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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. So, a small forum game i stole from another forum that i thought could fit here 😉 And no, Paper Mario and Advance Wars don't count. Neither do KT games 😛 The last game i played was Crosscode. And if the developers of that game is to make a FE game... Puzzles Puzzles everywhere With no hints. You gotta walk around the map with your lord triggering stuff to figure your way forward.
  2. YOU CAN DO IT COME ON YOU GOT THIS +5 MOV And we all know mov means victory xD
  3. @Armagon How're the hit rates in Vestaria? Any extreme bs RNG moments so far? Especially with 1RN i don't wanna deal with sub 70 Hit rates
  4. ''baited'' By killing one of their top generals he didn't just bait them, he pretty much declared war on them. Fucking hell, less than 3 days into the new decade and America is already doing it. What a great start.
  5. This will never be not Hype And anytime stuff like ambush reinforcements happens. Or Warp tiles. Or FE6 True end bs. Not everyone has the time or wants to replay games. Except for some FE (basically, CQ and Three houses), i usually never replay games either. So hiding stuff for ''lol replay it'' is dumb. There are other stuff that makes games replayble, like customization, variety, difficulties, route splits, etc. But not hiding stuff from player. Yes, but there should be hint in the game and a way for the player to find about it, and not just random stuff people only find out by luck or ''Google it''.
  6. Banned for letting Histy spirit him away
  7. Accurate Discription of my current BL Team, stat wise: Playboy Edelgard Fast Edelgard Flier Edelgard Punch Edelgard Sniper Edelgard Tank Edelgard Slow Hubie Healer Hubie The difference is like going from Dawn Brigade (BE) to Greil Mercenaries xD And Character wise, i am really really digging this class except maybe Dududu
  8. It's time again Time for full hype time for ...With Us/Stalwarts unite? It's my fav. xD And Kaga at it again i see xD Have fun^^
  9. You know, one thing i really miss in modern FE is old sytle recruitment + Hype recruitment theme in the middle of battle. New games have been really lacking in the regard. Especially the Hype recruitment theme thing.
  10. Mentioned the bestest of best girls in his post
  11. Be sure to treat my Empire of Shrimps well, or they will conquer the world!
  12. It definetly changes stuff though. Like, in Valkyria chronicles they are sometimes a thing as well, but when a characters falls there, you have some time to rescue them before they perma die, which makes it much much more bearable. For me, nothing makes wanna drop a FE game so fast as bad ambush spawns early game.
  13. Yes. Chapters in FE take a long a while, especially late game. I don't wanna restart an hour of progress for something that is no fault of my own. Example: Thracia 776 chapter where you get Ced. In that chapter, there are same turn reinforcements that teleport right in the middle of your army and move/attack at the same turn. A Dark Mage suddenly appearing made me almost rage quit a game that i almost finished. It was that bad. Or Enemy green units that also appear and attack at the same turn. They appear at turn 8 :'D And how can i expect Pegasus Knights to suddenly appear and attack(FE12)? That just forced me to play super campy. And don't let me start on FE6. No, thank you. I don't play games to expect real life. Realism should be thrown outta the window if it's gonna make the game unfun.
  14. usually you have to, or you lose a unit, or worse, game over. @DragonFlamesVW Final Map is good? I really hope it is because CF and SS final maps were both, eh. Especially SS.
  15. Inb4, in true Kaga fashion, you don't get a restore staff until 5 chapters after the first Berserk staff. I wouldn'T say he is a sadist. I never found his FE games that hard. However, he expects the players to have the power of foresight or something. And in a game like FE, lack of player info is, imo, Bad game design.
  16. tbf though, you should always check every unit before the Map starts. Especially since you just came from three houses with the 5 Range enemy Snipers, and 4 Range 7 Mov Bow Knights. Also, Siege Mages are always a thing 😉
  17. Since we are talking about FE, Maps and stuff, what are your some of your fav. Maps in the series, everyone? We had a similiar discussion on the sub yesterday, so might as well copy my answer xD Thracia 776 Chapter 5 This. This map. Has everything. From Story and gameplay prespective. It kicks ass. The only thing i really hate about it is the chest at the bottom right. Like why, Kaga <.< May or may not be my fav. Chapter in the series, but definetly my fav. in T776 and where Thracia peaked imo. Conquest Chapter 10 The best defence chapter in the Series. Period. So much stuff to do, so much stuff to take care of. And while super tough, it's also very fair. In general, i want the conquest gameplay designers to work on FE again. Put them together with FE3H Story peeps for extreme hype. Radiant Dawn Endgame So far, the best Final boss in the seires (Unless GD or BL final boss change my mind). The map itself is nothing special (infact, it's quite plain), but this is the first final boss in the series to have so many different attacks, AOE stuff and stuff you have to take care of first. It just isn't an onverglorified mob unit like most of the final Bosses in the Series. Three Houses Chapter 7 In general, two things i give Three Houses credit for is that almost every map has multipe side objectives, and that the game is extremly Player Phase focused (I don't wanna EP those 50+ ATK Wyvern Squad with their 62 Brave ATK! boss while my tankiest unit had 20 Prt xD) Radiant Dawn 2-E Also known as Elincia's Gambit. One of the best in the series. If only Haar didn't trivalize it so much XD. Thracia 776 Chapter 19 This Map. Boy this map. At a glance, it may seem like an empty long map. But boy, are you wrong. This map is like that to make use of all the (Re-)Warp staves the player acquired during the game. Warping around the map is soooooooo muuchhhhhh fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun. Of course, you can try to do it the classic way, but that's boring 😛 (and probably pretty hard with 2 horse squads near half your units) Conquest Chapters 22, 23, 24 The Maps where you face Takumi, Sakura and Hinoka. Especially Sakura's and Hinoka's. So damn well design. So goooooooooooooooooood. How you've to play around the dragon veins, how you've to take the enemies' Skills into consideration (not to mention their high quality), and how you navigate the map in general. Sadly, they are followed by that atrocious Ryoma map. Did i mention i love Conquest's Map design? xD Three Houses Chapter 12
  18. yes. I remember one of my game over's being Ike being utterly destroyed by a thunder Mage on the Bridge map. The Mage didn't even need the crit, but he critted anyway xD Real talk though, i much prefer an OP lord of a weak lord. Weak lords are the worst, especially since you need them to seize and stuff, and always have to be on the front for events.
  19. By making Ike super op? xD I am pretty sure he can solo the game at base xD And in PoR post promotion my Ike turned out fine, thankfully. Good luck dealing with her total 920HP (iirc) that way though xD
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