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Codename Shrimp

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Posts posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Finally got around to start the new Version. As fun as i remember it being :D I also noticed it runs smoother now!
    Just a very tiny complaint


    Why is it that fast for Unit Speed and Cursor Speed is on the right, and Text Speed on the left? It isn't anything major, but it was a bit confusing when setting up the options^^

  2. On 19.1.2018 at 4:20 PM, CatManThree said:

    It didn't have any sort of negative effect on the story nor was it really out of place. Also it makes a LOT more sense than the multi-universal crap that Fates pulled and doesn't require IS having to work with the very difficult subject of time travel like in Awakening.

    tbh, FE4 Gen2 story is miles worse then the awesome Gen1 story.


    ''Oh hey look, another Dragon!'' Loptyr is basically Beta-Anankos.

    8 hours ago, henrymidfields said:

    A pure stat numbers game like the GBA games (and especially Binding Blade) is something that should be avoided. This is especially considering how Fates Conquest's gameplay relied on other variables besides stats for chapter difficulty or character viability. Really, I say Fates Conquest's gameplay should be the standard for all new games.

    This. The Gba games are so plain and boring, and one of the main reasons is the lack of alot of things, especially skills. And so Far, CQ is really the peak of the series Gameplay-wise from those i played.

  3. 19 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

    I'd just prefer they have speed penalties like they did in Fates and Echoes

    This. Con is one of the things i really hate in GBAFE, especially poor Women getting screwed over. 

    I wouldn't mind Con if there was a Con growth, and one that isn't super low so units don't get -15 speed late game.

    The way Tellius did it is also fine, altough it screwed mages a bit over in PoR.

  4. 11 hours ago, Gemma said:

    the most important Ys related question:

    Feena or Reah?

    Reah, easily.

    On that note

    Toal x Reah >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Adol x Feena


    On another Note, just finished Trails of Ys - Light Ys 7 yesterday. Really really enjoyed it, and if it weren't for some little annoyances, would've been my fav. Ys so far

    Gameplay: I really like the Party system, even if the Ai was dumb sometimes, and love the skill system as well (altough it needs some polish), the game is still the super fast Ys we know and love. However, i really really miss jumping, and am not really a big fan of the Guard Button/Flash guarding, especially since sometimes you really need to mash that button like there is no tomorrow.

    Final Boss: He is no Galbalan, but he was still pretty tough & fun, however i am really super annoyed by the preset Teams in the Final Battles, and the fact that there is no saving between battles, so you have to do it all in one go. Thankfully you could still retry each phase alone. However i like that they made it like Sky3rd final battle, just needs a better execution

    Story: Oh Boy. Finally an Ys Game with some story Focus haha. It felt like i was playing Sky sometimes. Infact, the whole game is Trails in the Sky Trilogy condensed in one game (pre Prison Escape = FC, Post Prison = SC, final dungeon = 3rd.). Even tough the Story was predictable (except that the King's murderer was Scias, that took me by surprise, as i suspected PM so he can remove old town.), it's a start in the right direction. Altough i am a bit annoyed that it does have little connection to the other games, except for Geis.

    Tl;dr: Ys is moving in the right direction with that Title, just needs some polishing here and there (which according to alot of People is what Ys8 does... If we ever get to play it, that is. Thanks NISA)
    I will rate it a bit below Origin, so, so far

    Ys Oath >= Ys Origin > Ys 7 > Ys 2 >  Ys 1 > Ys 6

  5. Nisa, the company that does not stop giving.


    Man, am i glad i bought Ys no Kiseki mini Ys7 a few days ago. I am having a blast atm, and i really needed a Ys game to play.

    at those who are interested, i strongly suggest you go check out the older games, they are still on sale on Humble bundle https://www.humblebundle.com/store/search?sort=bestselling&search=ys

    There is also a demo of Ys Origin here: http://store.steampowered.com/app/207350/Ys_Origin/

  6. 8 hours ago, Harvey said:

    Something that always puzzles me in the series itself is the timeline. Now of course Ys is basically the books from Ys 1 & 2 but after that, no one mentions about them within the series nor is it even referenced in the games as the games often instead just show the two goddesses from time to time. 

      You played Ark and Origin, right?



    Ark has alot of references actually to both Ys1/2 & Origin. As you know, Origin takes place 700 years before Ys1/2. In Ark it's hinted heavily that Reah and Feena are from Eldeen race. There was all this talk about Emelas and stuff, too, and how humans who didn't follow the Eldeen wanted to use black Emelas. Also, Geis and Ernst are descendants of the same people Kishgal (the one who killed Yunica's Father in Origin iirc) and Epona belonged too. Also, in Ark you face demi-Galbalan, and iirc the game talks about how it was created with the help of black Emelas (or something). In Ys3/Oath you face Galbalan (and he has a Title ''Sinster Marauder from afar''), so even there there is some connection.

    Edit: Also, the old dude you rescue in the Tower in Ys1 is in Ark as well, and he has some stuff to tell, too!

    @Jedi please correct me if i am wrong, it's been a while since i played those games.

  7. 16 minutes ago, Iridium said:

    but at this point I suspect that that might be an inevitability, which... has led me more to generalized apathy than any kind of resistance. Apathy is stronger for these purposes, though, I guess.

    I feel that's the wrong mindset atm. Don't forget it was because of the fan campaign that Nisa had to retranslate Ys8 to begin with, so fan resistance is a must. Altough it may seem grim atm, i really really hope Trails stays with XSEED, and will resist (even if it's just posts on some inernet forums lol) until it's confirmed otherwise.


    On other news, just started Ys7 yesterday. I am really enjoying it so far, and i have no problems with the inclusion of the party system. Altough it isn't really programmed well (especially with how dumb the Ai acts sometimes). It's still good old Ys tho. High speed fast action challenging gameplay :3

  8. 1 hour ago, Jedi said:

    Napishtim in general is nice for newcomers I forgot to mention because it's kinder than most and has a mode that allows you to use items in boss fights.

    While it's true that's kinder because of that, the game itself isn't as good as the rest imo and may turn newcomers off, especially with it's clunky mechanics (and getting Teleport item waaaaaay to late). Also, all the lore stuff and references to other games will go over the head of the people who didn't play the others before it.

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