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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. Enemies late game do have pretty inflated stats, but late game Engage weapons have really really high MT, and the skills you get access to need strong enemies or you will cheese through it. Only very few of my units have the pure stat power the enemies had, the rest had to rely on their kits to gain the upper hand
  2. Nah I've enough runs under my belt now to say that that is not really the case nor is Tiki needed. Stats in Engage are not that important when compared with skills, Emblems and Weapon loadout (forges/engraves)
  3. https://correctiv.org/aktuelles/neue-rechte/2024/01/17/geheimtreffen-in-potsdam-afd-mitarbeiter-bruestet-sich-mit-gewalt/ It's getting worse Oh god it's getting worse AAAAAAAA
  4. Yes Especially early on it was quite a common complaint Especially from 3H fans Now there is: Skill access. Earlier unti + well earlier skilll access that can make them snowball Yes Could've used some more at late game, but other than that, the games does that part pretty well imo
  5. Well, Fogado and Timerra should've had special Wolf Classes. Lances/Bows + DLC wolf bite thingies 7 Mag + 25%/30% growth is not exactly magic oriented. In Engage itself you get better options, like Anna. On Maddening you need like 20 mag + fully forged Radiant Bow to one shot fliers late game - Fogado is never reaching that treshhold.
  6. Maybe could've had one before Lythos/Gradlon Bright sandstorm helps as well! Man Why is Fogado just a glorified Bow Knight tho. Solm should've went harder with the wolf stuff tbh.
  7. Shoujo/Otome Prince. Alfred is very popular in that crowd He's much worse tho, yes Here i disagree. As much as i was hyped about the Solm characters pre-release, they just kinda became an afterthought after, thanks to them just being smart and healthy while everyone else is different kinds of broken and has some kinda baggage. The Brodians and Elusians have the conflict with their each other, but also against their zombiefied fathers. Elusians arc goes into pretty late game when you retake Elusia. Both of these groups established their relevancy early and thus people kept viewing their supports through the game, with the Elusians even continuing for longer. Even Firene gets some breadcrumbs later on with Ch.17 and some interactions with their citizen - even if minor. You get nothing from Solm after ch.16 Many newcomers also probably had their teams ready by the time Solm came - big F. Although, all that considered, Solm is like the only place in the series where living seems feasible, they are too competent and & smart, seem like a varied bunch and i quite like their values lol
  8. I mean, popular Archetype, and "0 to hero" status Same as Sword ladies - also unique class in being a Footie lancer - we don't get that often Although that applies to Timerra as well tbf - but she's from Engage. fair But also, we did get alot of "Engage gives you too many units complaints"
  9. Aside from reaching meme status, who exactly has those problems (and is not some kind of a populat trope, like shoujo prince or swordgirl) and is popular in the series Talked about that above And But directly assuming racism is lowkey ๐Ÿคจ I would've maybe agreed with you if dark skinned characters weren't usually more on the popular side in anime
  10. Now that, if true, can be explained by racism yes, or atleast is pretty sus. But the racism card should not be used willy-nilly Hey, never disagreed with that. But that should also include people who go something along the lines of "we have to teach them our superior cultural ways" when they see something they dislike And as sad as it is, it's not just a right problem Yes, but the relations and history are quite different. Discrimination is there, again not denying that, but the whole "black vs. White" (or color relations) is a pretty US centric view that has been imported over to the old world with only negative result. Not justifying anything here. It's not only twitter. I don't even go on twitter that much since i don't have one, but stuff does spread elsewhere on the net and create waves. Also, i am talking about real life friends here, not twitter. I'd rather have that, or even discussions about what the work is trying to say (political or otherwise) rather than talk about the Author's political or rl views through their work - and calling them names because of that. And everyone twists that to fit their own narrative.
  11. And nothing wrong with that ๐Ÿ˜‰ Oh it is. It absolutely is But i don't think solving it using "western methods" is the right way, as they a different way of living than we do. Oh yes But will the pushback and it being used as a gateway to far right rethoric exist if the whole thing wasn't a problem made of nothing to begin with? If the representation development was more, for the lack of better term, "natural" instead of feeling really forced, wouldn't it have been better? To clarify, i am not saying "representation bad", far from it. But when i am into a story/media product, and something takes me out of it for the sake of "representation" - and this happens quite often - it's quite irksome, feels very forced and i just feel pretty annoyed at the end. I will never go far right for it - i can't even stand "moderate" right most of the time - but i can see why those unhappy with their lives, the young and the vulnerable can fall into a rabbit hole because of that. I've seen it happen. I've talked with people about it. I have foreigner (!) friends complaining, in their own words not mine, about "companies only caring about woke bs instead of delivering a good product". (Not that being foreign absolves them of racism or discriminatory thinking, but i think you get the idea, they are suppossed to be some of the people we reach with this whole thing, yet it's backfiring) It becomes even worse when said product is exported elsewhere and then censored, like in china or saudi. Suddenly all the ideals don't matter anymore - total hypocrisy. A story should only be beholden to it's own setting and nothing else, imo. Just as relevant as anyone else's ๐Ÿ˜‰ Someone accused Tekken's creator of racism due to "lacking representation" That was his response Tekken does have a pretty diverse cast to begin with, so i dunno what the og tweeter was smoking. And sadly it's not just a single case... But what would 0 def Hortensia do with Ike ๐Ÿ˜› Now if Emblem fusion was a thing otoh...
  12. Yes In Engage? Most popular character (relative to other Engage charas anyway) do have more...aside from maybe Alfred (and he has Shoujo Prince power). Series wide? Engage's cast is already super unpopular Swordgirl go brrr
  13. Boo There's also Petra And that's why at most i just meme at "Kaga sexist" dicussions, as i massively disagree with this. I will post a kinda relevant pic from a shoujo manga i was reading: This kinda thought is quite common in jp and anime-related media, and their fans, and why they are fine with alot of the stuff in it. Racism has different ways and forms, in the way it's practiced and perceived. It's not the same everywhere. Funny enough i have a saudi friend who did tell me about it and the reasons/origins. Tl;dr: Tribals I have - People like me always will, everywhere. My friends, foreigners and different minorities allike, also have. When the topic of media rep comes up most of us see it as: a) Virtue signaling b) distracting from real problems c) straight up hypocrisy Especially when we see people very loudly fighting for media rep while minority rights are getting obliterated everywhere, far right is rising and no one is honestly giving a damn, it makes us look at the whole thing as a waste of time for people to feel better about themselves and ignoring real problems. Not to mention some act like they are entitled to representation, and demand it of writers/creators as if it is their god given right. There was the whole thing with Harada a while ago and that's honestly where i stand.
  14. Honestly, sounds like a reach. A big one, even if Japan has a racism problem yes, but dark skinned characters are usually not unpopular in anime related media. Heck, Dedue and Claude from 3H are pretty popular, even in jp. And let's not forget, despite their irrelevancy, they are a cool group with the least amount of problems, and seems like a legit cool & chill place to live in. You forgot she's the first. The OG. They always get special treatment Read an article supporting our far right in a language whose group would be the first (or 2nd) target of the far right, just to hate on another group spesaing the same language. Full of misinformation, bullshit and stuff taked out of context. I wanted to gouge my eyes out. The problem i see with such discourse is the following: * Forcing american/new world views on a completely different culture. Even if the problem exists (and it does, i am not denying that), coming from an outside view with no context of said culture doesn't leave a positive impression. The whole world is not the US (or the west). This just makes it all worse and make it all seem like meddling. * Massively overinflating the importance of media representation and conflicting what the creators make with their rl views. A very dangerous and quite frankly wrong assumption to make, especially in anime related media.
  15. Sometimes speaking multiple languages is a freaking curse. I can't believe what i just read wtf. And no, it's nothing anime related, it's politics and racism <.<
  16. Not the case in Engage, especially since others do get something later on - Solm Royals don't And by late i should be more accurate and say "relatively late" - compared to the other popular options Also Tiki is iconic
  17. My sympathies, beardsaint. I know very well gow that feels, since i am basically a vampire No, it's not. Before we go throwing racism accusations around at an anime poll, there multiple reasons Solm's Royalty are lacking in popularity: * Come pretty late * Out of all the royals, they are the most healthy and sane ones - that makes for less interesting characters * Story wise, the conflict early on centers around Brodia & Elusia - there's a reason their characters are the most popular. Solm is relatively unharmed, because they are the smartest country on the continent lol * No outstanding combat performance either - infact, their retainers outdo them quite hard * They don't have much going for them either. Alear & Veyle are the leads and centers of the story, Alfred is a classic Shoujo Prince, Celine has alot of baggage, Brodia & Solm Royals have their conflict, their fathers zombiefied & alot going on in general. What do Solm get? Fun & Healthy characters ig
  18. yh didn't expect DLC classes in a non-DLC map tho
  19. What are Jakob, Felicia and Gunter doing here They weren't here on the OG map.... Then again, I've noticed alot of the Paralogues in the RR do have some changes Lyn paralogue i am even thinking of straight up not doing until like the final chapter due to how BS it looks with the buffed enemies lol
  20. Pretty sure Citrinne has enough "Fuck you" amount of money to have a dimensional teleporter somewhere xd
  21. Rip Diamant, Brodia's throne will be ruled by a zombie killed to take out 3-13 Archer Not a big loss all things considered - and it was a calculated sacrifice to save Rosado and Chloe - still stings Rip Citrinne - someone decided to miss a crucial Chain attack - a misscalculation on my part i admit - but she was also the weakest unit in the squad, although her nuclear MAG will be missed for sure Did i let my guard down after Ch.17.... Also, nice thread, Beardman!
  22. Why does a positive & cute guy such as Rosado have such low Lck ๐Ÿ˜ญ Even regular enemies have up to ~10% crit on him, it's scary
  23. Then you haven't seen the worst yet ๐Ÿ˜› I'd wait, especially since the pics really are without context atm, or any proof that it is even him (from what i saw) Edit: she posted proof it's gim Not an excuse IF the allegations are true
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