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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Maybe i should've gotten that instead of Mario Maker lol
  2. Guys we should totally Karaoke '''Daddy Daddy do!'' together.
  3. It's perfect man. Especially with Shriogane wanting 9 kids xD
  4. totally forgot that one (since i didn't play it on steam) probably A-rank for me as well yup. Maybe it's me, but i prefer a predictable story with a good cast over a 'unique' Story with a cast i despise. Good cast + unique is better though DADDY DADDY DO! yeah, same with Mario Kart and smash for me. They are amazing games, but mostly because of the chaps element they bring.
  5. I love how we all have some FEs we absolutely can't stand xD
  6. Tutturu! Man, Kaguya is back, and it's as good as ever :3
  7. honestly, i don't replay games in general. Only selected parts i enjoyed, like certain Boss Battles
  8. @Reisalin Stout I don't know about the ''no breaks'' part, because Act 2, which is the majority of the game, was one big break. For replayability i prefer Sky3rd, more characters, better balance, actual challenge. And makings units that busted shouldn't be that easy imo, it should be something the players has to work for (like Anelace in Sky3rd.). From pure gameplay prespective alone i found the CS2 to be worst one in the series. But that's me, as i really hate modern Trails gameplay and how easy it has become. Ao has features like Overdrive and Masterquartz, without making the gameplay a breeze or sacrificing the old Orbment system. ... ... I do really sound like a FE elitist in Fates era, don't i? xD
  9. Short anwert: Everything except Act1, Final dungeon and Crossbell chapter. Long Answer: oh boy where do i start (Warning: Quite a negative wall of text. Very negative.) There you have it. I am sure i could even think of more stuff if i put my mind into it.
  10. So bored, i did a Tier list of alot of the games i played lol
  11. let's see, currently on the Plan: Xenoblade Astral Chain and 2 games for my brother (if he wants.) Thing is, i am getting a coupon from my mobile provider which i can buy physical games with (or other electric stuff, but i don't really need anything), and since all PC games are digital, i can't use the coupon to buy those, so i leave switch games to the coupon (it's also how i got all my switch games except FE16 and BOTW) huh that might be a bit of a problem actually since i don't have a SD card for my switch hm
  12. PC not good enough? Because if you have a good PC you can get deluxe edition for like 22€ Based Platinum eh? Only problem: I want to get Physical, and it was one of the games i was planning to get in May/June, but it's on sale on the e-shop now
  13. Banned for not knowing how to after telling me to make it
  14. Banned for not telling me how to do that
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