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Everything posted by Shrimpica

  1. Gen 3 + Gen 1 remakes Gen 4 + Gen 2 remakes Gen 7
  2. Give ninty a call, as Emmy said. Afaik in the US they should switch/repair them for free
  3. For example, non of the Pokemon games are there lol
  4. Meanwhile i am still doing the game list and got to the FE part probably the designs themselves?
  5. yes! Crafting would've been much more annoying without it, for sure!
  6. I enjoy the crafting doesn't mean i want to do it every single time xD
  7. I'm probably good to go as far as farming goes as i was visiting quite high leveld Areas lately. Now i just need to create the perfect Materials for weapons and Armor and then let Chimdragon clone them while i go get money from quests xD I already have the divine iron pieces 😄
  8. I could use that as a battle theme there, true! Thanks! As i said though, Night Domain will probably be not the next session. Need to craft some stuff lel. And by some, i mean aloooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooot. Gotta chain the best traits possible and pew pew pew haha.
  9. *crafts meme machine fixing item* Alchemy is amazing ain't it? Anything can come out of that oversized pot xD
  10. nah, it happens. To the best of us. Meme detector broken today, eh? xD
  11. I left the falcom fanbase yet the wars still come after me. Just got a ''good riddance'' and a ''i'm so baffled when a weeb bashing "harem" or "dating-sim" game when they played moe shit one like nep huh'' message on reddit. I am so tempted to join in again just to bash in some newbies for this ngl I doubt Atelier fanbase will be anything like Falcom or pre FE16 fanbase unless they do 3 more Ryza games or something.
  12. It's probably meme'ing on those who only play Ryza and nothing else xD
  13. Some Ike x Elincia Propaganda https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/64564171 https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/73455850
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