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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Not yet. Just a random gif i found online xD
  2. If no one uses that to sell their weed then we are in the worst timeline
  3. >Z is canonically a shitposter Takahashi, i want some of the stuff you are smoking
  4. >Lucky 7 explanation Takahashi wtf are you smoking
  5. Ahahaha I am planning some really fun stuff for next linked Ironman level - if my needed units survive until the others reach the checkpoint - but i promise you, it's glorious. I usually don't cook that much during Ironmans (as ironmans really make me play in a more safe & wary way), but this i am willing to try. Can't wait to show it and for it to blow in my face. Hopefully i don't forget it what i planned when next i play XD
  6. oh yeah i realize my hypocrisy - i defo do. I used to justify it with "less/part of my money rather than all of my money", but tbh, there's no avoiding them completely. And the last few months made me go "doesn't matter where my money goes, people will suffer anyway." Or as my brother told me "stop being an idiot, just get what you want" xD
  7. ye that helps xD yeah i agree with this - i just don't like my money going to people who make others suffer I only enjoy suffering in fiction But when my country and the country i buy a lot of stuff from directly support genocide, deciding to not buy stuff from a chinese dev due to similar reasons is defo hypocritical. I understand that. Doesn't make the guilt go away tbh, but at the same time it's not like i can change much lol
  8. -Backlog -I just finished a SRPG, dunno if it's wise to jump into another one directly -a more personal, and perhaps naive & very stupid reason...(a bit political)
  9. It's recommended to me on steam because i like Valkyria Chronicles, so... Maybe i should just bite THIS IS AN ORDER Def stonks up! Hope so too! Especially if i decide to get it - i am not sure yet xD
  10. Oh defo. It's also a SRPG, with a setting i am really into it. It hits all checkmarks for me honestly. Apparently the idle animations are quite fun - from baguette to basketball? xD yeah, but at the same time...how often are stealth missions done well?
  11. Many people i asked are really enjoying the game - and also say it's really fucking hard and you know how i am attracted to hard games. Biggest complaint i've heard is that the stealth missions might be too puzzle-y, but they are releasing a patch later today to make stealth missions also doable by combat if needed, since that is one of the biggest complaints players have. Unless it's something i super loved and/or plan to replay (like Engage, the Xenos, etc.), i sell games once i finish them and know i don't wanna replay them, and get more games with the money. Basically the money i get from selling flows right back into my gaming budget. It's something i've been doing since my student days, and still do nowadays. Other people get enjoy games cheaper instead of them collecting dust over here, i get money to enjoy more games! Even games i enjoyed i sell - only absolute favs. stay honestly. Ofc since me and my brother share switch games, we only sell after we both finish them, or the other doesn't plan to play them.
  12. Honestly, yeah i should get to it lmao. I have owned the game for years now and didn't play it yet XD Time to play, finish and sell like i just did a third of my switch library a couple days ago
  13. Hmmm Jefuty (20€), Star Ocean (40€), Tsukihime (7 seas) or Astral Chain (own) hmmm What am i in the mood for 🤔 Or maybe Engage
  14. There is one post game stage a well, but yeah that's it
  15. Welcome to Ballista Hell Seize to finish! ------ Welcome to 20x! I spot alot of treasure, but before we start... The Sisters promote! Lessgo! And seize to finish! Together we ride, friend! --------------- Welcome to a clusterfuck the climb to victory road! seize to reach Victory Road (checkpoint) of all units to lose, it was Maria......and Minerva yesterday.
  16. *Returns from UO and Fate coma* Hi OOF Wait a sec tho, we did have the rule that thiefs don't die with their linked units - does that apply in reverse? O.o wat Say.... Did i miss a secret here both in FE4 and Engage? It really sucks how they didn't use the Emerald version instead smh 7.8/10 OO... phew Deserved kiss Phew Losing Draug would've been really bad. It's the map that killed my RR Ironman them escaping down instead of towards Griss really does make this a bit easier Then again, with Fog and all, map doesn't need to be more difficult ---------------------------- This has been the longest i went FE-less in years. Let's see if i even remember how to FE xD Welcome to Chapter 18! Doesn't look that bad, but lotsa promoted enemies, and Enfeeble/Freeze Adventurers that scare me Before we start, imma promote Draug He get's bow access O: Lessgo We seize to finish! Let's do one more! Tiki time! Time to promote! Seize to finish. Aside from that brainfart with Minerva, it was smooth sailing. Sorry.... Checkpoint reached
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