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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Joo welcome back! Tbh i think a North-American team wining the copa might be more of a heresy xD But first, you need to beat the current football GOAT. O: These look really cool. Looks like a proper holiday town Yh Canadian friends of mine told me about it, and telling me i have to go to the winery near Niagara falls There's one caveat tho - i don't drink, on Doctors orders even xD That's what i usually. For example if something is 18.5 i round to 20, 32 to 34, 51 to 55, etc.
  2. so no horror 20% i keep hearing about? Yeah enough Trails with Ys gameplay
  3. *takes notes* o7 Also you have that nefty thing with prices not including taxes, right?
  4. >million >chump change that's one of the options in consideration yup
  5. I plan to. I hope in the next couple of years i can so my first visit to the new world (although it's looking like Canada might get first pass at his majesty the Emperor of the Shrimps) 👍 I just hope i remember by the time i go there
  6. >Yandere Swordmaster Was not on my Postgame bingo
  7. Bah, fuck that kind of thinking - do what you enjoy man. This whole "only kids do that" is bullshit that needs to die. >Weddings >No talking Hah! But well, if you focus too much on talking you won't have any food to eat as the weddings get BIG xD
  8. All good. I am always positively surprised by your love/passion for history and how you always manage to talk about in unexpected ways 😄 I hope you can find ways to channel that in a positive way in your life 😉 Also since i have one or the other arabic wedding i was invited to behind me, it can defo get pretty chaotic during food time xD (I don't mean that in a negative way kek)
  9. Well, i wouldn't call it rude, but well... Appetizers are a thing ya know xD This game feels like a well done main dish after main dish, exquisite even. But... well, i think one should've atleast enough time during main story to try every character for an appropriate amount of time and learn their tricks instead of leaving that for post game? xD I mean, tbf, atleast the game doesn't waste time with senseless filler and is short and sweet for those who want it, and i definitely enjoyed the 20h main story (and can recommend it if you want a sweet and short action experience) - i just think with the amount of characters the game has it needed quite a bit of more meat instead of leaving that (and the difficulty) for post game
  10. I feel like the game didn't even greet me yet xD
  11. RAWR Lessgo RUN RUN ABSOLUTE SHIELD! We got our own final boss dragon! Let's the dragon have their baby tantrum, we got a real fight on our hands! Run... RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Just another JRPG Tuesday kek Ultimate Technique! Let's finish this! ayy LET'S GO BAHAMUT! GG no Re Literally a ship even closer? So it's not ok when the villains do it, but ok when we do? 😛 Well, that was GBF:Relink... Is what i would've said, but apparently the real game starts now, so i won't say much... I didn't even unlock half the characters yet lol. That said, fun action, cool characters, and story that's really only there to make the game work and as an ad for the gacha. The game really does work to interest peeps in the main game, but sadly for the game and fortunately for me, i don't gacha - but i can see why people like it. The characters seem cool, and the world seems interesting. Post game? ...would've liked it earlier, but sure lol
  12. https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/far-right-bids-power-france-holds-parliamentary-election-2024-07-07/ *PHEW*
  13. Group Pose before Final boss? That's very not capitalism of you BOND POWAH Y'all fight the small peeps, we will take care of Angra Mango Why does Salvation always look so ugly lol Get sealed, bitch. Oi Hey This is our spell! HEY SOMEONE COPYRIGHT STRIKE HER THIEF That's not a way to handle your son, lady. Never take her hand. Nah. There're 2 Bahamuts? Bro Also game jebaited me for the 2nd time making me think i am fighting the final boss lmao
  14. So that's how it feels to be on the receiving side of it 😛 A song of ice & fire
  15. Our Party for the map Some highlights: Even with Counter, Felicia needed support to be able to kill - also misses Galore. A Cool Lvlup! Corn can double with Felicia Pair up Got a bit heated there, but nothing i couldn't solve! I know i said this before, but this one is really a great starter map. And GG'd em! ----------------------------- Chapter 8 Corrin - Lvl 10 Class: Dread Fighter Skill 1: Pass Skill 2: Shove Felicia - Lvl 6. Restriction: Promoted Staff user. Class: Strategist Skill 1: Renewal Skill 2: Rally Resistance Skill 3: Dragon Ward Elise - Lvl 5 Class: Mercenary Skill 1: Camaraderie Silas - Lvl 7 Class: Sky Knight Skill 1: Strong Riposte Arthur - Lvl 7 Class: Ninja Skill 1: Rally movement Effie - Lvl 7 Class: Oni Savage Skill 1: Heartseeker
  16. M Nope Hmm I might gave him a Shining Bow to replace the Dstone. Sure!
  17. you don't need to think so much about it. Just have fun 😄
  18. Chapter 7 Corrin - Lvl 9 Class: Apothecary Skill 1: Poison Strike Felicia - Lvl 4. Restriction: Promoted Staff user! Class: Hoshidan Noble Skill 1: Counter Skill 2: Miracle
  19. Hi everyone! This is a playthrough i have been wanting to do for a while now - basically, it's a PME, with the twist being you get to edit my units before every chapter! Yup, you heard that right, i am about let y'all screw me over more than 20 times in a single playthrough! Here's how it's gonna go: I will tell you which units i am deploying, and you will tell me what classes and what skills they shall have for that chapter and i will edit that in using a save editor - Do note that i can only edit units that i already have and not those joined mid map. Rules: Unpromoted units can get unpromoted classes, promoted units promoted ones. Special classes can go to anyone (beware gender restriction in that case). Lvl 1 unpromoted Units can have 1 skill, Lvl 10 unpromoted 2 Skills, Lvl 5 promoted 3 Skills, Lvl 10 promoted 4 skills, Lvl 15 promoted 5 skills. DLC allowed A units inventory will get changed according to their assigned class. If an archer get's changed into a Myrmidon, Bows in the inventory will get changed into Swords of the same level. (Ie. Iron Bow becomes Iron Sword) Changing a unit from a multi-weapon class into a mono-weapon class will give them a Weapon Rank buff and a special weapon (For example, If Corrin is changed into a spear fighter, he will have C in Lances instead of D Swords/D Dstones and get a Guard Naginata to replace Dstone functionality). Until ~Midgame, Felicia will have to be a promoted Staff user. The restriction will be lifted once my team starts filling up. To help myself a bit, i am using Castle/Visitor Bonuses xD I have the right to reject total Deadbeats! Only 1 unit per user per chapter I might put some restrictions depending on chapters Let's have fun 😄
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