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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. You know me. Sadist irl, machoist in game. Especially with how much they trusted you and grew close to you. Probably the most developed Friendship/Relationship pre time skip imo
  2. Thanks! Thank you and enjoy your time! Byleth worshipping might be a bit much sometimes, but it isn't 1% as bad as 3/DSFE and alot of times it actualyl feels justified. Another discription for Crimson Flower:
  3. Nooppeee. Wanna see the bloodshed, fully. The more i play CF, the more i realise this is what a good written conquest would've been like.
  4. I feel like such an evil ass right now Shit... Killing my current students in another route is gonna be a bitch.
  5. Thank you 😄 And yeah, it was good. I got my Thesis grade and was better than expected^^. Now i can enjoy FE without worry
  6. ...I just got call from my supervisor... Mood right now
  7. Yup yup! Dorothea has alot supports i like in genral. Actually i like most supports. AAAAAAAAAAH The game is so good. It even made me like School xD
  8. Today i totally felt like Mangs. Mangsluck abound xD And then on Petra Paralogue Bernie gets hit by a 15% Also, Bernie and Linhardt grew on me (like all the cast). My girl now actually tries, and i just love how she calls herself Bernie xD And Linhardt just wants some peace and less bloodshed, is that wrong? And poor Dorothea, just sick of it all. You can hear her depression in her every Move.
  9. I had to think quite a bit, i admit. I think one or two turns took me like 30 Minutes each xD And forgot about 2 Bow Knights that almost rekt Hubie, but ''never punished'' And the Boss... Had to bank on a 64 hit Hand axe or it would've been game over (i only use Divine Pulse for true rng screwage (low crits etc) or asshole reinforcements) Thankfully, It hit. Super lucky today i tell ya XD Also, am i glad 3 Range Levin Sword is a thing, saved my ass on that map. Speaking about range, i am glad FE finally got rid of it's 1-2 Range Mentality that's been in every game except Gaiden/Echoes. You can make Units, attacks and abilities so much more unique with more range options available and stuff, like we see here.
  10. Guess who i made my Dancer... FishGirl come back please Oh, my Petra with Axe Breaker could dodge them, too, put once she pulls them, i had to get rid of them or half my team would be dead. I couldn't just advance with my fliers to them due to Claude's Silver Bow squad, which one shooted my fliers. I could've dismounted, true, but too much of a risk and you lose speed bonus.
  11. was waiting for my reaction on the Petra Map xD
  12. Claude wasn't as big of a problem as the Thracia Almyra Dragon Squad and their 62 Brave ATK boss xD And with my tankest unit being her Imperial Waifuness with 25 Prt and 52 HP, whom Nader could quadruple... you do the Math xD Scariest Dragon Squad in FE, ever. I had so many ''never punished'' moments on that map. I got super lucky.
  13. Her Majesty leading the Charge, 1185, colorized (Of course i didn't do that fight, i am not an idiot xD. Just though the pic looked cool, that's all.)
  14. Map being bad makes the bait and switch extra worse though. And ever since FE4 i had a forest Trauma xD Radiant Dawn Part 4 in general is extreme bullshit. Rout + Unlimited Reinforcements just makes the Maps drag on and on and on.
  15. And the first map that actually pissed me off happened. Pissed me off so much, i decided to bookmark And close it. Petra/Bernie Paralogue. Fucking awful Map. Who though the Forest Part of FE4 would make a good map <.< And then they decided to add unlimited reinforcements It's just WHY Changing objectives are cool and all but not like this And not in a fucking forest map Why IS, Why do you have to add such a map in every game <.<
  16. Alot of Maps have side objectives that are usually turn limited though. Some will even fail you the Map if you aren't fast enough. Also, 'non-aggression' is a problem with pretty much every FE like you said. And i feel like in FE16 i am getting zerg rushed quite some times xD Monastery doesn't give as much benefits as stat level ups and being 5-10 lvl higher than you should. Like at time Skip i am lvl20-25 (mostly lower 20s) while in youtube videos and people i talk with i see they are 25-30. I do think that people who complain about the game being too easy should try to play without aux battles, because that's how i feel the game is balanced around. You only get Professor Exp & Support in the monastery really. And if you want, you can get it done in 10 Minutes by doing the quests (they get done really fast) and eating with Students to increase motivation. The benefits can't be compared really. Same here. Ambush reinforcements are just a BIG NO NO. Maybe without Ambush reinforcements i would've tried it, but i don't want to deal with this bullshit mechanic.
  17. I wouldn't say the map was bad per se, but the reinforcements were like 2 turns to early, but well... the game wanted me to get the whole Map in 3 turns, then... I shall use my Conquest Lunatic Skills to finish it in 3 turns. Chests included. Maybe because i only do Story/Paralogue battles i don't see it (And maybe that is also the reason i am finding the game quite challenging compared to others? I don't do any auxillary/quest battles or whatever they are called) ...good to know. I already had to use 8 uses to finish that Map in 3 Turns with getting all the chests before the reinforcements or Brave Bow dude wreck me... Also, can i say again the game reminds me alot of FE4? I mean, look at those Numbers Definelty a fight of Holy Weapon holders. Truely Tellius x Jugdral... I need to make a meme... Maybe tomorrow because i played until 3 am...
  18. Definerly Tellius Maps yup! And guess what my (ex?) fav game in the series is. FE16 is like a love child between Tellius and Jugdral.
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