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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Depends on Game, setting, moment, etc. Like good old Prof. Oak says ''There is a time and place for everything''. I don't want to have T&A in a game about War & Tactics or in the middle of a fight *cough*Fates*cough*, for example, while i would be fine with Fanservice in non-serious games/moments. Also, fanservice should be not Cringey. Fates was really Cringey and forceful with it's Fanservice. Except for the Fact that she isn't Fanservicey at all? If we are gonna call every bit of Skin Fanservice, then people should complain about all the Leg that has been shown since FE1.
  2. You gotta hide Skin completely or it's literally an hentai game, according to some people.
  3. Just give me conquest tier map design and i will be perfectly happy
  4. Huh. Here's some hope they will come to Germany then. We have some big cons and events coming in the next few months
  5. Gaius not really. And it's much much less annoying the playing ''guess the weakpoint'', especially on multistance Mechas
  6. who needs to find weak spots when you can spam that evade/counter move? Bosses on Nightmare in Cold Steel die pretty damn fast. You don'T even need to abuse stuff to one-shot them. Cold Steel Nightmare is easier then playing Sky normal
  7. Falcom JDK Band. Although i am not a big fan of their newer stuff, the old stuff is 11/10
  8. Honestly, i usually hate silent MCs, with one big Exception: Adol Chrisitn, whose Adventure i have been following for 7 games, and thus, while being silent, there's a Character to him due to his actions, his Interactions with the World and the Characters Will Byleth be like that? Dunno, we will have to see. I just hope we don't get blank face during emotional moments ala Pokemon Sun & Moon. That was pretty damn annoying. Atleast he won't be Corrin 2.0 that way.
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