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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. ...my Raphael currently has 22 STR xD slow af though
  2. Definetly don't do normal NG maddening. You will probably get like 1 lvl every 10 chapters or so. NG+ with full statue seems alot better, and is more like hard but giving enemies some skills i think they really needed on hard. It's kinda annoying i need to grind a bit every chapter, but eh, i will take it. Probably won't play maddening again however.
  3. Watches the tragic comedy that are Mangs Ironman
  4. It's actually been going fine so far. Now that i have full statue updates, 1 day of Battles every month is enough to overcome the stupid stat inflation. Instead of being 7-10 levels lower than enemy, i am about 4 levels lower or so, which is much much much more bearable. Only thing that really annoys me is how tanky enemy Mages are. Like, they are fast and tanky, so they can't get doubled. They are definetly the most dangerous enemies i face.
  5. Girl loves horses though. Gonna do something for Ms. Depresso Expresso. He creeps me out xD I mean I am ready to sacrifice some stats for extra 3 Mov. Poor guy XD He is currently my weakling though, true
  6. Plans for Golden Crits: Bylad: Mage -> Dark Mage -> Warlock -> Mortal Savant or Dark Knight Claude: Archer -> Brigand -> Canon Class Hilda: Brigand -> Pegasus -> Wyvern Ignatz: Thief -> Assassin Raphael: Brigand -> Grappler -> Warmaster Lys: Mage -> Warlock -> Gremory Creepy Noble: Dunno wtf to do with this guy. For now Mercenary -> Swordmaster Marianne: Mage -> Bishop -> Holy Knight Leonie: Archer -> Sniper -> Bow Knight
  7. Well, a week or 2 until i finish Golden Crits then ~3 weeks break
  8. I will take a break after my Golden Memes run until DLC then
  9. apparently they get added to the main game after you finish the side story
  10. *cough*Wyvern*cough* And yes, the music in this game is top tier
  11. So, according to regretera, Dlc will be it's own route you choose at the begining https://www.resetera.com/threads/fire-emblem-three-houses-dlc-wave-4-cindered-shadows-trailer-new-story-4-new-characters-new-classes-new-activities.165076/begining The save data of the side story is independent, and the progress status of "Fuka Hanayuki" is not inherited . When starting the side story, decide on the appearance and name of the hero, the difficulty level (normal / hard), and the mode (classic / casual).
  12. Nothing better than waking up at 4 in the morning <.< .... Why would anyone do this xD And the salt & memes still going on i see xD
  13. ''probably'' Yeah xD Crack Theory: i now know why the world has been going crazy since 2012 it's the price the world had to pay for FE's revival
  14. SAKURAI YOU MADMAN Ahahahahaha Why am i outside now of all times damn it. My mind was already set on Dante i didn't prepare popcorn
  15. One thing not accurate about the image: My Claude is joining the Blood bath with her XD And Leonie, too. Those 3 are basically my frontliners xD Fast, Strong, and can tank a bit. Weak links in the Team are Raphael (Too slow) and that creepy Noble (what do you want to be) xD Niceeeeeeeeee!
  16. She also has 16 SPD, tied with Claude for fastest in my Team. Will probably not get much spd levelups in the next few levels since i turned her into a brigand for Death Blow, but once she Pegasi... Hilda was so fast, she didn't get doubled by Death Knight (on Chapter 4), thus able to get an attack in so Lys can finish the job (Lys couldn't one shot, needed 3 more damage)
  17. Hilda: I am a weak delicate maiden. Also Hilda: crits for 9000 Damage.
  18. Oh yes. It's a cool map... but (1 small reinforcement spoilers) Honestly, starting Ch.21 iirc i just started warp skipping. There's one map that will come soon that is really asshole-ish with it's ambush reinforcemets. Like, so asshole-ish, i almost dropped the game at chapter 23 thanks to them. That's how pissed off i was. And that's how you break Thracia. Unless Saias is there or something, You need to majorly fuck up to make enemies have more than 20 hit on you post midgame. Enemies in this game are pretty weak. I honestly wish in a remake they remove all the bulshit surprise stuff the player can't see coming, however compensate by massively buffing the enemies, and make them high quality (ala Conquest) so it doesn'T feel like you are fighting early game enemies all the times.
  19. Tfw Lys get all SPD lvlups, no Mag Lvl ups Leonie and Hilda crit every attack, which is nice 😄 Leonie is really good so far, and super fast, that she can sometimes not get doubled my enemy thieves (Maddening mind you), but we are early game, so everything coud change.
  20. Three Houses also plays a pretty big part in this. Almost everyone loves the game, from oldies to newbies. The fanbase in general is in a much better mood. Even r/fireemblem is sunshine and rainbows nowdays, when it used to be a war filled place that made Gronder Field look like an utopia. A Good game can work miracles on a fanbase.
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