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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. also @DragonFlamesummm Why is your Kurt so slow xD Mine is lvl 16 and he has 76 SPD xD And i could even get him to 93 if i want now, but i need his current Equipment/Quartz combination for something else Here's my current equipment, which makes him use his buff 24/7 if i didn't want to run perma +50% buff Kurt, i could easily change it to this And later on when i get more stronger quart combination i probably will haha Edit: now that i think about it, if i could get Chrono drive SR i can have him at 101 speed... later, later, when i get more sepith and access to everything xD
  2. Yup. It's why i always complain about modern quartz system so much. In older games you couldn't also stack same type quartz on one person to just buff a certain stat to the heavens (like you did with Evasion lol). Tbf though, Quartz back then gave precantage based buffs. So Attack 1 one gave +3% STR/-1% Def, Mind 5 +15% ATS/-5%ADF, etc. It honestly isn't that complicated, since at the start of the game you don't have access to much and you slowly build your Quartz setups up. Here're some pics to illustrate the System Here we see Schera, she has a 6-1 Line, just like Altina, she can get access to alot, but she's a few sepith counts away from accessing even stronger stuff. Sepith Count/Elemental value can be seen at the top right On the other hand, Agate. He has 3 short lines, and can barely get support arts with his his sepith count being split apart like this Then we have Olivier with a straight 7. He can pretty much access almost everything, even if the Mirage lock holds him back a bit. I also put a picture there of the Elemental Value EP 5 gives See how Silver Thorn needs 20 Mirage, 12 Space and 4 Time for example? It isn't that easy to get due to that, even with super long art lines, so if you want it, you have to set it up in a certain way. Some Arts even require something like 25 Element 1, 12 Element 2 and 10 Element 3 haha. It can get crazy, but i always found the Quartztetris fun Some more pictures of Arts and Quartz fun
  3. They used to serve a much bigger purpose in the older games: mainly, longer lines = much much better access to Arts, since Arts back then were given by Sepith count combinations. For example: Attack 1 Quartz gave 1 Fire Sepith count, which gave access to Fire bolt and Forte. Attack 3 gave 5 Fire. EP Cut 3 gave 5 Space, 3 Mirage and 3 Time. You had to combine the quartz setup in a certain way to get the Arts you want. And longer lines = easier combination since all Sepith counts went to a single line, while with shorter lines your sepith count got split apart and thus couldn't get access to arts.
  4. Trails 101: Long Art lines = Caster, Short multipe Art lines = physical. Altina has a 6-1 line, That's a sure sign of a caster. The only thing better are straight 7/8 lines (Kloe, Olivier and Renne in Sky, Tio in Crossbell and Emma in CS). Although i can understand the confusion with Altina since Millium is a physical beast haha
  5. Best thing to happen to my uni life was finding a group from the very start and sticking with it until the end. Helped Alooooot. ^^ So with all these friendship and corny speeches... Who, among us, is the protagonist?
  6. Good Morning! First_Dungeon_Theme.mp3 They are pretty easy to get though. Just 2 mob battles should give you the five points
  7. MegaNep is 👌 If they can top it in the next mainline game it would be a sight to behold
  8. now that's the DragonFlames i know XD And yeah, from Act 2 Noire's was the weakest, while Blanc's was the strongest imo, mainly to C-sha being freaking amazing and K-sha being bleh
  9. #JusticeForHayasaka! pls no iirc the producer did say something like ''most of the work is done, but we need to do a bit more'' so it's a possibility yes
  10. Did you watch yesterday's episode yet? It was 👌
  11. Oh boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooy Don't let me start on D E F E N S E L E S S ...... XXXXXXXD
  12. yes. For the better. Because they were so hilariously bad written lmao. They were only added because VNs need them to sell in japan. The only route that needs the spiciness is Heaven's Feel, due to Sakura's past, but even that they could've just implied it or did it like the movie did.
  13. reminds me last time i played Mario Party with my brother... I dared him to go into a chance time... He lost all his Stars to me lmao
  14. if you want to get into Fate Read the visual novel 😉 It's a Trap. A TRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAP you will never get out of. yeah, understandable, very 😉
  15. nah, dw. You do know that after CS2 i pretty much had a 'idgaf' attitude for a while, right? It's how i know so much about CS3/4 Link is the sequel
  16. Sara's Castle i think i know tbh. 5/10 game. Fate/Extra characters with Mouso gameplay
  17. the classic one you hear while you lose all your friends
  18. shilling for my school time game Also, CS3 thing: Wow, Altina was really hurt by Rean not contacting her for that long huh. I make jokes all the time, but it seems it really hit her deep. ''am it that unreliable?'' ''don't deny it, i was not able to help you there'' (or something along those lines)
  19. it just suddenly popped up in my rec list lol never listened to it before sick track though
  20. Combining 2 of Falcom's greatest Themes ever
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