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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. My main problem with CS gameplay is how zzzz ez it is. On Nightmare. Every boss fights get's finished in 3 minutes. Story moments get ruined because battles that are suppossed to be tense and hard are finished without me taking damage (and then in cutscene we are tired?????) I know gameplay is not Trails' main thing, but i freaking enjoy the gameplay of FC to Ao. Maybe cs 3 with fanpatch will be fun
  2. >Falcom chat >fight going on >nep comes up >''i like nep'' -everyone >Chat peace Rean, the destroyer of games.
  3. @Robert Stewart were you using Guren or Flame Edit?
  4. ... this just popped up on my feed I am concerned
  5. Heh. The Ao intermission is by far my least fav. part of the game. I didn't like it at all. Lloyd got replaced by Rean for a while. The creme your fav. Girl scene was the worst for me haha. All the stuff i hate in modern Trails started right there. Speaking about Trails, i got my hands on CS4 Artbook... Oh man.... That was a trip through 200+pages. Atleast old chatacters were super good, what they did to new characters though.... I will just say 3 words: ero pose Altina Don't ask me to post that here
  6. A worthy entry to the chant trio. Something from a bygone era
  7. They are already Unlimited complicated works xD
  8. Its kinda more Blue-ish than white, no? Yeah. In PriIllya Kiritsugu is actually not an idiot and doesn't destroy everything he holds dear for ''World peace''. So Illya grows up normally. Hot. I approve.
  9. yeah, no joke xD anyway, here's some Badassest Shirou. Dooming the World to save Imouto She isn't really the Illya we know and love. I love her still, but she's a Faker xD
  10. I always welcome new members to the Illya cult Kinda, but at the same time, no. Her connection the Grail gives her basically unlimited Magic Power, and she's an Einzbern Mage/alchemist... but that's it. Well, for Shirou it was the following: Trauma Magic Element and Origin being the same, and that is Sword. Basically Shirou's soul itself is a sword or something like that. Didn't she just do that?
  11. Illya has practically unlimited Magic power, after all. Shirou doesn't have that. Well, except Miyuverse Shirou, and he, well... He is such a Badass dude. Illya doesn't have the requirements for that...Yet.
  12. At least Fake Illya got this epic battle scene and the epic Emiya theme remix
  13. he is rolling in gacha waifu money 😕
  14. There's a reason why i call Lys Illya. She's the Illya route we never got xD
  15. well, let's see her father sacrificing the family for ''world peace'' Her family experimenting on her to turn her into a magic nuke to be sacrificed for wishes and shortening her life span the HF movies shafting her HF1 iirc Hack of a mushroom not giving us best girl route
  16. ''Who replaced Shrimps'' -everyone, probably
  17. Man, White hair + Red Eyes is such a dangerous combination
  18. I got that as well, but online converters tend to be ehh... Still, thanks^^
  19. Btw, anyone knows a good software of converting ogg files to opus? Might actually get CS3 today, and first thing i wanna do is mod in music lol Well played
  20. @DragonFlamesi think we found the grandmaster
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