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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Well, The Total precentage of shares will be 100%, so... xD You can get Uni after Ch7 now that you have Lastation at 50%+. However you'll probably need to reduce the Lastation shares by quite a bit to get the True end xD
  2. Yup. Every Nep game has multipe endings, with R;B2 having the most (Pro Tip: when you play R;B2 get Conquest ending first 😉 ) yup well, i'll put it in a spoiler in case you don't want to see it
  3. Nope. Original VII has the same battle system as R;B games, although upgraded. Same same. Dunno if i will be able to get a Switch on FE release tho. I will try my best however. Also, do you know the True End requirements, or are you going for the normal end first?
  4. They changed it in VIIR, but i don't think it was well received. Didn't try it myself to form an opinion on it, as i only played the original MegaNep, which has an upgraded System of the Re;Birth games. But yeah, i love the Freedom this battle system gives you. To move around and do combos and stuff. I think it was suppossed to be more funny xD But for someone as normal and no-nonsense type as IF, Nepko's Randomness can be hard to deal with Yeah, IF is really really frail. I do remember her dying 24/7 in my playthroughs as well. Yes. Sony doesn't like Fanservice. They've been censoring games left and right. Even DMC5 got hit.
  5. And this is why i am kinda sad. I mean, a Myrmidon (or Swordmaster) without Vantage is just wrooooooooooooong. Why did that Skill go to Hero anways? Didn't Heroes typically get Sol? no Mia, Ayra or Mareeta this time around 😕
  6. >Hero genderlocked >Hero learns vantage No more FE awesome girl myrmidon? 😕
  7. And they remove em all the time, like the Mega evos you mentioned. Not to mention the amount of futures added is barely notable. Yeah, most games except Gen 2 and their remakes only have 1 region. Another feature, removed. Because Kanto prints money. The only things they added and kept were Physical/Special split and Breeding. Everything else might as well be nothing and gets removed. Honestly, all the mechanics they kept adding over the years is not even enough for an upgrade from one game to it's sequel. All of them put together. If the fanbase didn't just buy anything that has pokemon on it with minimum features in the game, we wouldn't be in the current situation. Why is it that every other Nintendo series evolves radically, while Pokemon has to stay the same? Why are people happy with the bare minimum
  8. did we play the same games? They've been the same for 20 years and people were always happy and bought the game like hotcakes
  9. It's usually that one in RB1. Also, there's a very useful steam guide for item drops and stuff https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=469482930 just ctrl+f anything you need 😉
  10. Don'r bother with the buyable ones, they're really too expensive and you won't need them during a normal playthrough anyway. Instead choose between Quest & Story drops
  11. Pegasi. Who doesn't like sexist horses with wings?
  12. Cavaliers. They are boring and meh and are just used because they have high mov
  13. Waganawa kyouki no Mad Scientisto, Hououin Kyouma da! FUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Later on Blanc becomes a pretty important due to being the only one along side Nepko being able to tank attacks, and her def buff is pretty useful, too. Then again, i was using fortify enemies plan Kore ga watashi no hisets! NEPTUNE! BREAK! Some are stronger then others and give more stats, so yup 😉 Especially in later RB games you should do it because the difference in Bonus stats is biiiiig
  14. DOPE. Seems like the games do try and make farming and crafting fun for you I wonder why no one told me about those features before when i asked about the games on the internet xD Thanks for the info, both of you^^
  15. Boycotting is the only way to show companies like GF that they fucked up. Just giving them money won't make them change anything since they see they can treat consumers like pieces of shit and still get money anyway. GF isn't as responsive to fan feedback as Nintendo (who lately has been doing that. Last Example: Mario Maker 2 playing with friends), so you gotta vote with your wallet
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