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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. ...i should check skills more often. Just had to reset a Map because i totally overlooked the boss had a Pavise xD Worst thing is, i had the units to account for it nearby, but i went full yolo mode Also, is it me, or does Ingrid's dismounted sword crit animation look like Leif's crit animation?
  2. don't know... I also got Cloud flare warning <.<
  3. ...how much STR does your Hilda have for this xD because wow Wait Flayn one shotting is rare? @Shadow Mir yes
  4. But then you won't get stuff like those 9 MoV Mages (Don't forget to add + 3 to dismounted units) or best Myrmidon/Pegasi/Mage Karin Also, chapter 16A is one of those chapters that punish efficient play. IIrc i was able to finish the Map before the enemy reinforcements arrived, and it's thanks to the net that i knew even of that enemy reinforements boss with some skill Manual. While i enjoyed the map, i was pretty pissed off i had to wait for those reinforcements. You can kinda do that though, by choosing what classes the units are in, since in modernFE classes influence growths. And Three houses gives you alooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of control, down to the weapon ranks and skills.
  5. Time for Ashe to one-turn a Map >Misses an 82 >Doesn't crit a 46 in a double attack Why you do this, Ashe? Why. You deserve to get ganged upon by those Cold Steel Mechas now. resets Time to do it the other way Seriously though, that's one big reason why Bosses should've counter. I just combat Arte'd with Ashe and then she was ready for the kill. Just a Dance + Stride. If you do a defeat boss map with the Boss reachable from everywhere, make somehow sure Archers and/or Fliers don't reach it that easy. Or make it a Seize Map (preferably by the lord), so i need 1 extra action and have to plan accordingly, and not just stride + dance to victory. Sorry game, no matter how i love you, if you present me a cheese opportunity like this, i am gonna use it lol.
  6. Plutia was in cybernep though And yes, her VA is very famous. Even someone like me who doesn't care about VAs knows her xD
  7. iirc yes. Someone correct me if i am wrong, but Ambush or no Ambush depending on difficulty started with FE11 or 12
  8. Can someone please explain this So fucking broken xD And 7 Range, 86 hit ayy Some D rank Archer battalion or something. Ashe has like 40 Dex, so... 180 Hit ahoy xD Soon ™️ Maybe that's why we are waiting now? Hopefully the next one, whever we get it, is really goooooooooood!
  9. Stats of my current Broken Lions Redhead powah!
  10. Isn't it mostly Ballista AI who do that? They do seem to target Leif more often than not
  11. Tbf though, Byleth has been teasing/trolling her all the time to get her out of the room, so it's in character xD And teasing a person who started to bloom can be fun xD And yeah, i got her support. I got almost all supports with everyone in BE I love how easy it is to get supports now 😄
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