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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. https://imgur.com/a/CbvEmd7 you said something? Almost everything i play is 'anime' xD And that isn't even everything haha
  2. I agree with Cyan here. Especially with the whole ''Both sides of time'' thing. Like, what sides was DragonShinobu even talking about? Sothis in general needed a much much bigger role. Definetly. Rhea is handled very very very unfairly in the fanbase.
  3. I am gonna be a bit serious, actually 😛 So, for this, we're gonna use one Central thing in the game: Time Travel. After Byleth relieves all 4 routes, he remembers all the timelines and Sothis pops up, telling him about one last chance they have to save every last one of them. Byeth & Sothis go back to the beginning, where it all started. Byleth saves Students from Kostas gang, goes to Gareg Mach, and tries to make the lords warm up to each other, but fails, and fails and fails, until... The events of Cindred Shadows happen, bringing everyone closer together. Now the change starts here. Yuri, working under Rhea, finds something iffy about Thomas and Jeritza, with hints from Byleth. Jeritza escapes, and Thomas dies. Jeralt survives, since no Kronya getting snuggled in. Thomas being snuffed out makes Agartha advance their Plans. Edelgard, despite being friendlier with the lords, still attacks the Holy Tomb. However, she also get's blindsided when Agartha attacks the church with heavy weaponry while everyone is unprepared. Church defeated, Students on the run, Rhea sleeps, Byleth sleeps. ---Time Skip--- Byleth & Rhea wake up to a Fodlan under Agartha's control, with Crest users and remnants of the church getting hunted. The first one they meet when they wake up is Yuri & Wolves. Yuri & Gang have been protecting the two of them while they were sleeping, update them on the situation of Fodlan, with Agartha controlling the continent, and suggests they head to Claude, since he is the largest resistance atm. Dimitri lost the majority of his forces on his Revenge trip ™️, and her Imperial Waifuness is nowhere to be seen, with Arundel in control of the Empire. Rhea, however, wanted to gather her followers first, and so, she heads out to search for them, while Byleth & Wolves head to Claude's hidden base. Claude, seeing teach, decides to advance his plans, and prepares his Almyran friends, to begin Fodlan's liberation, but first they head to the Kingdom, help the blue Lions, while avoiding get detected so they don't get nuked, and save them from being annhilated. Next step is saving the Black Eagles, where they learn that they were found out and are on the run...they meet them on Gronder Field, where the next event happens. The Unification of Eagle and Lion. Edelgard and friends on the run from Agarthans forces, they get sorrounded on Gronder. However, before they get rekt, they get help from an unexpcted source. A Roaring Dragon and the Knighs of Seiros. Rhea's Magichines pop in to counter Agarthian Machines. Rhea Stops a nuke. Seteth & Flayn help the Black Eagles survive the first waves until help from Claude & Co. arrives. The officer academy is united again, and they all come to an understanding, even if Rhea and Edelgard don't get along. Then, with the help of the prepared Almyran forces Claude prepared, they proceed to take Agarthan Forts and military points, before heading into Shambala.... There, Nemesis is already waiting for them, and the nukes are getting prepared. Time for the Final, final Battle. Finally. However, with Nemesis and nukes, there was no way all of them would survive. After taking the majority of the forces & Nemesis down, Byleth decides to stay behind to stop the nukes, with Sothis helping him stopping them from hitting his remaining students and teleporting everyone out, thus using all their power. His Student and the Knights survive, but he doesn't. Sacrificing his life to save everyone's. The Students, Knights and Church remnants come up to a ruined Fodlan, one they will have to repair for decades, and to lead to a brighter future. .... ... Kinda influenced by Broken Star.
  4. ...you must've seen some weird children then. Nowi bad, updoots to the left.
  5. The only ''loli'' really is Sothis, and even she is more Shinobu than Tiki
  6. ...Is Flayn even a loli...? Because if she is, might as well call Edelgard and Lys lolis.
  7. Oh i read this one! There's also one that has some Flayn in it although no shipping. Warped time/A Jump to the left/right. Check it out 😉
  8. Ah yes, finally a fellow Flayn-o-Fish fan and one of the best S-supports in game. Imo i think she has one of the best developments and chemistry with Byleth in the game (not to mention she is the only one aside from the lords to have Bond Support with Byleth), but it seems like i am in the minority with that. From what i've seen, some people mention her 'young-ish' looks, other the complicated blood situation, and other people see her as Nowi for some reason. There's also the fact that alot of people don't play Silver Snow due to it being 'VW lite', where Flayn (and Seteth) has the most presence. Also, if you want a Byleth x Flayn fic, be the change you want to see in the world 😉
  9. Seiros prologue DLC please. We really need her playable. She got robbed
  10. I know i already posted it in LPW, but this is the dedicated thread and all
  11. Let Byleth marry her in both CF and VW first runs
  12. I mean, people still need to get stuff done. Honestly, i see big gatherings (Hello, Carnival...) as more of a problem... Sorry sorry for bringing this up. It's just, i was planning a change of scenerey that i really need before starting real worklife and all, but then this happened and it's scary
  13. Man, i was planning a months long trip soon, before i start my work life and stuff.... Why did this whole virus thing have to happen <.< And it's kinda getting outta control...
  14. Nier tomata on sale, huh. I might get this one. ...I have to wait too much until my next switch haul lol. This game is definetily in it.
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