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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Falcom: Lowers Trails Quality IS & KT: It's Free Real Estate
  2. NGL, seeing Rorona crying is a bit weird, since she doesn't strike me as a crying person then again, i don't know anything about her xD
  3. Well, that, too, but the onii-sama reveal would've been the perfect end.
  4. That's has always been the case. I got the used to it so much, i was dissapointed and angry CS2 didn't end on one xD The Singa effect
  5. I had a weird dream one of Future and Past of Uni and School of Flowers and desert of Food and Love Of Conquest and Fate It was... an experience xD I mean it's Trails xD Cliffhangers are a must
  6. https://old.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/f89f9y/translation_of_chinese_a9vg_gaming_site_interview/
  7. all this boss talk reminds me of the only Boss fight i enjoyed from gameplay prespective in CS1/2
  8. thing is, everything breaks that game in half XD Because there's only one true best girl
  9. Gotta agree with that. While i didn'T find them hard, i found Mecha fights boring and annoying. It's like a pokemon fight that lasts half an hour... Never liked Mecha in anime anway. they belong to reality, where it's cool 😛
  10. let me let you on a secret: Best girl. That should be enough for you to figure it out 😉
  11. which one? the one at the end of Act 1? That one was ez, m8 And the extra AP was to bring him down to 50% HP iirc. I was even able to bring him to 1HP, but he is unkillable because lol we can't defeat those.
  12. Ah yes. Always remove the glasses. The only right decision. ''I HOLD IN MY HANDS THE CHLAICE OF HEAVEN! MAY IT'S HOLIEST OF LIGHT ACT AS OUR SHIELD'' -Onion Graham and Earth guard, i guess xD
  13. Yeah, i agree. They usually have way way way way way too much HP. I liked Sky 3rd's though. But you know what's hype? The Penultimate Fights. Löwe fight. So good, so good. For consoles, if you are not buying on release, used is usually a much much cheaper option
  14. Trails always gives at at the end, that has always been the case. Even CS2 had a great finale.... before Epilogue happened <.< WHY. If Epilogue didn't exist i would've forgiven the game for so much
  15. ...you're right. I actually found Lulua on ebay for 20€ Like with so many games xD Get hyped!
  16. continuing the Atelier mood that i started by posting in the wrong thread. I wanted to post in LPW XD
  17. Since this thread is in Atelier mood and all NGL the ost is one of the main reason i want to get into these games
  18. Because if it wasn't, Hanneman wouldn't be a le to level up. Why is there no Illya route?
  19. Banned for not having grqvuty + 100 on sunday
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