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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. well, thing is... In Sky3rd he, probably, not sure, no one exactly knows what this means yet Also, he is so far the only Enforcer to have talked to Chuunimaster
  2. let me correct that: the final boss theme of Ys 8 sounds like a plains theme from a normal rpg. Also, Ys final boss themes were usually very very hard. The Ys 8 field themes were unironically more epic than final boss theme
  3. Ys 8 has the same problem with the final boss theme actually. It sounds like a damn plains theme. He's much more than you think. There was a certain in Sky3rd that makes him super mysterious They are called the Chuuniminati for a reason xD
  4. Charlotta 100% Here's Adol's first waifu She's now a statue ;_; Also yeah get to Ys8. By far Falcoms best game in like 10 years. I hope you have PS4 version though. Vita version is incomplete Yeah doesn't fit the mode. Sounds like a normal battle theme lol I meant campy, the fool xD Compa the grandmaster though
  5. I did. I liked other events more though. Loli was a bit tooooo young for Zephy xD yup. He calls her Tio tot for a reason xD. Randy is into big girls. Also, my joke refers to Falcom's other and factually superior series: Ys. The protag, Adol, is a redhead, and he loses a blue haired waifu almost every 2nd game lmao. In Ys 8 the look in his eyes was like ''not this again''. It's why he is edgy and emo in Ys 9 you just convinced me to switch some music out. Thanks. I mean, It was basically her, Mariabell & Campy xD
  6. Shower Thought: The reason why Tio x Randy isn't a thing is because if it happened it would be Red head x Blue hair... And if Falcom's history is anything to go by, that will lead to Blue Hair being sealed away or something. Forever. wait Doesn't that play in CS3 as well when you face her? Also, it was the Society fighting theme in Ao, not just her.
  7. Yes i am just spamming random Tio Emojis Imo. Original Geofront theme still best geofront theme. Ao's was meh, and this is hmhmhmh maybe it will grow on me xD
  8. XD Atleast i will see Tio & Randy again. That atleast should be fun.
  9. You know what time it is...? CS3 time. Pls be good. Also, DF, sick op.
  10. I just cleared my 2 first Kaizo levels in Mario Maker woooooohoooooooooooooo Even if they were light Kaizo First light Kaizo then hard Kaizo levels then Panga levels then SUPER EXPERT WORLD RECORD! ... yeah i should wake up xD ...i see the last bit the game is taking one big nose dive, eh? Atleast going from your reactions xD
  11. Sky 3rd was pretty grimdark Olivier wants to turn Erebonia into a country where commoners and Nobles live together, where blood doesn't matter, like Liberl but in a peaceful long time kind of a way. Osbro wants to purge Nobles. Very violently. It was a clash of ideals, clash of systems. Olivier should've been the one to bring Osbro down. Olivier was sidelined instead. Burst. It was basically Overdrive.
  12. While Azure has Master Quartz, yes, it uses Sky's sepith count system. Which is imo much better. From my talks with people CS3 isn't thaaaaaat bad with this. It's CS4 that's very very very very bad with this. 11 possible final bondings with girls lmao. CS4 is at it's best when Rean isn't there, once he reappears, it's one giant nosedive. Protagonist shouldn't be the complete & sole focus of the game. Let alone be the protag of 5 games. He should've been a support character after CS2. Or better, an antagonist. Would've make perfect sense after CS2. 👌 CS1 was a decent setup tbh. Even me, the biggest CS naysayer, can admit that. It's CS2 that goes nowhere with that. It needed more grimdark (it's a war story after all), Character conflict (why is everyone just following Rean like they are his slaves or something?), focus on other characters, 90% less focus on Rean, actually treat Crow like the terrorist he is, more Olivier vs. Osbro (seriously all the sky3rd setup of that... gone nowhere), Not only noble evil bastards, but also imperial army ones, etc. We get an overglorified Schooltrip instead. If either School or bonding (or both) are there in the next arc, i am out
  13. Hmm what to do for a new profile set Classic Kiseki Elitist set or DMC Set
  14. For Humburger you just needed the MQ that let's you revive after death and that all revive art Or you can just delay indefinetly lul But yeah, all cancel is a dumb way to make battles ''hard''
  15. Not much different from Nightmare lmao. S-crafts, ally and enemy alike, are absolutely busted in CS. But 99% of the time it's me destroying them haha CS
  16. I don't mind it if people find current difficulty ok on normal, especially those only in it for the story. But Nightmare should not be the breeze it is. Every Boss battle in CS1/2 was basically like this (yes, that's me playing). That should not be possible on Nightmare, period. Most Boss fights end even faster without me using some of the tools in the video (like i never used Chrono Burst while i was playing, only in the video to serve as an example). Infact, every battle aftee mid game in Both CS games can be summed up as: Noble command x 2 + 3 Emma 0 delay Arts + Fie Attacking 5 times before enemy can + S-crafts = gg I never used retry offset mself (except the ravens door in sky3rd) and always found higher difficulties super fun. It's ok if that isn't for everyone, but Falcom shouldn't do a nightmare difficulty if they are gonna be a breeze
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