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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Maybe we can finally learn from this and advance digitalizing stuff (everything! i shouldn't need to get an appointment and wait for a month and go to the Meldebehörde just register a new adress, as an example. Should be done online. Only new IDs/Passports and the like should require personal attendence), change the our work culture (I am all ill but can totally work! really now?) and become more flexible in general. If dems don't go Bernie, i doubt Biden can defeat Trump. That's the thing, these advices shouldn't have been advices, but rather orders. Bundesliga games, meetings and festivies and stuff should've been canceled long ago. Not me... xD I hate this ngl. I wanna meet my friends, go outside, walk, etc. But better safe than sorry I have been thinking about it for a bit lately. An Alchemist class Abilities: Ranged item use: Can use Items on allies in x (=Mag?) Range Weapon Repair and forging: Can repair and forge weapons during battle if there are enough resources in convoy. Create Tonics & Potions: given enough resources, can create Tonics & Potions on the battlefield (with stronger ones having a turn cost) and use them Item & Trading Canto: Unit can move & use one more action after using an item or trading. (Max 1 more action per turn) Explosive weapons: can turn broken weapons into explosives and throw them.
  2. When this is all over and done, we should definetly talk about what powers the different state governments and the federal govermnet have. Federalism is good and all, but it has it's weakness in times such as this. We don't need the states squabbling over what to do in crisis times. Although shouldn't the federal government theoritcally have more powers in those times according to the law anyway? So it might be a matter of execution rather than law. Because no one was prepared for this. I can totally understand you, and i am also a bit scared myself (I have older family, and i don't want to infect any of those. Not to mention my own illness from the last 2 year). But panic won't help anyone, and the best we can do is follow the instructions to 'flatten the curve' so not many people get ill at the same time. Just stay at home, go only outside if you have to, and play games xD Plot Twist: most FE lords are from Arland
  3. Carnival and stuff should've definetly been canceled. Dunno why they went ahead with all the festives though. And there should've been more restrictions on travelers coming from risk areas. Now everyone will get restricted. Also, we aren't 6000 yet, atleast according to the number i see. We should be at ~3000 Again, state matter not federal matter. Most states already announced closing of Schools and unis though, including my own. Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Bremen, Hamburg, Niedersachsen, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland, Schleswig-Holstein und Thüringen. And the rest will follow, for sure. Humanity adapted to Dragons XD
  4. Eh. I doubt it's because of that. It's mainly because of how fast it spreads. Look at Italy. Lockdown and still spreading. Also, health stuff is still state matter and not federal matter. Although i wouldn't object to the federal government getting more say over this, instead of 16 different Prime Minisiter/Mayors squabbling over what to do. Actually, the words help... If people followed them. The problem i see is the government going ''you should do x'' instead of ''you must do x''. Not many people follow the should. It takes one idiot to ignore the 'should' and everyone gets screwed over. Here in Berlin everything is getting closed anyway lol. And public transport will be driven back to minimum Umu umu. Stuff there is so expensive lmao.
  5. I think so as well. And Sanaki was also more on Ike's side xD The only relation she has with Micaiah is the blood relation really. But yes, an amazing Art piece that i need the textless version of.
  6. It is not. I didn't use my passport to go there. Only the ID. Not on my passport or ID (they can't on the ID). On their own databases maybe. Information usually not shared with other countries. Not that easily. The ones who might share the information however are travel agencies/providers. And i am pretty sure that breaks some EU laws.
  7. Germany. They check your papers (in that case, ID or Passport), but they don't stamp it. Not until the end of the year/transition period. Not yet. Not until the end of the year. They are outside of the EU for now, but they have to follow the same rules as us for the transition period. I just checked the travel notice from my country, and they are still the same as when UK was in the EU. Shengen isn't a customs area, but 'we take a meh approach on borders' and UK and Ireland were never part of it, and always had border checks even when part of the EU. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-politics-50838994
  8. It won't. I don't get a stamp when i fly to the uk. I don't even need a passport. Just an ID is enough. For now.
  9. I only did it because there's a lvl 100 post game fight... that i didn't manage to win yet xD Money huh. I don't remember having any trouble with it, but use the +50% money peeps on a high level dungeon And there're many quests that give alot of money that can be repeated
  10. i wasn't, dw. Dana is one of my all time, Ys best girl and Falcom's best since Estelle I am just meme'ing everything really xD dunno, i stopped at 70 xD
  11. third character... you talking about Origin not Oath xD it's for people who want to gring. You get nothing by doing it There's also a giant metal doggo somewhere in heart dimension that gives aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot of exp
  12. ...On Nightmare? or Inferno? It's also a joke on how easy modern games are xD
  13. When people discuss Trails playorder (Warning: extremly shitposty. Like, so shitposty, it actually hurt me to write this xD)
  14. I know i sound like a broken record by now but Change BGM is the greatest thign ever. Current Battle Theme:
  15. Red Alert 2 and generals describe my gaming life from middle school up until early university days. Hopefully we will get those after this 😉
  16. Welp, my uni just sent an e-mail to everyone with immediate measures due to Corona. Including 1 week longer vacation for everyone, the cancellation of all events, and re-evaluating exam periods and stuff
  17. KANE LIVES! ...The Translation isn't yet out though. Still 3 days to go.
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