like Olivier and Toby to make it believeable or something that we defeated them. CS3 is pulling the same thing.
  13. And they don't do even do it right, that's the problem. We call Alfin Lolivier for a reason xD yeah. They couldn't decide what they want to be. Someone should tell them Player choice + continuity just does.not.work.
  14. Tfw Cool Giant Mechas with sick soundtrack is a 1 hour long RPS battle WHO'S IDEA WAS THAT? Really xD Oh yes. Oh yes. It retroactively ruins all games (not just CS) before it. You know what else reaches it's ugly peak in CS4: Nostalgia bait. Atleast prepare for something good: First Part doesn't have Rean. Which is also the best part. Once Rean comes back though... I love that emoji so much CS2 basically: ''Ya know, we need a chapter at the end of CS1 to be parallel to end of Ao'' ''How about making it a whole game instead'' ''Perfect'' The whole universe is Olivier's plaything, my friend. He isn't called the debachourous Prince for no reason xD Yes let that hate fill you join us I think Falcom's decision to make CS ''newcomer friendly'' was their biggest mistake, as Crossbell picks up right where Sky stops, and thus has ๐Ÿ‘Œ pacing and Story. CS they kinda tried to do a new thing and at the same time to continue the old story. Really doesn't work
  15. That spoiler Or here's another one Also, why even have human battles when they don't even matter anyway and it all leads to Mecha battles? Their 2nd favourite tool is: ''No one, especially MC-kun, is responsible for anything'' What made it extra bad in CS2 is that they pull that shit at the end of the game lol. Mรผller, Olivier's bodyguard/best friend/plaything was playable in SC (only at the very end though) and Sky3rd. And yeah i agree, Rean's role should've been reduced, alot. Along with any Rean worshipping That 6/10 Crossbellans like Rean shit still annoys me, especially when you see what a sorry state Crossbell is in.
  16. gotta make old Class 7 relevant somehow lul (even though they are still the same scrubs, and the only good and relevant ones are the same relevant ones for back then, except Emma getting her role stolen by her cat) Honestly, old Class 7's role should be more of a support role rather than Main cast role. Like for example Sky cast in Crossbell, there Sky cast acted as support, and didn't one up the SSS every time. Honestly, i know i would be much more annoyed at the whole ''no need for Valimar'' thing everytime if i didn't knew about it before hand. And Rean for being the chosen one MC for everything on the freaking continent. Seriously <.< I want my normal peeps MCs back. No super power shit.
  17. let me guess, it's old Class 7 one up'ing new one every time, right? It's a bit annoying yes, even if makes sense story wise (what doesn't make sense is giving me old Class 7 with 50 SPD while my current Party has 90 lol) yeah, that i can agree with. CS1, despite it's downfalls and shit school setting, is a decent game and a good build up. CS2 is just Falcom being on crack or something. Honestly, CS3 should've been CS1, with Civil war told in flashbacks, as only in Flashbacks can Falcom write consequences, it seems. Seriously though, i will never acknowledge old Class 7 as heroes, unless something big changes (which i know doesn't). Estelle's gang were heroes, the SSS were heroes. Old Class 7 are scrubs at best. Also, As much as i like Juna Her existence is one massive retcon
  18. yeah, it's pretty clear. Not that i didn't hate Erebonia before coming from Crossbell and Liberl xD Yes. Actually, everytime CS3 follows on Sky/Crossbell it's ๐Ÿ‘Œ Everytime it follows on CS1/2 it's ๐Ÿ’ค CS3 is hurt by being a cold steel game, with it's biggest weakness being CS1/2 leftovers (especially Rean and Rean-worshipping)
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