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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. >Cool Escape Map >Every enemy has a Crit >Turn Limit >Get critted to game over. Why why why. So many crits <.<
  2. Thats why you read Trails ingame books. They always offer hints and are 90% true. Ummm, no, you got it wrong. Go view Star door 15 and you'll know it's much worse
  3. 5 hours only? i kinda doubt that. I am playing through it atm and it seems like it will be more akin to 10 Hours. I played 2 Maps so far and started the third. First one is fine, 2nd one is Echoes Map design + RD Part 4 unlimited Reinforcements + Rout = Bleh, 3rd one is a reuse from main story lol. I like the characters so far however and the story seems interesting.
  4. tbf though, that one is pretty much in every ToS. As for the first one.... Well, it's gamefreak, what do you expect?
  5. And good morning What better way to start the day then picking the switch up any playing some FE? Atleast until the meeting and stuff i have later
  6. And S Rank +1 Range Ability ... Or Thoron Peeps. 7 Range Magic babeh
  7. Honestly, i think the fanbase in general kinda has a problem with characters that show a bit too much skin. Fates aside (because dear god, lol.), most characters people complain about being 'fanservicey' i mostly only notice after the fanbase complains about them, ngl. Maybe it's because i play alot of jrpgs and used to watch alot of anime that i don't notice it, but i really don't get the complaints about most ''fanservice'' characters.
  8. Banned for having more characters in pfp than in sig
  9. Nope. The PS4 port of CS1/2 happend long after they lost the rights. Most speculate Xseed lost the rights because they didn't wanna do Tokyo Xanadu
  10. Honestly, i think the main reason there such a 'pushback' against a golden route is because Revelation exists. If Revelation didn't exist, i bet the fanbase would be much more open to it. IS themselves maybe, too.
  11. Correction: the big gap was between FC and SC, not SC and 3rd. There was a 5 year gap between FC and SC. 3rd got released about a year and a half after SC iirc Also:
  12. If that was the case, the PC gaming community would be on fire. Like, literal fire. Valve tried to do payed mods once... backed down very fast xD
  13. Steam isn't a subscription service though anyway, even if you don't want steam, you can get the games on GoG and humble bundle, DRM free, ie you can download and copy them over wherever you want
  14. You can play em on PC btw, even on a toaster. And they are available DRM free, too, iirc
  15. That's what i am trying to find out. I will have a call with my Supervisor in a bit to discuss it. Super Intense :D
  16. The deadline for my thesis was early december, where i turned it in. Presentation isn't part of the StuPO, but alot do it unofficially, although within days of the deadline of the Thesis, and not 2.5 months after. And imo, the best boss fight in the series, if not genre wide.
  17. Banned for reminding me of Gatrie xD
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