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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. tomorrow then because brother is satisfying his BOTW addicition atm. Never have i seen him engrossed in a game that much. Never xD I don't think he even played any non-sports/non-Party game since Pokemon 3rd gen xD Welcome to the #KagaLvlUps Club
  2. GRILLED SHRIMPS Is Eyvel X Dagdar canon and is Petra their daughter?
  3. 19 SPD 14 STR + lvl 5 Battalion that gives +4ATK And it was the rescue Flayn mission And i know about the pranching routs 🙂 ... i need to make a picture xD
  4. TFW you couldn't kill DK because you forgot to equip Bernie with Knightkneeler... She was the only one who wasn'T getting doubled by him, and with the Combat Art she would've made the way free for Byleth to kill him... :faceplam:
  5. it's what lead me to reset multipe times in ch5 xD >puts Linhardt (16 res) in the range of 2 mages >they hit with 2 Physical Gambits >ded
  6. Yup, My units were getting squished from 3 sides because ia aggro'd the Archers with Bernie haha Also, Mages with physical gambits is something truely evil xD Character wise? Edelgard so far. I find myself agreeing alooooooooot with her, alot. Hurbert, Ferdinand and Petra are also pretty cool. Not fond of Bernie or Linhardt though >Caspar get MAG >Dorothea gets STR Normal level ups for my units... <.<
  7. She's still in her beginner Class, and she's one of my blessed units yeah. However with her personal (+5 Atk when not full HP) and combat arts (Deadeye/Tempest Lance) she has like 36 atk xD
  8. Tfw everyone says FE16 is easy and you go get your ass kicked. First Reset Chapter 5. And Green units are still green units <.<. Freaking Gilbert goes and get's himself killed instead of retreating to my healer... Kaga level ups aside, the game is actually quite challenging on Hard/Classic if you don't do non-Story/non-Paralogues battles. Also, i may not like Bernie as a Character, but damn if she isn't some Monster of a unit. She can one shot stuff... without doubling. Her Personal skill is crazy good.
  9. Have fun 😄 You can do it! on other news my brother has been monopolizing the switch today and i couldn't play a single second of FE16 yet rip xD
  10. no Free battles either, only Story ones + Paralogues.
  11. If the conservatives allow Scotland to get it's vote, that is. They most likely won't allow it. There's also NI, but with the Agreement NI will have a border with rest UK soon haha
  12. They just voted like 54% conservatives with a leader that can be described as "english trump" Good riddance honestly.
  13. Fuck is FE16 fun So much fun 😄 The game was even able to somehow make a Fog map interesting. Never thought i would like a fog map in a FE game This is the first time in a rpg ever i like ''school'' probably because it feels like a fantasy/magic military academy and not your copy paster japanese high school number 7000
  14. Henshin! Henshiiin! -Rhea *sadist Aura increases* *Fodlan is scared* When it comes to games, i am quite masochistic, unlike my usual sadist self. Balance in all things xD
  15. none xD Want all routes to be recruitless first then on further runs i shall see
  16. Wew. Well, tbf, that's quite normal in higher courses Also, finished Ch2 Black Eagles My units except Edel/Byleth are getting Stat screwed yay!
  17. IS there somebody in this World who doesn't like Pizza?
  18. Banned for ninja'ing me! Or in the lecture, in a true student fashion (please don't do this xD)
  19. You could also try to track it if it's an android mobile connected to a google account. Other mobiles could've a tracking service, too! Waiting until tomorrow might also be a bit much imo.
  20. Sim card can easily be disabled though (especially if you have a contract) and you can get a replacement for ~25€. If you don't have an online account at your provider, just go to the nearest provider shop and diable asap (or track if possible)! It is, but puzzles still make up like 50% of the game 😕
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