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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Man I am still bitter about it...fuck english refs man. But Atleast, there's hope in the future again. I, like most peeps over here, had doubts at the start of the tourney, after the awful performances in the last 6 years...yet here we are, finally a world class team again. Yes, we went out in QF, but it was the 2 best teams in the tournament facing off in QF, and it was a match worthy of a final tbh. 2026 can't come soon enough, it's time for the 5th star and to take on Brazil's throne. But for now...GO SWITZERLAND.
  2. I actually don't xD I do have a wallpaper folder, which does have some witches, but i usually don't save images i can't use as wallpaper 😄 Hope you had fun with it!
  3. Well, Platinum did work on the game in early development Are you telling me they are not?
  4. Bringing a Mecha to a Magic fight again? Time to die! *defeats* ? what's going on? 😮 The cool factor in this game is PEAK. TIME FOR MECHA TO MEACHA COMBAT BWAHAHA WHO CARES ABOUT MAGIC AND SWORDS. PEW PEW PEW IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR- You have some ancient evil! We use the power of love to- SUMMON A FINAL BOSS DRAGON! This game sure knows how to one up it's own cool factor. WHO CARES ABOUT MECHA IMMA FIRIN MAH DRAGON LAZORRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR 😎 Some say cool peeps don't look at their own explosion, but if the damage is that high you can look while still being cool! ...but aren't the starts even higher than the skies? Both tbh. I wanted to post earlier today but forgot and Dayni reminded me xD World domination 😡 Love 😎 Or maybe the result of the whatsitsname Stone is cats? Fair xD Especially since the countries are on Sky islands anyway, or as the game calls them, Skydoms
  5. Outlaws? ey man, Dragon-kun, take it easy no need to Genkidama me! Really a shame you are a cultist nut What is she- Oh Finally, flying riding Technique! Summoning Snakes eh? Cooliu! Seems like a really fun character to play with! ....for someone who hates Idiocy she sounds like an Idiot lol OH BOI XD Something something Justice Even Sky Fantasy world can not avoid medieval woes Seems she can back up her arrogance atleast? xD Also she has 2 voices, a cutesy one and Tough one, ie. her real one xD Tfw you suffer from success so much your own descendants seal you sounds like there's more to it tbh lol Just because a cute girl is sealed away doesn't mean you have to free her, man xD Alchemists are cats? 4th Wall break. And Ofc the last bit with her cutesy voice XD ....why is there an airship under the castle?
  6. Society became more polarizing, and social media shares a big part of the blame for that Let me introduce you to BSW. Well, i wouldn't call them lefties honestly, but they did split of the left party...and share many points with the Nazis. Russia dicksucking, anti immigrants, etc. It's starting to happen in the EUP as well, however it took much longer than it usually does for lefties Project 2025 is some scary shit +1
  7. <.< They are just bullies who want to make themselves feel/look good, so they bully for "the right cause" Lotsa peeps of that type lately Many forget (or don't know), that without the center/majority we can't do anything. Like even if you dislike them, be logical because you need them <.< Except righties can unite under someone if needed (even if they hate each others guts) Meanwhile lefties: "2 lefties meet, they create 3 Parties"
  8. I want HQ to use as Wallpaper And lol Alear looking like a murder psycho kek Ye There's no ethical consumption under capitalism, especially in America where everything you do gives money the one place that doesn't need any. And don't attack the people who you are trying to join your cause. The Mother wants to relax from a shitty life, don't jump her lol.
  9. Oh 100%. Over here the Greens get shit on for everything even if they had nothing to do with it. It would help to not make sweeping generalization about something one can't do much about (like their gender or background). And to focus on more important issues that would be felt by more people. Lefty parties used to be traditionally parties for the workers/working class. Now the alt right is at it's strongest with that group. It's a sad state of affairs as the right and conservatives would do everything to destroy working class protection
  10. Not as much applicable but it's definitely felt, and one of the many reasons the left is declining among younger men, while the right has the likes of Tate to bring in young men, and much more successful on the net at attracting/fishing troubled young men. Just look at the topic of "Men issues" and how it's still looked down upon even in "lefty circles". So young men see the likes of Tate and follow them while from the left all they seemingly see is "Men suck". Add to that the not uncommon hate to the "majority" group and you get a mess. Doesn't help either that many modern progressives are honestly just conservatives with a progressive coat of paint. Close minded, follow what's told instead of thinking for themselves, polarizing views, attacking others, have separatist thinking, segregate, etc...but all in the name of the "right cause". Their mindset is the same of that of conservatives, and they get triggered just the same when they something different than what they used to or believe is wrong. A lot of western leftists came from conservative backgrounds and have done a terrible job at killing the priest in their head And yes, i know not the whole left is like that, not even the majority, but it's how the center sees it, especially with how bad the messaging and communication of the lefties is. Sometimes i honestly wonder if i didn't have the background i do if i would've fell victim to the right fishing as well.
  11. Quarter Final will be Turkey vs. Netherlands vs. Berlin Police Man what a fucking game that was. Wild. The best Ro16 was Turkey vs. Austria. Wew. yh got leaked a couple days ago And even then younger men in the US are also leaning right more than women, and many younger men there are also conservative.
  12. Turkey vs. Austria BOI If not exciting on the field, then 100% off the field
  13. This is not just a Korean thing (even if it's more on the extreme there ofc), but a worldwide thing. There was a worldwide study made a while ago, and even over here it can be observed. https://www.ft.com/content/29fd9b5c-2f35-41bf-9d4c-994db4e12998 In general, younger generations lean more conservative than we do. And this is more on anecdotal side, but according to an article i read a few days ago, Women aged ~20 prefer men aged ~30 because they are more liberal than those of the same generation, with many people telling similar stories about what's happening in their social circles, and how that pisses the youngsters off even more. Could also be just our generation going "Kids today smh" tho lol Kinda sad honestly.
  14. No? The US is out as well. Only Canada got to QF lol
  15. Sorry France atm: Well, you came right in time for the US' Ü
  16. o7 Sometimes a distraction is the best thing 😄 oho! The areas in this game do remind me of Xenoblade sometimes...and even the area themes do
  17. What's with these cultist shorties surrounding us? Hi? Ah An arrogant loli and her shota harem Stop watching and come down, i defeated your shota slaves already Her arrogance reminds me of someone I see, she's Swordsexual. A Fate character! >Noble Phantams Oh she's loli Gilgamesh! Fighting an endless Treasure of weapons Not even all the Swords in stock will save you now! Why you should always make sure to double tap your enemy. Now's she's gonna Sword rain us and... Enrage a Megazord? O: Wait, i have to... fight that thing? THIS IS SO FUCKING COOL JO! LET'S GO! LAZOR! >Overdrive OH WELL! Well, seems like we will have to fight guns with guns! BREAK! Climb? CLIMB! AND SLIDE! AND JUMP! LAST PHASE IS A GO! >OVERDRIVE Almost there! DON'T BRING A MECHA TO A SWORD & MAGIC FIGHT! THAT WHOLE SEQUENCE OF FIGHTS WAS SO FUCKING COOL JO! That sequence alone worth the 40 bucks. Absolute fucking Cinema.
  18. speaking about Uruguay, the US will have to play the best game of their lives if they want to advance today
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