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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. because you can mispronounce his name as Wolf. What amount of bad luck do you need to get critted by the same unit two turns in a row, with a 3% crit and 5% crit respectively?
  2. because weebs think that's cute Did FE16 finally give me my Illya route?
  3. Here's the thing: Alcohol & smoking hurt the person who uses them, and not others (there's an arguement to be mafe for passive smoking, but there are enough non-smoking zones today. I avoid places full of smoke for example). It's in the hand of every person if they want to drink/smoke or not. However i can't stop someone else from shotting someone if they wanted. Not to mention smoking & Alcohol are for pleasure, while guns are mainly for killing. Your freedom stops when it infriges upon the freedom of others. atleast we agree that there should be some kind of control. Alot of people don't even want any controls. guns won't boost morale against heavy weaponry. If anything, it's demoralizing, since the military now can shoot you since you are armed, while killing unarmed civilians is usually a war crime
  4. Only Adol-san is the true winner. The price was... Blue haired Waifus
  5. Look at that arrogant boy thinking he's gonna win
  6. Banned for not following dimensional ethics
  7. I wouldn't call that moderate, at all. It's quite an extreme view if saving lives is not worth it. Also, Gun control =/= gun ban. There are some valid reason why one should be able to get a gun (hunting, protection of properity outside City, etc), but a normal citizen shouldn't be able to get guns that easily, let alone walk around with them openly in a populated area. And getting a gun should involve quite a strict process. A Very strict one. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KjlT4BME2aE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jgYJ5V2HYy4 Switzerland as an example. While it has many guns, those who own it have it because they were in the army (which is a mandatory service), and they are quite strict with their guns.
  8. Because they imitate Humans Why was this thread suddenly filled with FE16 stuff?
  9. Because female Myrmidons are amazing. Why are red headed fictional characters amazing?
  10. I can't see it. How can guns make people more willing to exert their self determination and political freedom? If anything, it limits it, as guns make make the Society more dangerous, and i am pretty sure i won't talk politics with someone i know might be carrying a gun, or participate in politics for that matter when citizens with guns can practically hold your family hostage. And if it changes, some guns won't be able to do anything. Unless the right to bear arms is expanded to tanks, rockets and Aircrafs, guns won't be able to do anything against a shitty government. Then again, i am just an ignorant non-american, who never understood the reason why normal citizens need easy access to guns.
  11. Because Lions are the lords of the Jungle. Why is sleep my mortal enemy?
  12. And War in mideast 5.0. With an ''apology'' a few years later after killing millions of people.
  13. Here i hope America bans Trump next year... but i am not so sure <.<
  14. From what i've seen (didn't play the game yet!) - Good Story - New gameplay additions and FE finally treating 'new ground' (like attacks aren't 1-2 range locked anymore, AOE attack, boss enemies with multipe hp bars so you can't oneshot them, etc.)
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