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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Aside from the obvious Fates picks... Arvis - I truely and uttely loathe this guy. Not only the character, but how he was written and how the fanbase seems to give him a pass because of one line he says at the end. He commits a massacre, wroks with moustache twirling dark dudes, while being a moustache twirling villain himself for 90% of the game. Then at the end he says something along the lines of ''I wanted to be a hero'' and the game somehow tries to tell me we should symphatize with him? No, i wanted to kill him even more after that. It really also pissed me off how the fanbase seems to give him a pass because of that one line he says before he dies.
  2. One way to make me not take a game's story seriously, at all. Not like i started/played FE for Story anyway. So it won't bother me that much. But i'd prefer a good story to accompany my gameplay. Avatar + Lord will still be one prespective though. Which i am meh on. Not only recent ones, but also old ones. Ya know, my first FE was Fates, with my second being FE4. You know what i thought when i finished FE4? ''So Loptyr is beta-Anakos. A Dragon that ruins a story completely.''
  3. I really don't want a return to Single lord Emblem. I've seen alot of people over the net wanting ''Simple stories'' back, but honestly, until FE16, with the exception of FE9/10 (and let's not forget the blood pact), every story so far was meh thanks to being ''We good guys, other bad guys being controlled by dragon''. I really really don't want a return to that. Ever. Even Jugdral gen2 gets ruined thanks to that. That doesn't necessarily mean i want route splits forever, but i atleast want multipe prespectives and lords ala Echoes and FE10. Preferably with them facing each other and being enemies. Some say simple stories can be done well, but that has never been the case in FE. I want a fight between character, ideals, nations, and not we go kick some Dragon's ass.
  4. Just arrived at Gronder.... Wth 80 Atk, 55AS, 50 Prt... Wtf are those numbers. Yes. Every giant fox and Thief gets pass. All archers get poison strike, Snipers poison strike and Vantage. And like every unit had a weight minus skill. Honestly, i would've liked a difficulty like that... without maddening's stat inflation
  5. Honestly, i never had much trouble with them until maddening. Annoying abilities (pass foxes anyone?), too tanky, and sometimes just one shot everything they see. Pass foxes made Marianne's Paralogue extra annoying
  6. Yup, the dialogue is interesting. Taking the barriers down is easy enough, taking him down isn't <.< Too tanky, too high of a crit <.< Edit: And Leonie comes with the crutch crit. Love ya Girl :3
  7. Wind Caller <.< Eh. I find them useless after early game, and even if i need them, they are in the convoy.
  8. Yes. Typo, or maybe i was thinking of Touhou, dunno xD ...there's something else to carry?
  9. I will just leave this here If you unlock all, you get Marissa by default iirc. There's a certain priority, with Marissa being first priority. Protecc Imoutos
  10. I see you going for Marissa ending Levels in this game are no indication of what level you should be. Especially when playing on higher difficulties.
  11. There are actually 3 Falcom Dragons in that game One from Sky, one from CS1 and the last from CS3. You probably already fought the one from sky This one On another note, my Flayn has muscles. Alot of muscles. 25 STR lmao. I could proably reclass her to Sword Master and she would do a good job. Alas, i need a dancer As for Leonie Crit Girl
  12. YAY! Zelda is my 2nd pick me atm I played with Byleth a bit, and finished the Spirit board. A bit slow for my tastes (I usually prefer fast Characters, with Marth/Lucina being my main). Hits hard though. Like lol you can kill with Aymr at 30%
  13. I could play the bs that is Marianne's paralogue.... Or i could use the warp spell! Seriously though, that map is such bs. Especially with every fox having pass <.< I could 2 turn it thankfully and didn't have to Rng bullshit my way through more than one turn.
  14. Maddening be like: Let's have 38 AS Falco Knights at chapter 14 my 36 AS Leonie with Darting Blow: It's free real estate Man, i am now more thankful than ever i have Leonie and my flying Archer squad
  15. @Shadow Mir Dr. Wily was ez. Just Kirby down b + Metal Killer Virdi spirit
  16. ''But what if... i've chosen wrong?'' Thanks, you too!
  17. 'bad' is an understatement It makes conquest end look like a happy end xD If you get true end, don't just NG+ right away. The game has a post game with a dungeon. Anyway, time to meet my grown up golden memers!
  18. They are all 👌 Also, let's see if you recognize some side Bosses. Btw, planning to get mad end or nah?
  19. OOF Serenes quoting fucked up again xD I was responding to your best girl comment with that xD on another matter https://old.reddit.com/r/fireemblem/comments/etu6pr/kiss_kiss_fall_in_love_commission/ a cute image of our fav. Fish girl
  20. It's mostly used as an anti grind mechanic. Don't stay too long in dungeons and be sure to atleast check back at every save point (since you can teleport from/to them now.) or if you feel you've been there for too long, just return and check on them. I knew it XD Imo. IF/CH's best written non-nep game and characters. Story might be predictable, but the characters are just sooooooooo gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooood
  21. And i just did my probably favourite map in the game, and this time, it was even more fun! And Roar of Dominion hypes me up as usual. First thing: Marianne one-shots.... with a Fire Orb xD Hilda in a nutshell And then a NPC priest decides to imitate her and crits with a Silver Sword lmao Claudey boy saying the truth Before his future wife finishes off her imperial waifuness Also, the Pegasi in this map were wew, 29 freaking AS. Only my girl Leonie could deal with them without getting doubled (who could double them thanks to Darting Blow.). Also, who'd win: The Adrestian Army or One Almyran boi Party at the end of Part 1, Golden Deer
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