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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. it's definetly on my list (along so many others), but a few months in. For now i will only be able to get 1 game for me and one for my brother/to play with him. Which are probably FE16 and Mario Kart/or Botw
  2. Will have to play 2 routes first to get Marianna
  3. Honestly, i can't see anyone except Dante for Smash. Surprise me, Sakurai.
  4. And ordered a Switch 😄 Soon ™️i will join the Edelwars 😄
  5. Banned for thinking her could win in LPW
  6. I see you fell in love with ex-evil waifu xD iirc there was a limited run of physical copies of it, but it should be over by now. *googles* huh, there are conflicting information https://limitedrungames.com/products/september-switch say it's production but their twitter say Pre-orders open until October 18
  7. 3v1, should be in the bag. I do remember Espeon being extra painful to deal with tho Edit: as expected, was a pain and almost took me down, but my faithful starter came on top at the end 😄
  8. In OG HGSS Red's Pokemon are in the 80s, with Pika being 88. Saur's level here is 90 Also, some of the mons in my team aren't obtainable in HGSS except through trading
  9. *opens a save file finished a few years ago* An interesting Situation i find myself in (Yes, this is a hack. And yes, my naming sense sucks xD)
  10. yeah, Without Pursuit you need 4+ AS with Pursuit 1 or 2 AS to double. Will of course need fine tuning and balancing, but anything is better than half the units being stuck at base for not having a horse or pursuit, or worse, not having any of these.
  11. I agree. And despite me complaining in this thread (well, it is a complain thread after all), FE4 and FE5 (and FE9/10... The Jugdral/Tellius bias is big with me xD) are games every FE fan should play tbh. And if you think i am being to negative over here i was gushing about FE5 and some of it mechanics yersterday in another Thread. It all depends on topic xD They could just use modern FE inheritance tbh. Or if we want to keep the pawn shop and old system without it being a total pain in the ass, make it so units are able to trade weapons they can't use for stuff they can use with another player without costing money. Ie Sigurd found a Staff and Ethlyn found a Lance, they can trade it without going through the pawn shop. Also, close allies, lovers and Thief should be able to trade normally. Like for example, if FE4Remake gets a supprt system: C - Support: Allow trading of unusable weapons B - Support: Allow giving money A - Support: Allow free trading or something along these line. Change it so those with Pursuit have a lower AS treshhold to double. Another thing i want from a FE4 remake is for it to use the big maps fully. The only chapters that truely used them were Ch2 and 3 iirc. Otherwise it's just small chapters tacked together with Parts being inaccessible for some reason or the other. I was super annoyed for example where i found out i couldn't send some of my units to help Silessia in Ch4 and so they were stuck at base while others moved up north. Make Big maps truely feel like big maps and not small maps tacked together.
  12. too easy. Is it hard to ask for a challenge without bs surprises? It's not like l went lunatic or something, but normal hard has bs spawns, and they spawn right in the middle of the map. Not to mention like GBA titles i find the 2 DS titles too lacking. Remakes or not, you shouldn't remove so many features.
  13. Also, let's not forget the whole jp Blacknight ''powder malfunctioned'' thing
  14. xD Imo, Final boss in Ys 7 is pretty fun, especially since you get to Ys 7 is one of the better designed final bosses in the series (nothing compared to Oath/Origin though) Wait until you meet Sponge of Life in Ys 8. One of the reasons i didn't give Ys 8 a 10/10.
  15. Here i agree with you. T776 is a super enjoyable game, but at the same time so frustrating sometimes. I wish the whole game was like the Manster arc tbh. Chapter 5 is one of my favourite, if not the favourite Map in the series for me. I love T776, that's why i want the remake to be even better. I didn't say they never appeared again, they did, but it was the exception. They appear in FE12 higher difficulties (and the main reason i dropped the game, the ambush spawns there are downright awful bullshit design), FE13 and FE16 maddening. I agree, yup, it isn't exactly fair, but at the same time it's an anti turtle mechanic. Would prefer if he worked like normal reinforcements though. tbf though, unlike alot of the stuff T776 has, including the 1-99 thing, T776 gives Vulneraries that heal all HP. Those can be used in case staves miss. Also, once your staff users get 10SKL that point is moot anyway
  16. A small warning then: Leave like a hour for the final boss. It's a 4 parter, while first part takes like 5 minutes, every other takes 10-20 minutes
  17. look, dude, just because ''there are other problems'' doesn't mean we can talk about this one. Only those before FE7. Since FE7 Ambush spawns have become an exception rather than the rule, thankfully. And that's the only instance in PoR where that happens, and honestly, by the time he appears you should be far far away from him
  18. well then, he can recruit me with the PRF as well xD
  19. Crosscode A pretty fun little action games with an Inn that was formerly a Pokemon Center and an optional Boss fight that is Sonic the Hedgehog. FE Hack - Vision Quest One of the hacks introduced at FEE3. I have been enjoying it so far
  20. I would say Will be Venus has more memorable moments in the game. Both are super amazing though. Hmmmm To change sig or to not change? And what characters to use hmmm
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