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Codename Shrimp

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Everything posted by Codename Shrimp

  1. not Evo Arrange. Specifically, from the "we love Trails in the Sky" album Man, if they fuck this up they are idiots. This is honestly a very big chance for them to not only make old players return, but also get a lot of new ones. And the game already looks good. Just have good advertising - and maybe an English dub for the international audience. And Multiplatform is a must
  2. Yeah, let's clean the heresy in the thread Heresy gone
  3. I'd rather play CS2 again As much as i hate that game the music is absolutely stellar 😛
  4. Battle theme or we riot (I am saying that since Trailer is using arrange ost - just don't use Evo or let the a certain someone work on the music, Falcom...or pull a Gust and give us choices!) They were at the same height as airship as back then?
  5. NEW TRAILER Shrimp gashinda The Towers were that high?
  6. Well, on pixiv/twitter/skeb? Ofc their status has to be "commission open". The one on the top of my list sadly isn't open to commissions atm PRoblem is i wanna now write something before i sleep I have work in about 6 hours kek Can't wait for this in 3D TRUE ZEMURIAN PRINCESS JOSHUA IN 3D GLORY WOOHOO
  7. more like that i can't stop grinning although some cold steel thoughts do push forward to make me unhappy i push them right back and smiling^^ I have the desire to do a lot thanks to the Trailer - but i have work in the morning. Although i doubt i can sleep with how excited i am xD Also i got a really cool art commission idea that i think would fit Estelle & Joshua urging Seliph & Julia to join them - in the sense "We got our remakes, now it's your turn!" Another idea: Estelle & Joshua cosplaying as Seliph & Julia - in that order! Have a couple artists in mind - but will have to think about it. umu!
  8. Rare happy Shrimp, enjoy it while it lasts xD
  9. Joshua But also me But also Joshua I realize i am fangirling too much today, but let me have this. This is legit the happiest i have felt in a loooooooooooooooooooooong time
  10. aaaaaaaaairrrrrrrrrshiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiip TAKE ME HOME 'Nam Flashbacks Hey confuse will still work in the remake, right? Joshua always looking Oh no no no i am going down the rabbit hole again 🎵
  11. Estelle Stick in 3D 😳😳😳 Didn't Takahashi work for Falcom for a bit
  12. It's not action It's a hybrid system, where you can switch from Action on the field to turn based. All story/important battles will be turn based for sure (or have the bigger focus there). Basically cutting down on mon grind Watch jp Trailer or kuro gameplay
  13. Inb4 we get a full series remake Finally the other hot protag can be banged
  14. The fucking furball grew up in the 20 years aince the original How are they gonna explain this in lore? The Arts i mean - their advancement is part of the lore after all Also seems like simu English release might be likely as english pics show the old - XSeed- script. Which means atleast stor won't be fucked over ❤️
  15. So I wanna commission an Estelle art piece Crossover with FE Any ideas? Some ideas i have: - Fishing competition with a FE character (Diamant? Seteth?) - Cosplay - but who 🤔 AoT was worse Remember how i said "Rean not bad" after AoT ending lmao Ye I once had a 24 h session without the need of any of that? XD Hey i am the Sadist here!
  16. Does my sanity count? 🫂 It's not just the remake But also the shock... AND MODERN FALCOM MUSIC THAT DOESN'T SUCK - atleast in the Trailer Ye Unless it's gonna be AoT levels bad or something - but i also largely gave up on Trails so ...it was fully gave up about an hour ago lmaoooo
  17. Nope Or if yes - after they remake the whole Sky trilogy maybe lol. Right now i am only interested in Sky - nothing else... Well, and the final game in the series -will play that as well
  18. Estelle Bright after all 😄 who said i am gonna play that?
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