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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I will tell you the next time FC goes on sale haha. Even a potato pc should be able to run it, so you should be fine 😉
  2. ...I can't say anymore because that would be spoilers.
  3. Yup. The Famous Lolistelle. That's the start of the game. Lolistelle and Shotajoshua
  4. @DragonFlames Best girl https://i.imgur.com/U6fJ6SN.jpg
  5. Lol Now give her Dragon Wings to complete the unholy transformation
  6. Yeah, totally understand you lol. Then again the armor she wears...
  7. The only one who is 18 is Illya (loli homunculus), Rin is 16/17, Sakura 15/16, Saber who knows how old stuck in her 15 year old body. Sounds about right. Especially the whole mess that is FGO. And yeah, everything gets genderbendered.
  8. I knew it xD And now i am getting fate civil war flashbacks He's also osbro's jp va Absolutely fitting
  9. ... Let me guess He loves the edgy father instead? XD Nothins says as cute as much as a Yorokobe saying priest
  10. Edgy fanservice? xD Anyway, time for some Fate memes Reminder that Rin & Sakura are the only ones younger than 18 here
  11. Rean can have that XXD It depends on the game tbh. Dragon star is by far their least fanservicey game tbf xD They have stuff like Moero chronicles that is wew, and afaik Mary Skelter is Iffy fanservice full force lol
  12. ...not on PC. Although PC had alot of extra Voice lines (5000+ iirc), so they could've added that. it definetly is prettier haha. #TeamWitchHat https://i.imgur.com/Y3imLWR.jpg Adol x Estelle is the one True otp xD And tbf, it's kinda their thing, ya know? The whole fanservice/comedy/parody thing.
  13. Here's better: Male students only get 1 extra outfit :'D During the final Bonding events in CS4, everyone is voiced...except Rean :'D It couldn't be more obvious what Falcom was going for with that. Yup! You already know that i've no problem with it and what kinda games i play (just yesterday we were talking about Stella Glow lol, and just look at my pfp) but there's time and place for everything. If you want Fanservice in a serious/realistic/war setting, it should be the classy type, not the hentai type. It just super takes me out of the game when a War is going on and the someone like Camilla appears lmao. Fates had the exact same problem. Hentai type Fanservice everywhere lol. Good stuff was also the different costumes for the makers that represent the company's Series. MAGES. having different outfitst from Steins;Gate, Falcom getting Trails/Ys outfits, etc. Now that's the good stuff. And is you said you could get them in game.
  14. That one is extra bad. They butchered my fav. CS girl's outfit. WTH Falcom. And while i love Fie, this meme is sadly true It's worse when you consider this amazing outfit was a concept Also, here are some CS4 costumes (NSFW-ish) I don't mind Swimsuits (some of them are quite cool actually, and is a genre staple anyway), but these outfits are Y I K E S. Might as well not Half-ass it and go full Iffy, Falcom. Yes, optional and all, but i'd rather Falcom spend their limited resources somewhere else. nah. As far as CS newbies go, you are actually reasonable and don't just stamp everything off as needless hate xD
  15. Nah, the fault lies with me. I've been acting like a salty dillusioned old Shrimp for a while. It's just, Crossbell games brought me back to Trails again, and reminded me why i love the classic titles so much... and why i absolutely can't accept the modern titles. Me being back into Trails brought me also back to the Falcom community. That + Lockdown = Paticipating in Falcom Civil war 24/7. Newcomers vs. Oldies, Elitists vs. Waifufags, ''It has always been this way'' argueménts, ''Harem actually good writing'', Elitists posting character designs/outfits from CS4 (which are straight outta Hentai game. I don't mind fanservice. I don't want them in my serious stories.), newbies calling every critic 'senseless hate', Elitists going 'I wish the series ended', etc. Sounds familiar, no? Because that's exactly how FE fanbase was like a few years ago. So it's all been getting to me... ... I think i should stop... Sorry xD
  16. actually... the most common theory atm (CS4 spoilers, click at your own risk)
  17. This is sad lol. It's not on you, but it's still sad haha it's this guy. He was a side Character in Sky SC, but he is the MC of Sky3rd.
  18. Atleast Estelle is still kinda remembered. Kevin is completely and uttely forgotten 😕 Kevin is how to do the whole emo needs forgiveness MC right. They did Rean right before they made Rean.
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