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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Yes. Alot of people don't want a Golden Route, and i think (not sure xD) i am one of them as well. Doesn't mean discussing it can't be fun 😉 If anything, she hates them. The only reason she hides stuff like ''Relic weapon turn crestless into monster'' because it will cause a massive unrest. And here's the biggest problem why a golden route is almost impossible. Edelgard is very hard to sway with words, if not impossible. Of course he won't. No one in his place would. And while she didn't cause it, she allied herself with those who did. In Jeralt's words ''Your Words are meaningles'' Honestly, before the game came out, i thought it will be kinda like Radiant Historia, with us switching between route/timelines until we reach the true end. I still think it would make for an interesting concept. Seriously though, Verdant Winds is the closest to a golden end we will get.
  2. banned for expecting the hammer to hit at WTD
  3. Headaches are a constant mood nowdays. And being tired <.< try to see if you can move your apointment up. Waiting until March with this condition is awful, speaking from experience.
  4. i am not sure, but isn't crit avoid in FE5 Luck/2?
  5. Hmm Is Musse a dragon girl that has been single for a 1000 years? Would explain her thirst.
  6. Three Houses, no questions asked. Not only are they the best, they are the most fleshed out thanks to the best iteration of the support system in the series. Tellius comes as a far second. While PoR characters hold up fine, RD newcomers really got the short end of the stick.
  7. If Raphael has enough Cha, how about turning him into a dancer? Marianne can still go the healer/Mage classline and benefits from having Physic x 2 when Bishop. She is still a good option afaik though. Also, if all else fails, Flayn is usually a pretty good Dancer.
  8. Banned for talking about WTA without having breaker skills equipped
  9. Jugdral: Sigurd and Sara FE8: Ephraim and Myrrh Tellius: Ike and Jill Fates: Inigo and Elise Three Houses: Claude and Flayn The rest i really don't have much an opinion of when it comes to characters or didn't play (usually the former)
  10. @Armagon @Falcom Knight There's both an old and a new tl. Old tl has been out for a while now, while new tl is still in the works https://geofront.esterior.net/
  11. ayy another one for best girl. huh. I thought it didn't work that way. I should take note of that then... Shots fired!
  12. Air dodge online can be the worst <.< suicided twice in a tourney final thanks to my command happening 5 seconda after i pressed the button <.<
  13. Japan. I don't know why they love it so much either. I usually hate Student x Teacher <.<
  14. And that's where me, a PC guy, have the advantage: Just wait a few days for a NG+ file and carry unlimited bonding over 😛 If i play the game, that is.
  15. Yup. Everyone does. Any shipping get's rekt if it ain't Rean or old Cast
  16. Man, CS4 is gonna pull a Radiant Dawn on them.
  17. Another day then^^ Yeaah, i didn't hear much good about this one
  18. Fellow Golden Deer of Culture with the bestest of Tastes
  19. That would be a very good date for me, as around May/June is when i am planning my next switch game batch
  20. so @Armagonwe doing this? Because i will need a few minutes to prepare and stuff
  21. Probably this E3 you will get something. yup, and maybe it's me, but i don't see the chemistry and development between Rean and Alisa at all So i will face the representive of TeamAlisa alone?
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