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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Will get to kmow that there wasn't any snow here at all the whole winter
  2. Yeah, i shall do that. On another matter Again, eh? Reminds me of CS2 when party always pretended how hard a fight was while boss never got to attack me, then "THIS ISN'T EVEN MY FINAL FORM" happens and someine saves us. Definetly took me out of the game. Especially when it happens every boss fight. Kiseki power levels are whack xD
  3. Isn't enjoying the beautiful wind right now
  4. And not the fun kind. If i have to i may get the exam office involved with this, as this should be against the StuPO. I don't wanna be an asshole though, so i will try to cancel it normally, as i am really not ready for this on such a short notice.
  5. *gets a call from Supervisor* "Jo Shrimpy you gotta do a presentation on your Thesis, next week." Me: "wtf?" I turned the damn thing in like 2.5 Months ago, and got told a while after that everything is over and that's it while i was actually ready for a presentation. They come now, after i put the whole thing behind me, and ask me to do one, and on such a short notice, too <.<. <.<
  6. 2 more days until basement dwelling brats :hype:
  7. Rhea - Dear god. She is just so unjustly and unfairly treated by the fandom. Alot of people blame her for everything bad that happened in Fodlan and act like she is the literal devil, even if she only shares like 10% of the blame max. I don't wanna go into Spoilers to those who didn't play the game, but seeing people compare Rhea at ther worst with others at their best really pisses me off. Honeslty, while at the beginning of the game i didn't like her much and found her super suspicous, the more i play and think about the game the more i grow to like and understand her. I could write more about her, but i really don't wanna get into Spoilers.
  8. I mean > working with killers and those who caused the tragedy. > Started an (in their view very unjustified) War. > Coup'd and sentenced their king using Cornelia. Very Very hard to understand her if you are affected by it. To them, she is evil.
  9. we don't know that. Almyra is bigger than Fodlan. The view points you have of them is that of a fodlandian + someone who faced discrimination (both fodlan and almyra peeeps discriminate against each other) + a child. And the last 2 mention explicitly how every place has it's good and bad. exactly the point isn't that she did it (because she didn't), it's that she works with them despite that.
  10. Both can easily be attributted to ''overcome your weakness'' or Teach pushing them to. Caspar also has a sense of justice, for example. Then again, it's just me. I was never one to connect class with character identity.
  11. After first playthrough (of every route) it just takes like 10 min to go do the food stuff fast. When skipping you auto train. Skip = rest, so SotC recharges. It also recharges motivation by 50%, for each week. You are not forced, you can just say ''nah, don't wanna'' For me it's a ''i just picked it up''/''wanna try something different''. Works especially well in 3H, since academy and all
  12. prejudices. One of the biggest points in Claude's route. Almyrans and Fodlandians don't really know each other. All they know are prejudices. I mean, their king married someone from Fodlan.
  13. You know you can just play it like you would play an old FE? Play without aux battles or grinding, and it pretty much feels like a classic game, limited resources included. Nobody forces you to grind in Sacred stones, either. And i never understood the ''identity is bound to classes thing''. If a class is all a character has, then they aren't good written character or unique enough. Skills make characters much more unique then classes ever did. And writing. There's a skip button The game offers you choice on how you play it. You can play it like classic games. You can play it like modern. You can do meme runs. You can go super efficient. You can grind if you want. You can, you can etc. If you don't like an option, don't use it 😉
  14. She was 12/13 actually, as it happened 4 years before the start of the game. Now, doesn't change your point much, but she still worked with those who did it. That alone would greatly piss most people off, now add Dimitri's mental health.... Yeah. Her imperial waifuness has alot of blood on her hands, even if the duscur thing isn't one of them. Shounen =/= bad. And the only time it was really shounen was Claude's friendship line. That line perfectly resembels his Character development. I will qoute best boi Claude here "If that's what you believe then that's whar you were led to believe" 😉
  15. Thing is, I had alot of breating problems and chokes at night and it was related to my stomach condition. They are probably not related in your case, but better be safe than sorry
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