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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Imo, not really, since you start with a very small list and it keeps growing at a certain pace, so you can usually keep track of it. It's not like they throw the Arts at you xD And yes, Arcus is a scrub. Literally the worst orbment system. Arcus' strength comes from making power of friendship canon though xD SPOILER is a good boi. trope fantasy
  2. One more reason to wait for geofront xD I personally vastly prefer the old system, and quite hate the CS one. Without the Bracer Notebook though that would've sucked, yes. I like how they did it in Sky3rd. While Most Bosses were immune to stuff, boss minions usually weren't iirc. Then again, i consider Sky3rd to be the best in the series, gameplay wise.
  3. It's the same, literally. Just with a different Quartz system and thus huge Art lists And that's like, only 1/3 of the Arts Estelle has, and she isn't even the one that can get the most Arts. Some can have access up to like 50 Arts xD Yeah, that battle is super though. You have to keep yourself buffed, to nerf enemy minions (since boss is immune), and to time you guards right so he doesn't just one shot you xD Ah yes, i remember that xD Before they made everyone, mobs including, immune to it and added a huge AT Delay to it haha
  4. In Sky even with SPD +50% boost (of which there was no AOE art, only single target! There was an enemy SPD -50% nerf Aoe art though, and that was a must in every battle the enemy didn't resist nerfs), Bosses were still a bitch xD Here's a comparison: Penultimate boss in Sky SC has 185 SPD on Nightmare iirc, while your party has 70-90 SPD lol. While in CS Bosses are rarely, if ever, faster than you. that's one of the reasons, yes. I mean, look at the title of this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WMKtwbeYezU xD but not the main one haha. My fav. Boss battle is in Sky3rd though. Without spoiling, that one battle in Sky 3rd can be described as an allstar battle.
  5. SPD OP xD In Sky using Speed boosts were a most, since enemies were alooooooot faster than you, while in CS they are slower than you, and with Chrono Drive you just out turn them lol Every boss battle in CS1/2 except has been a curb-stomp tbh. is one of my fav. boss fights in the Series though One i get bored of CS3 music, i will just mod that one from the video in xD
  6. ....Serenes fucked up quoting again xD Also, i will get it on PC, not switch, so i can edit in music and get unlimited Bonding and stuff.
  7. Nah, has nothing to do with your posts, but with me hating CS2 and the fact that i am waiting for Crossbell translation. Not touching CS3 before playing Crossbell lol xD https://youtu.be/TTrV3HByCI0?t=768 watch this potato quality video. This was me, showcasing why CS is ez, even on Nightmare xD
  8. 0 AT arts bois... ngl i kinda miss Trails xD
  9. Trails is literally what i thought about while writing this xD 3H is already Cold Steel anyway, might as well go the full way
  10. That would be really really cool. Imagine an advanced Magictech society. Magic isn't just used for combat, but for everyday life as well. Transport, industry, healthcare... everything! Even how it effects politics! Imagine a version of our world, but 'magic'fied'. Yes, i would like that very much^^ hmm does Begnion count?
  11. So, i am part of a Kiseki Trivia games server, where we play Trivia games and stuff... and people there mentioned how Millium is a 'discount Neptune' close enough xD
  12. I haven't listened to Falcom music in a while, and i decided to take a peek at my old videos i did of cold steel now i am on a Falcom music trip again xD And i love how the video was Emma spamming Arts, Jusis being a Rally bot *cough* Noble command bot, Rean Chrono drive caster and Laura spining2wining
  13. I wanted to sell a game to gamestop one time >8€ me: nopppppeee
  14. I know a total of 2 people who recruited that guy, and it was a pain, just from watching. One of the most useless units series-wide
  15. That Illya isn't the Illya i am talking about. Even if i love Prisma and the manga finally got updated today after 3000 years 😛
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