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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Yup! And the amout of (Re)Warps you can get in this game is more that all the warps you get in all FE combined together. There's even a Map that's build around the player having access to so much warping. I fucking loved that Map. Warping around like that is hella fun.
  2. i understood your 'no loss' as in 'no loss in anyway' not just Speed and Skl It's me being tired & nitpicky, probably xD anyway Can't wait for the textless version for that to have that as a Wallpaper
  3. yes, but he doesn't start with 0 STR/DEF does he xD
  4. And exactly how i used them, especially Finny Boy + Brave Lance But here are some Pics of PRF weapons you missed (Spoilers for character who join you) As you can see, strong Stuff xD Rescue/Capture in T776 halves all stats, not only Speed and skill 😉
  5. As i said, i love LOVE alot of T776 Mechanics. Sadly, it comes with alot of BS as well. I would recomend this game without a very small guide with hints due to alot of the cryptic bs it had. Like do you know the game actually punishes you sometimes for playing efficiently? Some Units with items/abilities only appear after a certain turn, and if you clear the map fast enough (and i am not talking about warp skipping here) you would've never known about them Ah Thracia's PRF weapons. Love them. Like every 3rd unit has a powerful PRF or something. Don't tell me you missed the Pugi xD
  6. Thanks! I am much better now that i turned it in, but i don't wanna see any stuff related it for a while. I had some pretty dark/negative thoughs the last few weeks. They are gone now thankfully Huh. I really don't remember ch4 being that hard. Lara could atleast survive a hit iirc, and you could rescue Leif & Co. before reinforcements pop up iirc. The key was protecting lara until she reaches there with some weapons. The reinforcements in that chapter honestly supplied me with weapons for like 1/2 the game iirc xD The truely hard part in ch4 is once you open the northern door. OOF. iirc 12 Enemy units was it? Armor + Mages? I see. I think you should've seen a spoiler free guide before starting. Will migitate alot of the Kaga bs.
  7. Thanks Thanks 😄 Thanks! I hope so, too, but i am not expecting anything better than a 2.0 (B to non german speakers). I can even imagine a 3.0 (C). Either way my Average will go down, the question is by how much. Tbh, i really don't care and i just wanna pass. The writing block was huge (like 10 hours document open nothing written huge) and i am really mentally exhausted atm and don't wanna repeat/deal with this anymore. I always hate documenting stuff anyway. Will try to find a x-mas deal then 😄 Understandable, considering alot of the Kaga bs it has. For me the postives and mechanics far outweigh the Kaga bs, but i can see where you are coming from. But not so early xD Especially since the Manster arc was my fav. in game, and i consider chapter 5 to be one of the best designed chapters in FE history. After the Manster arc the game honestly isn't that difficult, mostly. Alot of the difficulty comes from Kaga BS, ie. lack of player information and reaction time. It's Bullshit game design, and some chapters i was considering dropping the game becuase of the BS if wasn't so late game (looking at you warping and attacking same turn reinforcements), but alot of T776's mechanics i really love so i love the game. Could've done without the Kaga bs though.
  8. so a few month ago i started a FE4 randomizer, which i pick up again every now and then my personal Highlights by chapter 2
  9. Nice nice. Something to put in ''might pick up for xmas vacation'' list of games
  10. Worst thing about those 3 Weeks: I was THIRSTY for FE for some reason, and kept thinking how much i want to play FE xD I even kept randomizing my T776 rom and then see the stats of my units then close the game because i had to work on my thesis xD thanks 😄 how was it? Hype justified? Yup, was the news. Here's to another wave of ''can i start with this?'' questions in the fandom
  11. researching a rarely used method in a certain engineering field and apply it on systems it was never used on before Can't say much more than that due to secrecy and stuff xD
  12. Yup Was barely able to turn it in yesterday after 2 sleepless days and 3 tough weeks with a huge writing block But i somehow did it :D
  13. I see things changed while i was away hmmm Song with 3 in title huh... Does this count? XD
  14. ... i think i should do that... yeah, would probably help, i have no more itme for joking around and i need to go full serious mode for the next 3 weeks. After i can play as many games as i want and slack off on forums/reddit as much as i want. Interesting 😄 So a hybrid fighter with bad physical defence and a crit risk. Anyway, cya all in 3 Weeks, hopefully
  15. ...i think i should leave the forum for a while. My thesis is due in 3 weeks, and i didn't progress much with the documentation yet...
  16. So yesterday on Neppit someone posted Neptune from Super Neptunia holding Histy tome, and someone asked if Neptune could cast Magic with it. Being the FE fan that i am, i made this: Neptune Class: Swordmage Weapon Ranks: Swords A Wind Magic D Fire Magic D Thunder Magic D Staves E Light Magic S* Skills: Leader Aura: +20Hit/Avo to nearby allies. Histoire: The World's Tome. Gives access to S Rank Light Magic. +10 Magic, +20% Mag growth. Since everything is 3, S Light Magic has a 3 turn recharge time. Elemental Blades: Can use Magic Blades. HDD: has access to HDD. Grants Flight and Bonus stats/Authority. No Caps: Stats and Damage don't have a Cap. Pudding: Pudding Pudding. Stat Growth Rates: HP 75% STR 70% DEF 40% MAG 15%(+20%) RES 10% SPD 50% SKL 40% LCK 80%. Authority: 5 (HDD: 10) Supports: Nepgear, Plutia, Uzume, B-Sha, IF, Compa XD
  17. Because it's a new game on a new system? Because every other Ninty game improved? Because people are allowed to have improvements? Because people pay money for the games? Because with Dexit they should've atleast tried to add some features, and not cut away everything? 40€ -> 60€ is a 50% price increase. and even if it was 45$, 45$ -> to 60$ isn't a 25% increase, it's a 33.3% increase. Please, do your math. Going from 60 to 45 would be a 25% decrease, but not the other way around. Also, with all the cut features it should've had a price decrease not an increase.
  18. And they have no right to complain about anything they don't like or something? With Dexit major improvements should've happened, but all this game does is cut cut & cut more features with a 50% Price increase calling fans dumb doesn't deserve a mature response
  19. Gamefreak brought that to themselves when they said the main reason for dexit is better animation from the scratch. The fans have 0 blame. ''fans should buy games and shut up''
  20. It's kinda funny i bought a 3DS to play pokemon, and when i get a switch the only ninty game i don't want to get is pokemon kek. Then again, main reason why i want a switch is FE16
  21. did you see the reviews? 8+ Gamefreak will get away with everything
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