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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Meat + wind The ultimate combination xD Yeah that's a problemwith iffy titles in general due to lack of budget. DERQ suffers from the same problem, that's why i played Dragon Star with jp VA from start to finish. Millium: can i join in? Well, that, and the fact that Altina was putting on the whole "you, couch, 2 weeks" act xD
  2. me, like half a dozen hours ago: let's go play Atelier a bit and create some items before bed. Also me: wtf why is it so late i was only creating some weapons and armors that increased all my stats by 50 Never thought i would enjoy crafting items lol. welp, only a few hours of sleep, i guess. Pc version actually. They released a demo yesterday. She even goes all ''Transform'' and all lol. I aim to please xD Since i played Dragon Star and FFF with jp VA, and Trails and 3H with en VA i wouldn't really know xD
  3. https://old.reddit.com/r/Falcom/comments/fg46ov/trails_from_zero_geofront_translation_releasing/ H Y P E @Armagon @DragonFlames @Falcom Knight
  4. So, finished the CS3 demo Impressions: While i kinda enjoyed it, not so much as to buy day 1. Waiting for Sale (& crossbell) Music bad Art style is bad. Too much same face. The opening was disgusting Too much Rean worshipping, but hopefully this time around he will earn it and not get it handed to him like in CS1/2 Rean and Altina seems to be going through a rough phase in their relationship. They breaking up or something? xD They are copying CS1 1 to 1, down to Schoolmagoria and boob accident. Poor guy didn't deserve the slap Brave Orders seem to be quite broken Seems also they nerfed Arts to hell, atleast from the delay values. Juna's weapon switch gimmick seems cool. Small Cast yes! TITTTTTTTTTTTTTAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Altina is a Neptunia CPU Tita is voiced by Annette's VA, right? Can we move on from Rean already. No seriously enough with that guy. Olivier should've been CS arc mc like by original Plans.
  5. https://www.gematsu.com/2020/03/the-legend-of-heroes-trails-of-cold-steel-iii-pc-demo-now-available-worldwide-switch-demo-available-in-japan time to try this
  6. so is it me, or does it look like Lulua in battle goes full 'Rawr' mode and is ready to bounce on some enemies? xD She has the eyes of a predator that one xD
  7. I never said he is, and as i said, i grew to like him, but some of his ships just creep me out (especially the Lys and Flayn ones. And no, not even the B or A supports are good there. Flayn A-support in particular had me wanting to punch him). There're alot of methods. For example: Sothis power, Help of Hanneman and Linhardt, etc. It's not like the characters will never meet each other again after the game. He gives up his claim to the throne to search for a cure for her, and succeeds.
  8. She's more Neptune lol Genki overenegetic girl just my type xD
  9. How Lulua looks: uWu imma cutie How she acts and sounds: Imma Kick your ass if you don't listen to me, Mister! Lulua Kicko! wth xD
  10. With Byleth, Claude, Hanneman and Edel she lives just fine. And the last 2 are non-romantic as well, which is fine, especially in the case of Hanneman, since this being romantic would've been creepy af.
  11. As someone who really hates this ship with passion, i explain it with... Lin being a creep in his C&B support with Lys (and with Flayn as well). It creeped me the hell out. While i eventually grew to like Lin a bit more during the game, him ending with Lys i see as a punishment for Lys, even if she lives longer. @DragonFlames i am pretty sure if Sanaki was a bit older, this would've been a popular ship lol.
  12. #PuniLivesMatter They should've had an event where when you kill too many Punis Black Puni reappears and one-shots the party xD The main reason i got interested in the series is because of the OST xD
  13. ...Puni Politics BWAHAHAHAHAHA 🤣 Slimes organizing a protest to gain citizenship pfffffffffft 🤣 wth hahaha Puni Rangers! pfffffffftt xD ...Cygnus?
  14. You should probably check over the Phone with a doctor. And get well soon!
  15. Why do cute Alchemist waifus get such awesome banger tracks I am not complaining, but i am surprised xD
  16. ...i guess that's a feature that will be unlocked later, huh?
  17. I am now heading to Arland. To solve Rorona's mess The legendary Rorona, who can split the ocean and cut mountains in half... is bad at paperwork xD
  18. ...don't let the wedding dress distract you from the fact that the track is a banger xD ...i already can't carry any more bombs lol. Btw, i will get the chance soon to craft stronger equipment, right? Also, every game needs a Change BGM feature.
  19. I set as the normal boss theme xD (with Crosswinds being the event/chapter boss theme) ...yeah, i can see that happening... I probably filled 20% of it now....
  20. also >BGM from almost all other games, which are also great it's doing fine. Just annoyed that when mass-creating i can't carry over traits that, and the fact that i always run out of space while exploring lmao
  21. Damn it, the Music is legendary in this game.
  22. OP What do you mean by other outfit? She does get alot of outfits in the games you can craft and/or buy for her. Or you mean her HDD?
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