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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Yup. Always felt that as well. I wouldn't have minded Alisa as 'main girl' either if she was more fleshed out and there was no bonding system. implying i am any good. Still not really used to the game xD
  2. So it's 2v2, TeamFie vs. TeamAlisa Time to settle it in smash Smashers and banning anything that isn't plain, name a more iconic duo YUUUUUUUUP. CS1/2 needed the cast cut by half >I just woke up too......thanks to my cough. One of the worst feelings in the world <.<
  3. A freaking man OF CULTURE. You have the bestest of tastes.
  4. Ah, Ys 8 like then. Then pull a pro Adol move and GIFT EVERY LAST ONE OF THEM
  5. That's a very common opinion from what i've heard. in fact, i hear alot that the one of the bigger weaknesses of CS3/4 is the old Class 7. ... and the night just started great. Riip soup
  6. Mornin! you too, eh? xD Hopefully you don't have any important lectures or anything tomorrow. I know i don't. Time to eat something, read some manga, and maybe play some smash
  7. Imo, you already played Thracia at it's peak, which is the Manster Arc. Why people love Thracia so much (including me) usually comes down to it's unique mechanics, some which still define the series to this day and some which never came back. Despite it's mechanics, the game still has alot of what i would call ''Kaga bs surprises''. I am not a fan of them, Die Hard Thracia fans usually love them though.
  8. tfw you go take an afternoon nap and wake up at 1 am
  9. A Point that they solved by not doing it 😉 The arranged marriage was a result of I will have to recheck the events again but i am pretty sure he is involved in some way. It was part of the plan he is still following. Iirc it had also to do with the culture of each Area. Iirc that was the reason the civil war 100 year before Sky ended in kinda a peace, as they could reach a compromoise between nobility and commoners. So while one area is electrocal, the other is hereditary. And as we both pointed out, they aren't like Erebonia at all. Man, it's been a while since i played Sky xD
  10. As i said in the post above yours, Liberl's nobility system isn't nobility like at all. It's like a mix, with nobles really having no influence. So Rean is correct.
  11. It was Osbro. He worked with the society. Worked with them for a biiiiig while. Liberl is kinda a mix between Nobility, Monarchy and democracy iirc? IIrc they were usually mayoral elections (which is also a big plot point in that one chapter), and those usually go then to advice the queen.
  12. Nah, the chapters there aren't that long. Like, Chapters 1 to 5 SC together are as long as Act CS2, as an example. Edelwaifu intensifies Without trying to conquer the whole continent while at it xD
  13. And that's the thing, isn't it? Politics affects us all, usually negatively. You forgot the 100 day war and Hamel 😛 So that's why my Cereals dissapeared today.
  14. Yes. Especially when you get to know behind how much stuff he is. The Olivier vs. Osbro thing has been set up since the end of Sky SC and further set up in Sky 3rd
  15. Osbro and Edelwaifu. But i will tell you, us Sky players have been hating Osbro from second 1 xD
  16. As if they will ever do that. I have 0 trust in the SPD to do anything meaningful.
  17. ...is the Gehaburn turning Napugya into Dimitri?
  18. Then you should've hated ozzy and his lackeys by then xD
  19. While true yes, federal-CDU seems to be much more against it then federal-FDP is. Or maybe i see it that way because of my own bias and always expecting the CDU to do something like this, while not really expecting the FDP to do it (even if there were signs). Thanks for the Art link btw 😄
  20. While i want a FE4 remake, i also thing they shoud captalize on Fodlan and pull a Thracia and do Fire Emblem Almyra 886
  21. I expected the CDU to be the one to bow to AFD first, not FDP <.< Anyway, politics aside, source for the Signature art?
  22. Make them have less Mov (5 or 6 compared to 7, for example) but move on sand without any penalty. Can only Canto on Sand. Also, Water Mounts, but only if water becomes an important terrain.
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