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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. I am gonna throw one out here that i have seen in some SRPG Studie games: Transform depending on status/position. Like, One transformation i saw is that the unit can transform only when there are no allied units nearby, otherwise they are stuck using normal weapons. You can now extend this. One who only transforms when an ally is nearby One who only transforms when damaged One who only transforms when adjacent One who only transforms when status'd One who transforms with a gauge etc. Could make for an interesting mechanic
  2. >plays Yoshi's Island to relieve childhood memories >Game as fun as ever >Scores first 4 levels: 100 100 98 100 REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Did i really have to get hit that one time <.<. I love that one. Used to listen it for quite a bit for a while Another fav. of mine: By the same singer as the one who did Steins;Gate OPs, and they are all bangers.
  3. There is a meme, but the meme is that, a meme.
  4. yes especially since you have to see every enemy action, including wait
  5. So i just finished the Langrisser 1/2 remake demo... I have to say, i am not impressed. Especially since they are asking for 50€. Imo, feels like a 10-15€ game at most. Game doesn't feel modernized at all. The scene transitions are super awkward, and the story is minimal, like a 90s game. Yeah, it's a remake of one, but i thought remakes are suppossed to flesh stuff out? Also, i don't like the combat. First for all, the Battle forecast is useless, and means nothing. Second, you can't calculate stuff yourself, in the originals it was mostly AT - DF (+ RNG factors, but you get the idea), and third, the attack animations don't matter anymore (because they don't even exist lol.) To explain the animation part, in the originals, each type of unit had a different animation and a different animation speed, like for example, Archers could counter attack at 1 range yes, but they always attacked last (which always ends with them wiped out before getting an attack in), while Assassins usually attacked first, etc. That unique mechanic is gone. Speaking about Animation: Wtf? While i am not one to care about graphics, this is ridiculous. Like why does the mobile game have better everything? Better art, better graphics and even an english dub? Also, too many units. In Langrisser 4 it works due to the AT-system (like Trails. It really kinda plays like Trails gameplay in SRPG form.), so you don't have to control 40 units at the same turn, but using Player Phase/Enemy Phase turn mechanics with that many units is kinda ooof. Maybe it's just me however. Or maybe the Maps they had in the Demo were just bleh. Especially the L1 ones. So yeah, i don't think i will be getting this. Maybe at 80% Sale or something.
  6. I love how you are cherrypicking. Hubie never says they didn't declare war. Hubie doesn't contradict the narration! And the neutral narration is a much more reliable source than Hubie. Not to mention she attacked the officer's academy, where he was fighting and living. And his friends. Reforms. The whole next generation of rulers wanted change. Edelgard could have easily made them her allies, yet she made an enemy of every last one of them. She believed she was the only one who could achieve something. Not to mention in the end we find out she is a girl who knows nothing. Not a single thing she says is true or right. Conflict was inevitable, but it wouldn't have been a big ass war. Bullshit. Stop being blind to her action. She still went in first, axes blazing. She didn'T try anything else. Humans are the ones who abused Crests. Humans are the ones who did the experiments. Stop blaming everything bad in Fodlan on the Church. They did alot of shady stuff, but most of the blame lies on humans. Go view the Seteth supports and you will see how even Seteth himself dislikes the whole nobility thing.
  7. When she declared war on him. And she still attacked him in CF. The only reason she didn't attack him in the 5 years was because she was busy with the Kingdom Interefered only inside his own Nation. You know what else could've prevented bloodshed? Not starting a war. Stop blamiing Claude for Edelgard's action. You stop stating your headcanon as facts. Claude's 'interference' was only in his own nation, to stop it from collapsing. You're literally saying he should've surrendered.
  8. ''You attacked me, i will leave you alone. Might help you as well'' What kinda logic is that? If i went and held your family hostage, you will help me? To lessen bloodshed. And to build better relations with the future leader of Fodlan. Even when losing/surrendering, he still asks for his classmates to be treated well. Again, he didn't 'choose to meddle'. His nation was attacked. Edelgard attacked, Claude either had to defend or surrender. There wasn'T a ''no meddle'' choice lol. Edelgard wanted to conquer all of Fodlan.
  9. What? Half his country joining the Empire will mean the disolution of his country. No, i can. It is. It is his country just like Almyra is. He was on the defending side. I wouldn't call that ''intervention''. He was defending. And you don't understand Claude. Even in non-VW, he still very deeply cares about his friends and always orders them to retreat (yet they die for him). Please stop pretending like Edelgard didn't just start a war and gave everyone a choice. She didn't. It was either join her or die.
  10. And lose the country in the process. You are literally saying Claude should've just surrendered. That isn't a ''choice'' Alliance of Nobles or no, they are still a country. It's like saying some Federal states should just join mexic and US should allow it because why not? And that's a very big difference. Claude would've atleast tried Diplomacy first. Edelgard didn't even try that. War for Claude is a very very last option. He despises bloodshed.
  11. Claude wanted to have power. He let that go however, and even if he gained it, he would've used that as a very very very last resort. Claude is a diplomat, not a warmongerer. He wants to lead by example, not conquer. No, it literally is. Yeah, he should've just let half the alliance join the Empire no questions asked.
  12. She left the alliance alone because she was stale-mating the Kingdom (and didn't have TWISTD help in CF), not because of the goodness of her heart. She still declared war on them. She still did declare war on them. He wants to unite, yes, but Claude prefers Diplomacy. In all routes.
  13. Yeah, they had the choice to either surrender or die. what a nice choice. ''You know, i started a fight against your family and all, but wanna team up?'' Edelgard didn't just declare war against the church, but against the whole of Fodlan. ''With this single attack, the Adrestian Empire officialy launched it's offensive against the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and the Leicester Alliance'' She went in, Axe first, questions later. If she wanted allies or people to join her, it relies solely on her to reach out her hand, as the aggressor. Nobody else is to blame. And yeah, how is Rhea is suppossed to parley when Edelgard came in wanting to kill her? Is she just suppossed to surrender to an invasion? He wants to rule it so much, he goes to Almyra even after he unites Fodlan in his own route.
  14. No. Just no. Status effects don't need to become more annoying. Only way i can kinda accept this is if Restore becomes range, and if like 3H, it's range get's multiplied by 4 or something
  15. Truth about Crests -> abolish nobility & uniting continent -> People from different Statuses & Nations getting along -> People from Outside getting along with People from inside. Not to mention he himself wants to know the truth, about what's been going on, and why Crests are so valued. Also, at the beginning he was also searching for power, and why only certain people can use crest weapons. Even if later Power wasn't as important to him, he still wants the truth.
  16. Claude would prefer Rhea gone, actually, but he is also allied with the Knights of Seiros in the war. Not to mention finding the truth will help him in making people go along and getting rid of nobility.
  17. Because it's believed in Fodlan that the church frowns upon relations with the outside (Lorenz mentions as much and Claude denies it after, yet it's a widely popular belief.) Knowing the turth also helps with bringing people together and how they aren't that different. Also, Characters can have more then one arc 😉
  18. Claude wants to find the truth. The whole situation with Miklan/Lonato is another hint to what the truth is. Edelgard & Dimitri kinda have clear goals, Claude wants to find the truth, and what the church really is. I really disagree with this, as part one is develops him into what he is in part 2. Without his Class, without his Friends, without his search for information, Claude isn't Claude.
  19. Over the course of the game. In the very beginning he runs away and leaves everyone behind, his tactical retreat is him saving his own ass. Then in Part 1, he doesn't trust anyone, attempts to use Byleth, and tries to gain power. Over the course of part 1, around Eagle and Lion, he opens up a bit and starts to share a bit of his own, and becomes more friendly (his b-supports), with the promise to meet everyone else 5 years later. His search for power also decreases, and it becomes more of a ''want a place to belong and allies'' thing. And post time skip he then opens up more, until he completely open up at the bridge. Might be a bit subtle, but it's there.
  20. He 'loses these qualities' because he develops, and trusts more in his friends and finally has a place to belong. Yet even in Part 2 he isn't generic. He is still has his goals, he orders his friends to retreat when on losing side, and retreats himself, instead of fighitng to the death in non-VW routes. He is stilll a trickster and a genius tactician. He wants to create a world where there are no outsiders, so of course the outsider thing isn't as relevant in Part 2. Claude grew from a mistrusting outsider to someone who belongs that doesn't want anyone to be an outsider.
  21. Yuri is what people wanted Claude to be, not what he should've been. People really had a weird image of Claude.
  22. Best Saber Gameplay was meh, Story meh except last route, and for it you had to go through the maps over and over again. All in all a meh experience
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